Poor Yukinoshita, after thinking for a long time, could only say this sentence.

On this side, Shizuka Hiratsuka, whose head was held down by Masamune and whose cheek was pressed against the door, was silent for a moment when he heard these words.

I also have a temper. What’s wrong if I can’t get married? Who said I can’t get married? I can live a good life!

This has always been a headache, but now everyone including Yukinoshita Yukino talks about herself like this.

Do you know that your head is already green now and you are panicking?

Turning his head, looking at Masamune who was still obsessed with his body at this moment, Shizuka Hiratsuka couldn't help but a trace of pride flashed in his eyes.

Then I will no longer suppress myself.


In the ministry activity room.

There was still a strange atmosphere at this moment.

After the rain subsided and the clouds dispersed, Hiratsuka Shizuka finally regained consciousness.

The whole person just leaned against the wall helplessly.

I don't know if the face is red from satisfaction or from shyness.

At this moment, Hiratsuka Shizu's head was also in chaos.

After her sadness eased, she sobered up and never thought that she would do such a thing at that time.

First, he stuns his students with a wolf-proof device, and then he still deals with Zhengzong just like the male protagonist in the novel.

The most embarrassing thing was that he was actually killed in a counter-attack, and ended up being completely humiliated in front of Yukinoshita Yukino. Just thinking of this series of things made Hiratsuka Shizuka die.

It's nothing. Isn't this good? You used your actual actions to tell Yukinoshita that you are not unable to get married. There is a man who wants to play with you.

With a proud smile, Shizuka Hiratsuka's behavior is a bit violent, but the look of this female beast who seems to have given up everything is really awesome.

In the future, combinations of threesomes of teachers and students are not out of the question.

How do you want me to meet people?

Hiratsuka Shizu covered her cheeks with her hands, almost going crazy.

Don't worry, Yukino is actually very kind. She won't let you expose such embarrassing things, so no one outside will know.

How do you know there won't be anyone!

Hiratsuka Shizuka glared at Masamune, only to find that his expression was solemn, and he immediately fell into a ball again pitifully.

Okay, okay, let me take you out somewhere else.

Zhengzong sighed, and first unlocked the locked door.

Then he moved forward directly, carried Hiratsuka Shizu on his back, and opened the window next to him.

Hurry up.

He said to him with a smile.

Then Masamune walked out of the window directly, carrying Hiratsuka Shizu on his back, and climbed up like a gecko, arriving on the rooftop.

The location was very coincidental, it was exactly where Shizuka Hiratsuka was held down and pressed against the iron fence.

How about it, don't worry now.

Zhengzong said as he pushed those who were at the exit of the platform away.

Are you really not a monster?

With a weak sigh, Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't seem to have recovered yet.

Yes, I am a monster. Otherwise, how could I satisfy Shizuka Hiratsuka, who is so demanding?

He replied with a smile.


Silently speaking all the way, the two of them walked directly down.

As soon as I walked down the stairs, I saw Yukinoshita Yukino waiting at the door.

As expected, the girl was waiting at the entrance of the aisle, looking really worried about Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Okay, you go first, I'll go see Yukinoshita, otherwise, she will be waiting there all the time.

Masamune said to Shizuka Hiratsuka, and then walked forward directly.


Silently watching Masamune walk towards Yukinoshita, the two of them talking and talking, Hiratsuka Shizuka couldn't help but feel jealous and sad in her heart.

It wasn't until I touched my swollen school uniform that I felt happy.

No matter how much you show off Yukinoshita, you will still suffer my consequences.

I said Yukinoshita, what are you looking for?

Masamune leaned against the wall and looked at Yukinoshita Yukino who kept tossing around in the activity room with a smile.

Of course he knew what a certain girl was looking for, but that didn't stop him from watching someone's joke now.

I'm just cleaning the activity room.

Yukinoshita Yukino's movements froze. When she heard the authentic culture, she didn't know how to respond.

Although she hated Hiratsuka Shizuka's behavior of not being able to find a suitable position and actually causing trouble in the activity room, she couldn't just trick the female teacher.

Oh, is that so? That's good. I thought Yukinoshita didn't know how to face me.

Masamune came over, pulled out a chair and sat down, looking at Yukinoshita Yukino who seemed to be still looking around for where the female teacher was hiding.

Why don't we know how to face you? Aren't we doing well?

Being choked by Masamune's words, Yukinoshita Yukino stammered.

It was obviously a drunken incident, but she sadly found that her mind was clear.

Thinking of his proactive behavior at that time, and then the previous cat coming to him with Masamune's clothes in its mouth, Yukinoshita Yukino felt as if half of her body was about to melt.

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