Zhengzong was the only one who chose to rest.

And many people around seemed to have the same idea.

Everyone was in groups of twos and threes, and the original sports activities were put aside.

Gather together and communicate.

We haven’t seen each other during the eight-day holiday. Many people are full of topics that they want to talk about with their friends, interesting things that they want to share, and they don’t rule out the possibility that some people who have been holding back for more than a week are planning to spend time in childhood. Play in the woods.

Even those who are still exercising are actually mainly for fun.

Seeing this, Masamune shrugged his shoulders and the selector walked in another direction.

He doesn't like this noisy atmosphere very much.

Sitting on the steps, flipping through his phone, Zhengzong didn't know what to do next, but he suddenly noticed the special situation at the football field not far away.

The football field at Nuovo University is no longer showing those guys from the football club doing running exercises to warm up.

Instead, there were two people surrounding the center.

One is Hayama Hayato, and the other is a very familiar figure.

Seeing this, Masamune also became interested, especially when he discovered that Miura Yuko and the sports department school girl were also there.

Can everyone please disperse? This will cause me a lot of trouble.

With a depressed voice, Yi Colorful Feather tried his best to push away the crowd surrounding the pair, and then loudly exhorted.

It's just that the school girl obviously didn't understand that blood and sex are both things that people value and care about, and now when it comes to guys like Hayama Hayato, it has been pushed to a climax.

Looking at the guy in front of him distressedly, Zhengzong paid close attention and obviously noticed that the cute and distressed expression Ishiroha had tried hard to maintain disappeared for a moment, and was replaced by a look of disgust.

Belongs to a very cute but interesting scheming girl.

At this moment, Ishiroha suddenly noticed that Masamune, who was sitting on the steps, was also watching the show.

His eyes lit up and he walked over directly.

Senior, are you just here to watch the show? Just ignore this matter.

The girl walked over step by step with her hands behind her back and asked softly.

What does it have to do with me?

Zhengzong was a little upset when he looked at this guy who was covering his sunshine, but he thought of today's idea, so he changed his opinion. How come it has nothing to do with the senior? You know, the reason why Hayama-senpai quarreled with that Matsuo-san seemed to be because he confessed to Miura-senpai like that in person, which gave Miura-senpai a lot of trouble. Arguing with other boys like this over a girl , that is a very good behavior, maybe Miura-senpai will directly fall in love with you.

The index finger dangled in front of Zhengzong's face to show that Zhengzong was thinking too much.

No, absolutely not.

Looking at this guy who looked like a little devil and seemed to be deliberately trying to cause trouble, Zhengzong shook his head and denied it.

Are you so confident?

Seeing Masamune's performance like this, Ishiroha didn't know how to express his feelings.

That kind of inexplicable jealousy made him feel a little panicked in his heart.

Because I'm very big, Miura can't get rid of it at all.

Facing the curious and probing gaze of Yi Colorful Feather, Zhengzong directly pulled him over.

The schoolgirl's hands are so small that it seems like one palm can hold both of her hands together.

So what about big hands... Bah.

Ishiroha was still a little confused as to what was going on, but when she saw Masamune holding her palm forward, the girl finally realized what Masamune meant.

I thought about the scene where I followed him there out of curiosity, and ended up secretly seeing what was going on between Masamune and Miura Yuiko. Then I realized something was wrong and didn't escape, and then I was pulled to play with Masamune.

She was so choked that she almost thought she was going to suffocate to death.

Forget it, let me help you take a look this time.

Masamune said to the girl, and then walked directly forward.

Do you all like to quarrel?

It was as if an atomic bomb had been dropped in the crowd. The guys who had been watching in a lively manner all fled as if a cat had seen a mouse, recalling the pain of being hammered by the authentic one. opened.


Hayama Hayato saw Masamune and said hello directly.

Ever since the last tennis club incident, the man had always thought that he had actually settled his grudges with Masamune.

You two continue to make trouble, don't worry, it's none of my business.

Hayama Hayato, who gestured at him and planned to continue to talk about the trouble Matsuo's in-person behavior brought to his friends this time, was also in a strange mood at the moment. Miura Yuko was following Ebina Himina on the other side. , the expression is also a little weird at this moment.

Look, after all the talking, it's better to just shake your fist and make things happen.

Walking over, looking at the girl sitting on the steps, Zhengzong said with a smile.

The girl who could have remained calm at first had a strange expression at this moment.

Yes Yes Yes.

Regarding someone's direct violence, Ichiroha rolled his eyes at Masamune, but the smile on his face was even sweeter.

For a football manager like him, it is great to be able to take over the first grade, but also if trouble occurs in the football department, it will also have a lot of impact on him.

By the way, Masamune-kun, do you still remember the umbrella you gave me? Miura-senpai was too embarrassed to return it, so she left it here. Let's go get it together.

Ishiroha said with a smile, and waved directly to Masamune. When he found that he still didn't move, he took a step forward, grabbed Masamune's palm, and then walked towards the activity room not far away on the other side.

The girl's smooth palm is now palm to palm like Zhengzong, and you can just feel the delicate smoothness.

Just at this moment of sudden intimate action, Zhengzong, who had attracted a lot of attention because of the previous incident, suddenly became the center of everyone's realization.

If it was the threat of force before, now she was facing the anger of him actually taking away the girl she loved and the gaze of a defeated dog.

I originally planned to do nothing here and enjoy the tranquility, but my original plan was suddenly shattered.

My lovely school girl, you are really going to find trouble for me.

Letting him pull him forward, Zhengzong said quietly.

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