I found that looking at your performance, there is nothing I can do about it, I have to do it first and then talk about it.

When she found out that Zheng Zong was doing it, the girl also smiled and jumped up with a smile.

Be careful and wait until I do it later.

Seeing the girl controlling the bumper car with great interest, Zhengzong couldn't help but remind her.

The authentic body shape itself is relatively large, with the beauty at the front and back, and the girl's arms have less room for movement.

Fortunately, neither of them had much clothes at the moment, otherwise the problem would be even greater.

A little monkey, and Hongmei seemed to have shrunk into Zhengzong's arms.

They are close to each other, sharing each other's warmth.

What fills the nose is the girl's fragrance.

It made his mind a little turbulent for a moment.

At that time, Kato Hiromi had not had time to play a few rounds after getting it, and the result was a tragic scene of Kato's car crash.

Now after so long, I finally got it again. This kind of thing is a bit exciting for Zhengzong.


At this time, the car between the two suddenly swayed. Zhengzong couldn't help but hold the woman down and looked to the other side. Sure enough, it was Wu Geng Liuli.

Compared to the two people sitting like this, the two smaller girls on the other side were squeezed into the same seat.

Then he bumped directly into Zhengzong.

Compared to the excited Liuli, Kato Kei's eyes next to her seemed a little speechless.

The first time he saw the girl's expression like this, Zhengzong also laughed.

Damn you, just admit defeat.

Liuli, who had been in a suppressed state since just now, seemed to have finally returned to his battlefield when facing the game, and now he was in a super comfortable mood.

Little girl, don't be too proud.

Hiromi Kato seems to be very excited due to her authentic support.

Female drivers, this is a talent and instinct written into the gene pool of the race.

Even if this is actually just an incredibly simple bumper car with basically nothing but a steering wheel, it can still bring out the feeling of speed and passion.

On the same platform, two people were running rampant.

Wu Geng Liuli, who originally focused on one skill and created various graceful arcs, no longer held back when she found that her most threatening love rival was so direct and reckless.

He rushed over to confront Kato Hiromi.

It fully demonstrates the fearlessness of the female driver, as well as her courage and astonishing momentum and strength on the track.

Poor other players were squeezed out of their seats, and there was also a little girl with a bright forehead who seemed to be frightened by this cruel bumper car, crying and looking for her mother.

And some other people, after seeing this scene, first wanted to curse.

Many couples who were still enjoying the sour taste of love were interrupted.

But after seeing the three beautiful girls on this side, my resentment became much less.

After all, people are visual animals, and they can't help but relax when they see something good-looking.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many makeup photos and other sorcery coming out.

The only group of girls who might still be resentful quickly lost their resentment after seeing Zhengzong.

Then they looked at the terrible boyfriend next to them with disgust. In a moment, the two female drivers not only knocked away other cars, but also ruined the marriage of the Wushuang couple.

For a moment, there was only the scene of Gogeng Ruri and Kato Hiromi acting recklessly on the runway.

Because it is quite an illegal form of operation.

In addition, both sides seemed to think that this game would determine the outcome, and everyone was getting angry.

I vowed to be the winner and return home authentically.

The bumper car was originally a bit dangerous, but it became even more dangerous as the two guys collided with each other full of anger.

Several times, Hiromi Kato jumped forward due to the inertia of sudden stops and movements, making people worried that she would fall into the field.

Even with the seat belt attached, he had to stand up for a long distance before being suppressed by the elastic force and bounced back directly.

You know, as a girl with mature development and tall figure.

Kato Hiromi weighs a full fifty-four kilograms, which is completely different from those smaller girls.

Coupled with the constant disputes with Liuli and the fact that the car itself was not very stable, Zhengzong, who was also in the car at the moment, was quite embarrassed.

Seeing Masamune's expression, Kato Hiromi felt a little guilty and wanted to stop, stopping her inconsequential argument with Gogeng Ruri.

However, he noticed that Liuli still couldn't stop, thinking about the pain of being left alone for two months without a single call or text message, and he also had some thoughts of revenge.

So at this moment, he continued to challenge Liuli, trying to decide the outcome.

And if this went on several times, Zheng Zong, who was watching the two women going crazy, also lost his temper.

You guy, why did you bump into this little girl today?

Stopping the girl's movements.

She was not like this when I saw her at that time.

So Zhengzong decided to give him an alternative lesson.

If a child is disobedient, he must be given a good beating before he can calm down.


Kato Hiromi, who was colliding with Liuli excitedly, was startled. She couldn't believe that a man dared to do this.

She has only had communication and contact with Zhengzong, and her own morals and persistence are quite high.

When she thought about being in such an environment where so many people existed, the girl felt like resisting.

It's just that the master battle itself is an opportunity to seize that moment.

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