Zhengzong watched the quarrel between the two people in front of him speechlessly.

Don't you remember that both of them have a slight form of chuunibyou? Even if they meet, they should get along relatively well, how could it become like this?


Zhengzong coughed and attracted the attention of the two people. Liuli's face was filled with surprise, while the Yamada fairy on the other side felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

He took several steps back, lost his balance, and sat on the ground.

The hem of the skirt was opened, and the blue embroidered white lily was revealed, without even knowing it.

Liu Li, go see the editor first, listen to her opinions and revise the novel. Then you can submit it.

Said to Liuli next to her, the girl nodded informatively, glanced at the frightened Yamada Fairy who sat down with a sneer, and walked directly to the other side.

Long time no see, the fairy lady who likes to play the piano naked.

Walking into the nearby sofa, the authentic old god was sitting on it. Looking at the Yamada Fairy who kept retreating and hitting the wall, screaming.

Why, why are you here.

It's no longer easy to speak.

After Yamada Fairy saw Masamune, he immediately thought of playing the piano at that time.

Because of the circumstances at that time, the piano got into a lot of water.

I didn't dare to call a lawyer to repair it, but as a result, most of an expensive piano was ruined.

Every time she sees the piano, the girl's legs will weaken.

Why am I not here? I am also a writer. You can call me Izumi Masamune.

How is it possible, how is it possible that there is such a young light novel writer besides me in the world.

The Yamada fairy covered her small chest, looking like the sky was falling and the earth was falling.

I can't agree with what you say.

He touched his nose with his hand that still smelled of Kagurazaka Iris nai. Masamune didn't expect that he would meet such an 'acquaintance' just by accompanying Liuli here.

That's why he quickly asked Liuli to leave first. After all, the matter at that time was still not completely resolved.

But I was also very surprised. Sure enough, I was right to choose a novelist at that time. It seems that anyone can reveal the background of a high school genius light novel writer.

At the very least, it won't be boring now.

There are still many talented novelists in this world, such as the young teacher Kasumi Shiko. Her grades are also good.

A guy with a combat power of half a million is not worth mentioning.

Completely unaware of Masamune's teasing gaze at this moment, Yamada Fairy said disdainfully when Masamune mentioned Kasumi Shiko.

Yamada Fairy has always believed that sales are combat effectiveness.

Kasumi Shizi didn't take it to heart at all.

Oh, really? That's a really bad view of cognition, girl,

Get up from your chair.

Taking a step forward, his tall figure directly blocked the light above his head.

Under the shadow, Yamada Fairy trembled all over.

Since sales volume is combat power, then I, as a combat power of tens of millions of copies, should also have the right to punish you. You actually look down on my teacher Kasumi Shiko like that. Such a disobedient child must be taught a lesson. .”

Not far away, a person was revising the lines alone, describing the male protagonist Daqie Dawu as a licking dog who followed the female protagonist Shiyu Kasumigaoka. With a skipping sound, he broke the pen in his hand.

Why, I suddenly feel unhappy.

Don't go too far, you guy. What does Kasumi Shiko have to do with me?

He waved his hands in a panic, trying to make a threat.

The Yamada Fairy is like a prey caught in a trap by a hunter, trapped and still fighting.

But Kasumi Shiko has a relationship with me.

Zhengzong likes this method of threats more and more, using the excuse of seeking an explanation for Kasumi Shiko, and then bullies the guy in front of him.

There is quite a way of enjoying the pleasure of other girls from the inside out on the pretext of venting your anger on your girlfriend.

This is my first time doing this kind of authentic entertainment, and I feel very comfortable.

Don't come over here!

Once again, Masamune was forced into a corner.

It seemed like he was reminiscing about the past scene at home with the piano playing and the water gushing like a spring.

Yamada Fairy waved his arms and stood up directly.

He ran forward as if he had collapsed.

Zhengzong also didn't expect this guy, this unruly guy, to run away like this.

He, who was blocking the opponent, was directly hit at this moment.

The two lost their balance, and Masamune just grabbed the girl and fell down.

His arms grabbed the girl's waist, but before they had time to feel the gentle touch, Masamune and Yamada Fairy fell directly onto the sofa on the other side.


The feeling of the bag came to my back. I don’t know what brand of bag Yamada Fairy bought, but it was pretty sturdy anyway.

Although for Zhengzong, even if he is cut directly, he can recover quickly from the injury.

But that doesn't mean Zhengzong himself has improved his tolerance for pain.

The only thing that makes Zhengzong happy is that the quality of the sofa prepared by Raijie Bunko this time is not bad. The bag sank directly into the sofa with the weight of the two people, so the pain was not too obvious.

Especially, as the two of them fell together at this moment, Yamada Fairy fell directly on Masamune. The dazzling blond hair just hung down on Masamune's face.

The girl's gentle breath hit Zheng Zong's body.

As a mixed-race person, Yamada Fairy fully combines the advantages of both races. Under her fair skin, she still has that charming aura.

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