Okay, if you don't follow me, you'll lose me.

Sonoda Umi was also a little overwhelmed by her friend's enthusiasm, so she could only change the topic in a hurry.

Ah, for me, let's go quickly. We must see what's going on with the little bird.

Zhengzong, who was sitting in the cafe, looked behind him in confusion.

His amazing intuition made him feel as if someone was following him.

Masamune-kun, are you okay?

Nan Xiaoniao looked at Zhengzong doubtfully.

It's okay, I just have a strange feeling, as if someone is watching in secret.

Oh? I almost forgot, Masamune-kun is like this, but he is a weak man who is entangled by those strange girls. I am very powerful. When you meet those guys, I will give them a hard time.

Nan Xiaoniao seemed to have thought of the problems Zhengzong was facing at that time, and couldn't help but laugh mischievously.

Minami Kotori has always been in a girls' school, but she has never doubted that Masamune has always been entangled with another girl (Kasumigaoka Shiha).


Zhengzong felt that it would never be possible to explain his excuse at that time.

However, strictly speaking, it is not wrong.

In an instant, he put such a feeling of guilt behind him.

Then come and tell me your problem. If there wasn't a problem, little birdie, you wouldn't come to me.

Taking a sip of coffee, Zhengzong looked at Nan Xiaotiao and asked.

Girls are also affected by themselves.

However, under normal circumstances, in his current state, the area affected is not large.

Except for those ghouls who are particularly sensitive to breath, normally, as long as they have not been in contact with themselves for a long time and live far away from each other, the influence will be much weaker or not at all.

Nan Xiaoniao's current state is just like the state those poisoners were in before they tasted it for the first time.

A little embarrassed, looking into Zhengzong's eyes, Nan Xiaoniao always felt inexplicably weak in his heart. He wanted to explain but didn't know how to speak.

Okay, don't be nervous, I'm just kidding, haven't we been apart for a long time during the Golden Week?

Seeing the girl looking at a loss, Zheng Zong felt a little ridiculous.

Minami Kotori has very little experience in talking to boys. She just made a little joke.

This feeling really is.

Super cool.

No, it's my problem. As a good friend, I only know how to seek help from Mr. Zhengzong when needed. It was me who broke Mr. Zhengzong's heart. Let's go on a date this afternoon!

Nan Xiaoniao stood up very seriously, suppressing her shyness and spoke firmly.


Not far away, the sound of coffee being spit out was suddenly heard.

Then a female shop assistant went to check in panic.

At this time, Nan Xiaoniao realized what he had said.


She wailed and covered her pretty face, not daring to look at Zhengzong again.

Relax, relax, come and talk to me first about what is going on.

Zhengzong looked at the girl's performance in astonishment, but he didn't expect much.

As long as you have more contact with him and Nan Xiaotiao himself is affected, sooner or later he will be in your pocket.

A mere date is nothing at all.

In contrast, he was more curious about what would make the girl ask him like this.

You know, when we chatted through text messages for a long time, the girl was very passive and never took the initiative to ask him out.

Well, Masamune-kun, you should know that I formed a campus idol group with several classmates.

When he heard the key to the matter, Nan Xiaoniao ignored his shyness and explained directly to Zhengzong.

I know, I'm your number one fan. The little bird's dance is really great.

Thumbs up.

Girls with many talents are the best.

Zhengzong's current big goal in the first phase is to collect all the muses, so now the only contact point is Minami Kotori.

He takes it very seriously.

As for the big goal of the second stage, it is to watch the nine muses dance on the soft human body sofa composed of nine ladies.

Actually, well, just recently I was spotted by a famous designer, and my mother's side wants me to study abroad next semester.

Nan Xiaoniao said this, with confusion and pain of decision on his face.

Study abroad?

Yes, but I haven't been sure yet. I'm afraid that my friends will be sad, so I plan to wait until this LOVELIVE competition is over.

Nan Xiaoniao explained in a deep voice.

LOVELIVE competitions are held twice a year.

Once in spring and summer, and once in autumn and winter.

The first quarter of the game will be in the summer, and the results will be available before the summer vacation in July.

Zhengzong held his head, but he didn't expect that things that were supposed to explode in the future when Muse failed in the first game, this time Nan Xiaotiao actually came to find him.

Compared to the original route, where there was no one to talk to and had to end the game first, now Minami Kotori had someone to ask questions about.

The reason why I came to ask is actually a manifestation of the entanglement in my heart.

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