Masamune put aside the scattered tennis balls he collected, turned his head, and looked at Yuko Miura, who had always looked dazed.

The girl's beautiful blond hair is still a little burnt and messy at the moment, which is the result of the competition with Zhengzong just now.

The clothes on his body were also dirty and messy because he fell to the ground due to those few movements.

Masamune remembered the last time he saw Miura Yuko in such an embarrassing state.

I remember that it was at this point in time that Masamune pinned Miura Yuko at the teacher's door, and then forcibly applauded Hayama Hayato and others not long after they left.

This was what it looked like when I took pictures when I left.

“If it weren’t for the photos, I’d leave you alone.”

Looks like looking at a paramecium.

It seems that Miura Yuko still has other ideas.

It's a pity that she never thought that if it weren't for the first photo attempt to cause trouble for Zhengzong, all the subsequent things would never have happened.

Tell me how you can delete the photos you took of me.

After repeatedly measuring the gap between them, Miura Yuiko tried to keep her mood calm.

Photo? What photo? I can't remember it.

Those are the photos, the ones that document your crimes.

Seeing that Masamune was still trying to act stupid, Miura Yuko couldn't help shouting angrily.

But there are a lot of them. If you don't explain them clearly, what should I do?

You are the one who took away my first photo, please hand it over to me quickly!

He shouted out loudly, giving up on himself.

Well, let me think about it, how about two and a half million yen?

Seeing Miura's appearance, Masamune stopped teasing her and said seriously.

Why don't you sell me out!

With her eyes widened, Miura Yuko looked at the man in front of her angrily. She didn't expect that this guy actually dared to raise money like this.

Although she is a member of the current deposit team, the situation at Miura Yuko's family is really average. In addition, she spends a lot of money on makeup, buying brand-name bags and other issues. Miura Yuiko doesn't have much savings at all.

In other words, the reason why a large number of female high school students choose to have sex is because they don't have enough support in daily life.

You can indeed sell it. For example, Miura, if you sell yourself to me, I can be your only employer, or 40,000 yen at a time. Come and pay two, um, once every day. Forget it, you can come to me whenever you call me. Well, you’ll make yourself vomit if you play too much.”

Masamune thought.

An ordinary assisted dating in District 11 costs 50,000 yuan.

Miura Yuko herself does not have the blessing of a down-and-out young lady, a lazy angel, a pure devil, or even a low-end ghoul.

However, her appearance is still very good, and her status as queen, which is the pinnacle of the King's Sovereign, can still barely add some points.

And it’s actually very comfortable to play, and it matches the authenticity very well.

As someone who has experienced it, Masamune must give a five-star rating to Miura Yuko's body.

So the authentic asking price is 40,000.

Yuko Miura works hard, dresses a little more coquettishly, and hooks up with Masamune more often.

Maybe you can make money within two months. You must know that the statistics just released the previous year showed that the average annual salary of ordinary employees was only around 4.4 million.

Miura Yuko made 2.5 million yuan in two months, making a lot of money.

What do you think I am, this guy!

A slightly more expensive gun mount?

Masamune waved his hand when he noticed that Miura Yuko's face turned red and seemed to be about to faint from anger.

I lied to you, actually I like you very much Miura.


Miura Yuko looked at Masamune in disbelief. The reddened expression on her face disappeared, replaced by a look of surprise as she looked deeply at Masamune.

Excellent academics, tall and handsome, and then he beat up a member of the football club by hanging himself, sent a bunch of people to the hospital and still kept himself safe, which shows that Zhengzong's own background is also very unusual, far higher than Ordinary students.

No matter from any angle, it is a suitable choice.

Just thinking about what happened that afternoon.

The man's malicious smile, as well as the overwhelming sense of oppression that makes one desperate and helpless to resist.

Miura Yuko's originally perfect life was completely shattered by the man in front of her.

Hayama Hayato, whom he had a crush on, always unknowingly became someone's ugly face when he saw her again.

Every sweet dream begins with a nightmare that afternoon, and then turns into a spring dream that shames her daughter's family.

In school, every time I see Masamune, the scene at that time seems to be echoing in my mind.

Miura Yuko hated her own powerlessness and her body's failure to live up to expectations, but she also hated Masamune even more for causing such a situation.

Are you kidding? You like me and you treat me like this? Masamune-kun, I admit that you are very powerful. I personally bullied Mr. Hiratsuka Shizu like that. At the same time, I pestered Yui so that she didn't know how to face you. , even that arrogant Yukinoshita has always paid attention to you. But I am different from other women, don’t think that I am the same as them.

He stared at Zhengzong coldly.

Miura Yuko must admit that Masamune is excellent and the girls around her, whether they are female teachers or female students, are as perfect as herself.

But these are not the reasons why she has to obey Masamune just because it didn't happen the first time.

And she didn't believe that Zhengzong, who could possess her so ruthlessly, would really like her.

It turns out Miura that you have investigated my matter so clearly. I am really touched.

Masamune clapped his hands. At present, Yui's side is probably aware of what happened to him and Hiratsuka Shizu, and then she has nothing. Miura Yuko can do this, which is really good.

If you don't want your perfect persona to be shattered, then just give me the photo obediently.

Before she could finish her words, the girl was pushed aside by Masamune.

I said, Miura, she is obviously a very beautiful girl, why did she suddenly become like this? You have to understand that this society has always been very unfair. If things are exposed, I will change schools at the worst. Things, but I can guarantee that your parents, your classmates, your friends, everyone will get a complete set of photos that you treasure.

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