Izumi Masamune has always disliked these sports. Climbing mountains is too tiring, and there are bugs, so it’s not much fun.

But here I thought it was hard to come here, so let’s take a look.

The choice of mountain climbing is decided by Liuli.

According to the girl's aesthetic subjectivity and consistent reliability, the decision is basically made based on the two criteria of safety and appearance.

And this time I chose Yangti Mountain.

The reason why it is called Mount Sheep Ti is not because it looks like a Sheep Ti. On the contrary, it was chosen by Liuli because it has a very good appearance and is as similar to Mount Fuji as it can be. It also has a name, called Ezo. Fuji.

It is May now, and although there are still some problems here in Hokkaido, it is basically passable.

The mountain is very wild, and there are no traces of human habitation. It is only the first stage of climbing, and there are already some signs of desolation.

However, Izumi Masamune relied on his own strength and did not worry, but continued to follow.

The dark green mountains and forests, the dark green verdure that you gaze down at, the tall and short trees that depend on each other, and the two white clouds on the top of the mountain that are like drawing boards are all extremely attractive.

Liuli opened her arms and took a deep breath of air. With a proud smile on her face, her eyes seemed to drift into the distance.

Seeing this scene, Masamune Izumi knew that this guy must be having sex with himself.

As a chuunibyou patient, in a special environment, he will always put himself into a special environment to think.

No need for Liuli to tell, Izumi Masamune could probably guess that the other party now probably thinks that he is an elf or something.

However, Masamune Izumi doesn't care about this kind of chuunibyou. As long as it doesn't affect actual problems, that's enough.

Just one week, naturally, this elf lady Wu Geng Liuli, who rarely brought him in, would not be satisfied.

So no need to say more, the girl has already jumped up and followed.

The further you go up, the more difficult and steep the environment becomes.

Occasionally, I will meet many passers-by walking in groups. Everyone seems to be in a happy mood. Saying hello to each other is considered a gesture.

After all, this kind of mountain that has not been fully developed is still a bit dangerous. If everyone is familiar with each other, it will be a lot easier for rescue in the future.

Of course, there were also many looks of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Compared to those who go out with each other's good friends, or form a team in a club, it is extremely rare for Zhengzong to go out with two beautiful girls.

Wait, two people.

Zheng Zong suddenly reacted and looked at Kato Megumi who suddenly disappeared on the other side. Zheng Zong fell into silence.

What is this? My Miss Kato, do you really not think about improving your problem?

After turning on his phone and sending a text message directly to Megumi Kato, Masamune breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Hui said she wanted to take a rest, so let's go first, or we can wait a little longer.

Masamune said to Ruri, although Kato Megumi has always been more reassuring, it is always not good to leave directly like this.

Even if the girl is actually used to the feeling of being ignored like this, Masamune is not stupid enough to ignore it like that.

Why, is it so uncomfortable just to be alone with me without the other girl?

Wu Geng Liuli raised her head to look at Zhengzong, and her gentle questioning words made Zhengzong tremble.

Things finally happened.

At the very least, here in Liuli, I have always been alone.

But this time, Kato Hiromi's appearance revealed everything.

How could it be, Liuli? My original purpose was to play with you alone.

Kato Megumi, and Wu Geng Ruri.

After a moment of confusion, Zhengzong decided to comfort the girl in front of him first.

No matter how greedy you are, no matter how unmoral you are.

Facing this girl who was the first to fall in love with him after her arrival, it was always difficult for Zhengzong to be cruel.

He walked forward quickly, then grabbed the girl's hands, holding her slender hands tightly, transmitting the warmth of her body.

Do you know? Masamune-kun, I have always regretted that I didn't solve my problem and didn't catch you.

Seeing Zhengzong sitting on a stone next to him, the girl sat directly on Zhengzong's legs without any scruples, turned her head around, and the two of them were looking at each other like that.

Rose-red eyes looked at Zhengzong like that, and the emotions contained in them seemed to be gently rippling, reflecting Zhengzong at this moment and the gorgeous mountain scenery behind him.

It was as if everything he said at this moment had nothing to do with him.

I like you very much, I like your meticulousness, and I like how pleasantly you get along with Hinata Tsumugi and the others.

He took a deep breath, as if to calm down the emotions in his body.

Even though her face is already covered with red clouds at this moment.

I knew there was something wrong with me, because I had an unpleasant personality and had many problems. I just wanted to wait a little longer and slowly change, but I later discovered that just those little moments of time had already caused problems. So many women notice you.

His expression was complicated, with regrets and regrets.

There is another thing Liuli didn't say, that is, if she hadn't discovered the problem of her desire for authenticity at that time, otherwise, it might have taken longer.

Zhengzong didn't know how to say it. If Liuli was really behaving like he is now, maybe, probably, what happened now wouldn't happen to him?

He himself is not sure about these things

But, I won't be distressed because of the past. I won't lose to anyone, even a bad guy like you who keeps attracting bees and butterflies.

The low breath swept away, and Liuli's eyes were bright, full of confidence and calmness.

Looking at the girl at this moment, Zhengzong just breathed a sigh of relief. This was the Liuli he expected to like.

Then you think it's my fault.

Feeling relaxed, Zhengzong also spoke in a relaxed tone.

Of course, although I have a problem, you, who is favored by the great Night Demon Queen, don't reflect on yourself at all. You go around messing around with others. Your conscience is really bad.

The raised head has a very high posture in the eyes of Zhengzong, but it does not have any annoying meaning, but is full of cuteness.

So my Night Demon Queen was also influenced by me?

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