Time off is always enjoyable, especially when there are good activities to occupy the time.

Zhengzong had already stood up early, wiped off Sagiri, who had played too late yesterday and fell asleep floating in the water with him, and threw it on the bed.

Then I came to Wu Geng's house, and what I saw was Hinata, who seemed to be always energetic, and Ruri, who was being dressed up by her sister at the moment.

Let's go.

Ignoring Hinata who winked at him, Masamune just smiled and invited Ruri.


The girl smiled and nodded, passing her palm over.

People always get closer through constant familiarity. After experiencing yesterday's celebration, Liuli still seemed to be able to feel the residual heat on her body at this moment.

For Zhengzong, many intimate actions are no longer normal.

The two palms were one big and one small, and the five fingers were clasped tightly together. Liuli couldn't help but put a smile on her face.

Even the annoying Kobayashi who took advantage of Zheng Zong could only gain the upper hand temporarily.

In the end, she was the only one who stayed with Zhengzong, and in the future, she will be the only one who will get married together.

Wu Geng Liuli had such thoughts and thoughts.

With her free left hand, she pressed the small bag across her body tightly. Thinking of the things she had prepared in advance, the girl's head seemed to be completely hot and broken.

After waving to her sister and telling her to take good care of herself and not forget to see Sagiri, Liuli followed Masamune out.

Walk out of the door and look at the sky.

It was just dawn, but it could already be seen that the weather was going to be good.

A perfect weather for traveling and spending time with the man next to you.


I spent a lot of time riding trains with Liuli.

Then we finally reached our destination this time.

Hot spring amusement park.

This place is newly built and combines the two attributes of a hot spring and an amusement park.

It never existed in District 11.

Later, an official from the Hokkaido Development Department suddenly mentioned on the Internet that it would be interesting if the two properties of hot springs and amusement parks were combined one day.

However, it unexpectedly received a lot of praise on the Internet. Seeing the opportunity, the Development Department directly initiated this project. Later, it also went through crowdfunding and finally made it real.

It can be said to be a very popular attraction.

The land in front of a large hot spring hotel was contracted and turned into an amusement park.

Led the hot spring on that side over.

Most of the facilities inside are the same as those in ordinary amusement parks, but at the same time, you can enjoy activities such as running in hot springs, riding a sightseeing car, a Ferris wheel, and so on.

When entering, you can choose to wrap yourself in a bath towel or simply put on a swimsuit.

Zhengzong and Liuli naturally chose swimsuits.

As soon as the two of them walked in after changing, they saw a huge crowd queuing at the door.

Everyone is in high spirits and full of energy.

Because there were too many people, that was originally done

Even in the crowded crowd, the two people suddenly became the focus of the scene.

Not to mention beautiful girls like Liuli, Zhengzong also encountered a lot of troubles.

He only went out to play with Liuli, but he ignored the most important point, that is, his own problem was still unresolved.

Facing the crowded crowd at the beginning, Zhengzong still protected Liuli for the first time, but he soon discovered a problem.

Because compared to the petite black cat who needs protection.

It seems that my side needs more protection.

Feeling the guys approaching him from time to time, and then blushing with shame.

Some are soft, slippery, some actively bump into them, and some make strange noises.

Although this kind of thing is actually very pleasant, and being surrounded by a bunch of female hooligans is even better, but if a few dinosaurs are mixed in, the joy will disappear directly and turn into nausea.

This is Zhengzong's mood at the moment.

This feeling of being treated like Tang Monk now is undoubtedly the worst.

Let's go, Liuli.

Zhengzong directly pulled the girl into his arms, then picked her up and rushed forward.

With Zhengzong's current strength, these guys were completely unable to resist and were knocked away one by one.

Someone looked over angrily and wanted to say something, but all they saw was Zheng Zong's back.

True, authentic.

The man's embrace, because it was just a swimsuit, was so direct without any cover at the moment.

This is probably the first time in my life, being held by Zheng Zong like this, being together so directly.

It's still like this princess hug.

Feeling the man's temperature and the constant heartbeat.

Liuli originally thought that she was already used to the authentic energy and would not be affected by it in any way.

At this moment, I felt that I had replenished my energy too much.

The full sense of happiness and the comfort in his body were too much for him to bear.

I feel that my visit to this hot spring amusement park this time is simply the best decision I have ever made in my life.

It can be so majestic and close to authenticity.

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