Yui asked for leave. It turns out she didn't forget to ask about me.

Masamune said as if he was very surprised.

No, I just found out accidentally when chatting with Miura. Don't think too much about it.

Yuigahama Yui is obviously not as open as her breasts.

Yes Yes Yes.

When chatting with Miura, you can talk about yourself, and Masamune believes in Yuigahama's evil.

Don't be too proud of yourself, don't think that I will forgive you, a big bastard.

Yui said shyly.

His eyes suddenly turned red.

At that time, I was still worried that the conflict between Masamune and Hiratsuka Shizu would affect Masamune, so Yuigahama Yui secretly followed him to the rooftop.

Then, outside the door, I heard the female teacher's voice change from angry to emotional.

For Yuigahama Yui, who has regarded Masamune as her boyfriend, this kind of behavior is undoubtedly a real face-to-face NTR, how can Yui accept it.

Looking at Yui's furious look, Masamune knew that the girl was really angry.

Yui is very ordinary, just an ordinary female high school student.

He has his own kindness and looks forward to his own perfect love, but he also has the same little temper.

It would be okay if it was a best friend like Yukinoshita Yukino, or if she had been taken over by Masamune herself, but when the two of them didn't have much contact with each other, facing Shizuka Hiratsuka, this kind of behavior he did openly with Masamune , Yuigahama Yui did not directly slap Masamune and leave in tears, which is already a very kind performance.

It's already very good to be able to talk to Lin'an well at this moment.

The girl is really nice, but unfortunately, because of this, Zhengzong is more and more reluctant to let her go.

Greed, this is the biggest characteristic of Zhengzong.

This is all my fault, but I didn't mean it.

Masamune hesitated, Yui was very kind, he could only start from here.

My body is very special and has a different attraction to girls. You should understand this, Yui, or it may be due to my own excessive secretion of hormones. Anyway, from the beginning, I have attracted girls' attention and attracted girls' attention. The situation becomes special.”

What's the meaning?

Well, for example, it's a mobile pill.

It's easier to understand the authentic one, and this kind of thing can never be hidden.

Yui was about to scold Masamune for his nonsense, but suddenly thought of the situation when she saw Masamune at that time, and couldn't help but remain silent.

Teacher Hiratsuka Shizu is in that situation. In order to prevent her from making a fool of herself, I had no choice but to take action. Otherwise, if the female teacher makes a fool of herself in public, her life will be really ruined.

Yuigahama Yui doesn't know how to evaluate this matter at the moment.

Because of this incident, I was very resistant to marriage. Because I felt that those women liked me because of my body, not because of true feelings.

No, no, that's not what I am like.

Seeing Masamune's depression, Yuigahama Yui threw herself into Masamune's arms regardless of her shyness.


Masamune asked, looking at Yui who was suppressing shyness in his arms.

It's so kind. Unfortunately, I'm a little opposed to getting married, but I'm not opposed to doing it.

I sighed in my heart, but the arms holding Yui became tighter and tighter.

Yui, do you really like me and are you not affected by other factors?

The best way to get others to stop paying attention to you is to make girls maintain a certain sense of guilt, especially kind-hearted girls like Yuigahama Yui.

Of course it is.

The throbbing in her heart was deeply suppressed, and Yuigahama Yui blushed but said extremely firmly.

Like is like, from the first trace of attention to the last heartbeat.

The morning sun reflected off the golden boy's face from outside, adding a bit of warmth to his breath, and he couldn't help but feel the warmth.

The moment he saw Masamune, Yuigahama felt that his heartbeat was getting faster and faster until it was about to jump into his throat.

Regardless of physical factors or any kind of influence, Yuigahama Yui fell in love at the moment she fell in love, and it was still love at first sight.

Then Yuigahama, give me some time. During school, I can't bear to ignore the girls who are influenced by me. When I graduate, right after graduation, I will give you a result and give everyone a result. As for now , let us enjoy life first.


Yuigahama Yui carefully savored the meaning of this sentence. To sum up, we have had a lot of fun in the past two years, and you should not affect me and other girls. I will make a choice after graduation.

I'll beat you to death!

Yuigahama's bright eyes widened, looking at this shameless guy.

He rushed towards Zhengzong like an evil tiger pouncing on food, and the two rolled together like this. How could the girl's strength be compared with the boy's? That angry little fist, to Zhengzong, was like a breeze blowing by. No effect.

On the contrary, because of Yuigahama Yui's Toko, her eyes widened at this moment, and she found that the two slender white legs sitting on top of her had separated slightly due to the movement, revealing her blue and white breasts.

The white walls under the light are not dazzling, reflecting a bit of orange light, falling on the ivory quilt, and the girl's skin is also that warm white.

White bed sheets and white nightgown, in this pure plain color, the scenery in the center seemed to be of another deep color, which made her slender legs shine with a dazzling luster.

Compared with Yuigahama's slightly distinctive dress, the actual interior does not have any attractive lace or hollows, nor any sexy elements, nor a provocative shape, but it is simple and plain. Like the little flowers on the roadside that can be seen everywhere, they are even more touching.

Yuigahama Yui, who was still reluctant to give up, noticed Masamune's appearance. Yui finally understood her problem. Her cheeks were already red with blood because of the man's shameless remarks.

She tried her best to hold down the hem of her skirt, hiding the scenery tightly, and threw the pillow towards Zhengzong.

You're such a big bastard!

Yui was angry because the girl had been taken advantage of by Masamune without realizing it.

Now since everyone wants to possess the female teacher and themselves at the same time like that, they must not let them see it casually.

The more Yui thought about it, the more she felt aggrieved. She thought about Masamune's poor teaching skills when teaching cookies. She thought about the time when their ears and temples rubbed against each other's bodies behind her. She thought about how he pointed his fingers in front of her and then While talking about how to make noodles, I thought of the time when he peeked at me just now.

Unknowingly, Zhengzong took advantage of him so much.

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