It wasn't sweat. Sweat couldn't look like that. I sniffed it and found a strange smell. It wasn't hand sanitizer or skin cream.

The five fingers are spread out with those shiny lines.

Sonoda Umi's body suddenly froze, and the wooden board blocked the scene under the table, making it difficult for people to see what was going on.

Could it be that Sonoda Umi's calm face suddenly changed.

Not bad, it's just what you thought. You should be very familiar with it.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at the woman in front of her, and she already understood her character in just this moment.

A guy with this kind of personality just needs to be a little dirty, and the other person will be gone.

It tastes very good. I'll share some with you when we first meet.

He made a gesture of covering his mouth with his palms and smiled.

Sonoda Umi took two steps back, Yan Yi looked frightened.

Although I go to a girls' school, in the environment of District 11, girls naturally know certain things through their ears and eyes.

This woman is indeed as bad as the little bird said.

It’s also hard for Zhengzong to be able to tolerate it like this.

However, these thoughts soon disappeared, replaced by the fact that I actually smelled it just now.

You, you actually do such a thing.

Xiaohai, are you okay?

Honoka Takasaka, who was looking at the scene with a cheerful face, found that her friend fell down with steam coming from her head.

Honoka quickly stepped forward to hold him up to prevent him from falling.

I can't stand it like this. It's really ridiculously innocent.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu glanced at Zhengzong next to him, his eyes searching.

Having been directly questioned by Nan Xiaotiao just now, the girl did not notice the exchange between Zheng Zong and the other two people on the other side.

She originally thought that this girl would be able to stand up like this. In addition to the incident of Nan Xiaoniao kissing not long ago, she always thought that the three of them knew each other on the bed.

In this case, it is obvious that he does not know him.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's expression was a little subtle.

Because I seemed to have really misunderstood people. I originally thought that everyone was the same, but it was my fault that they were like this.

I saw my childhood sweetheart being told that she fainted, and then said it was ridiculous.

Now even the best-tempered Nan Xiaotiao couldn't stand it anymore and looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu angrily.

Xiao Hai is not ridiculous! She is just shy easily. Unlike you, you are so good-looking and quiet, but there is no bottom line in what she does!

Nanxiaotiao looks authentic.

Mr. Zhengzong, you can't keep compromising. Faced with such a bad woman who only pesters you, you can no longer pity her. When you should refuse, don't hesitate, otherwise you will be even more troubled. Kindness It can’t be used casually.”

Knowing that the three of them could not defeat this terrifying woman, Nan Xiaoniao encouraged Zhengzong.


Zhengzong, who was in a happy mood because of Shiyu just now, is also a little bit depressed now.

Wait, what are you talking about? What is a bad woman? Badgering Masamune.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked stunned.

His burgundy eyes looked at Zhengzong, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Minami Kotori's idea is actually a good one.

Because of this unexpected incident, only three of their muses arrived. They were not strong enough to fight and could not make an enemy of the guy in front of them.

Therefore, it is necessary to mobilize Zhengzong's subjective initiative and let Zhengzong learn to resist, otherwise things will be very inconvenient.

It's just that the girl thinks very well in her heart.

But they overlooked one thing, that is, the lie that Zhengzong told him at that time was just to prevent Ruri and Kasumigaoka from colliding head-on.

Strictly speaking, he is still very interested in Shiyu's entanglement, and he has no resistance at all to Heisi Zhengzong.

By now, things are completely messed up.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu is so smart, many things suddenly became clear to her.

She thought the three people were related to Zhengzong, and then saw that she was looking for trouble.

So I felt quite guilty at first, and at the same time I was surprised that the three of them could tolerate the relationship with Zheng Zong, with disdain.

Then looking at Sonoda Umi's performance, I realized that the only real enemy was Minami Kotori, but looking at it now, things were still different.

Looking back on his memory, he thought of the way Nan Xiaoniao looked at him when he was taking Zhengzong with him, and why the three people looked at him with inexplicable contempt.

It became clear at once.

Fortunately, I was still compensating for him just now, taking huge risks and suppressing my body's reaction to satisfy this man's terrible thoughts.

As a result, in order to pick up other women, this guy actually came to slander himself and described himself as a guy who wouldn't let him go.

Then he caused the tragic situation of being besieged by three people.

This guy must have been laughing very happily at that moment just now.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu is really super angry.

The look he looked at Zhengzong had turned from cold to murderous.

This terrible man.

It's really irritating.

What the hell are you doing!

The voice of Kagurazaka Iris came.

Zhengzong breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the female editor who finally came over.

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