As the idiot among the four, Satania had not known Zhengzong for a long time at the beginning. After discovering that Zhengzong could easily subdue Gabriel, she began to call Zhengzong this way.

Well, hello.

Looking at the energetic little devil, Zhengzong couldn't help but smile and helped this guy sign his name.

Hey, it's just that Wei Nai asked me to come, don't be too proud. Well...

Gabriel's eyes were a little wandering, and he said to Zhengzong that what happened not long ago is still unforgettable even now.

He stood over in surprise and stared at Takatsuki Izumi, who was now pale and standing like a wax statue.

The aura on the other party was very familiar. She remembered that she had encountered him a long time ago when she and her sister came to the human world to deal with a ghoul.

You look familiar, you.

His eyes also became cold.

Although that kind of monster has been cured, it is still very dangerous, especially when he is next to a certain guy at this moment.

Although she hates him so much, he is also her financial sponsor, Jia Baili. No one can take him to heaven except her.

Looking at the two people looking at each other, Zhengzong was not surprised. The identities of the two people and the fact that Gabriel didn't directly shout and call him were things that surprised Zhengzong.

Until the end, Gabriel did not take action here.

After all, after the ghouls were dealt with at that time, except for the fact that their own power was still retained, they were already the same as ordinary people.

Even she couldn't do it directly.

Moreover, her sister Archangel Gael directly took action. Although Zhengzong was special, she did not believe that there would be a ghoul who dared to risk his life to attack someone.

Although she is kind and willing to use her own power to bring happiness to the world, if there are guys who dare to cause trouble, her sister will also tell those guys what the power of an archangel is.

After signing the signatures for Gabriel and others, Zhengzong still wanted to invite the four of them to come and join the celebration banquet.

Unfortunately, after seeing many things about Zhengzong one after another, although Wei Nai still regards Zhengzong as a reliable senior, she still can't help but be wary in some aspects.

So he declined Masamune's invitation.

Okay, Vinay, I'm going home to play games. You can go and eat by yourselves.

On the road, Gabriel, who was walking side by side with three friends, suddenly said.

Xiaojia? How long have you been here? You are about to go back.

Vinay turned around and looked at her friend in confusion.

It's nothing, I'm leaving first.

He touched his hair irritably and waved his hand. Gabriel had left directly.

Yeah, I have something to do, so I'll leave first.

With a smile on his face, Rafael crossed his hands in front of him, bent down and thanked him, and then disappeared, leaving only Vinay and Satania, who were staring at each other with big eyes.


Ah, I'm really sorry. I didn't notice it was like this.

Liuli kept apologizing at this moment. The girl just wanted to finish revising this side of the novel as soon as possible and continue to help Zhengzong. However, she did not expect that Zhengzong had already ended as soon as her side came back.

It's okay, the autograph session is actually very boring anyway.

He comforted the girl.

Ruri was too serious sometimes, and as for Kagurazaka Iris next to her, she just looked at the scene in front of her with a smile the whole time.

What can she do at this time, just smile.

I really have some understanding of the authentic methods of this guy, except that I am really too carefree.

But for a man to be able to do that, it's actually quite normal for him to be a little carefree.

Let's have a celebration party next, for this event.

Looking at Liuli who was still apologizing, she felt a little guilty as the female editor who was colluding with Zhengzong this time, so she reminded her directly.

Seeing this, Liuli could only nod, and then the three of them headed directly towards the predetermined location.

The city was still so lively at night. When we arrived at the hotel we had reserved in advance, the living room outside was basically full of people.

Everyone is drunk alone.

Under the pressure of today's increasingly difficult social survival and work, many office workers will continue to drink here to relieve their boredom.

Some people who have already got off work will stay here for a while, and then show that they are actually working overtime.

It can also be said that it is a special custom in District 11.

Zhengzong pulled Liuli and his female editor to his side with one hand at a time, and then walked towards the destination.

Liuli's face suddenly turned red, while the female editor just looked at Zhengzong with a half-smile.

As a qualified adult, she would not be shy just because of something like this.

Suppressing the floating thoughts in his heart, he looked at Zhengzong at the moment, seeming to ask if you wanted to hug him, to which Zhengzong responded without any concern.

Well, I can still drink.

Just as Zhengzong tried his best to pull the two of them over, he would inevitably encounter some situations on the narrow path of the box. As soon as he turned the corner, Zhengzong felt the smell of alcohol coming to his nostrils.

Zhengzong, who still had that unyielding voice and was about to say something, was stunned when he saw the person coming.

Xiao Lin? Why are you here?

The woman who was being helped out by the waiter also raised her head in confusion.

The other party was wearing a pair of glasses at the moment, his face was delicate and heroic, and he was wearing a khaki coat.

It turns out to be Zhengzong, it's true, remember to call me sister. Who did I think it was? Why, hiccup, did you bring your girlfriend to drink?

The woman held up her eyes that were about to fall off, looked at the two people in front of her, and smiled. If the other person wasn't a woman, he would be a bad salty uncle.

Kobayashi, whose specific name is not known by Masamune.

He is a college classmate of his aunt Izumi Kyōka. Like Izumi Kyōka, he belongs to the party that is urged to get married every year. The relationship between the two is good, so they are also familiar with Masamune.

Of course, the more reason is that Zhengzong took the initiative to communicate in the past. He once had the idea of ​​​​intercepting someone's destiny, but later gave up because the feasibility was too poor.

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