Don't worry, I won't attack you this time, but I need your cooperation.

Looking at the rosy-faced Ishiroha, he knew that this guy was in a serious situation and was not in a hurry. What he wanted to do now was to completely trample Miura's self-esteem under his feet.

Come here, hold your Miura-senpai's hands tightly for me, and I will give you a good observation class today.

Looking at the wide-eyed Miura Yuko, Masamune smiled and invited Isiroha to watch the match.


Ishiroha felt that she had to make it clear that she was not such a casual girl, but looking at Masamune's unquestionable eyes, the girl could only go by obediently.

I'm sorry, Miura-senpai.

Looking at the ashamed and angry Miura, Ishiroha muttered silently.

But their bodies couldn't help but twist together.


On the other side, Hayama Hayato, who was wiping his sweat and finally cleaning the tennis court, took out his cell phone in confusion.

Looking at the text message received above, the name displayed on it was clearly Miura Yuko.

What's wrong? Hayama?

Tobe Xiang looked over curiously.

It's nothing. Miura sent a text message. She said she wasn't feeling well and was going back first. We don't need to wait for her anymore.

Hayama Hayato explained with a smile.

As a member of the active team, it is natural to go to and from school in an enviable team.

So a few people originally wanted to wait for Miura to come back.

Unexpectedly, Miura just gave him a tennis ball and ended up never coming back.

Well, Miura himself has not been doing very well recently. He has been distracted.

Tobe Xiang had no doubts about this.

Because he likes Ebina Himina and adheres to the idea of ​​​​finding his best friend before finding his girlfriend, Tobe Sho and Miura Yuko have always had a good relationship.

Therefore, Hayama's attitude has always been ambiguous. In fact, Tobe Sho knows more about Miura Yuko.

With the decision made, the three of them left chatting and laughing. Next to them, Yukinoshita Yukino watched the movements of the three of them.

He said nothing in silence and looked at the sky.

The sky was cloudy, just like the girl's mood at the moment. Miura had left for something, so where was Masamune?

With such an idea popping up in my heart, I spat lightly and turned my head away from thinking about some terrible guy.

On the other side, Masamune, who had finished editing the text message, threw Miura's cell phone aside.

He looked at the girl who had no ability to resist at this moment.

People often cherish their first time.

There are many sayings, such as once born again, twice cooked and so on.

Then there are also theories such as the broken window effect. After seeing something that has been destroyed, Renjie will involuntarily want to do it again and so on.

Facing the second development, Masamune was pleasantly surprised to find that, apart from her complaining eyes, Miura Yuko's body had already shown her reaction very honestly.

After seeing such a thing, Zhengzong felt more and more that the goddess Zhang's words about the shortcut to a woman's heart were correct.

It can almost be said that the whole body is full of authentic kidney. I give this method 10,000 likes.

That is, classrooms, offices, and rooftops. Authentic successfully unlocked the achievement of the equipment room.

The large number of sports props in the entire equipment room also gave Zheng Zong a lot of ideas.

For example, I have heard about the famous Guan Erqiu incident before.

It's a pity that when facing Yuko Miura, this time she just gestured with the green tennis ball at Miura, and the poor guy collapsed and begged for mercy.

Zhengzong could only put down the tennis ball very generously and chose to go into battle in person.

After all, tennis is quite dirty, and he will probably never learn the tricks of the rich.

The only regrettable thing is probably that the way Isshiki looked at Masamune completely changed after seeing Miura Yuko's fear from the beginning, and then after she continued to adapt.

She was so scared that if she touched Zhengzong, she would become pregnant.

I am afraid that if I am not careful, I will become untouchable by Zhengzong's behavior.

I am actually a very fair person. Although Miura is not very cooperative this time, because you are still working hard, I will take pity on you once and delete a photo.

Looking at the confused look in Miura's eyes at this moment, Miura suddenly showed joy, and then looked happy but couldn't believe it. Masamune sneered in his heart. Sure enough, for a guy like Miura, it is far better to be tough with a direct attitude than to say nice things gently. Quite a few.

In front of Miura, he directly promised, and when he found the joy on his face gradually appeared.

Zheng Zheng found the girl's mobile phone from the girl's sweatpants that were stuck to her knees.

Then he aimed at Miura.

Ishiroha, who was originally used as human handcuffs to bind Miura Yuko, panicked in his heart when he saw this scene. He had already lowered his arms and carefully hid aside. Watching the interaction between Masamune and Miura Yuko, he felt uneasy, but in front of his eyes. There was excitement in his eyes.

I have compromised so much, so Miura you should give me a gift in return, for example, use your mobile phone to take some more photos and send them to me.

Then there were a few more photos.

Seeing this situation, Miura Yuiko also lost the strength. At this moment, she could only put the jade on her forehead weakly, covering her cheek as if she was hiding her ears.

Isshiki, come here quickly.

After recollecting a few photos, Masamune waved to Isiroha.

The girl with blurred eyes had a flash of clarity, but looking at the authentic recruitment movements, she still walked over step by step.

Senior, I really want to trust you, but today you know too much, and then you still bully Miura like this. If I don't do something with you, I will still feel a little uneasy after all, and Miura. , will definitely resent you, as a senior senior, it is very easy to deal with a young man like you.

Zhengzong looked at the scared but vaguely expectant girl at the moment and analyzed the current situation with a smile.

No, it can't be done, senior, I'm still young, I won't tell anyone.

Ishiroha waved her hands in a panic. Although she was more afraid of Miura Yuko, a senior senior, she didn't want to end up in such a bad place.

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