Gabriel, who was originally looking like a salted fish, was speaking extremely seriously at this moment. His performance made Mai, who was already desperate, suddenly ignite hope at this moment. Maybe this guy is really very reliable?

Add another game year card.

God teaches us to put people first. When faced with a lamb in trouble, we must naturally provide a helping hand. If you need anything, just say it.

A glimmer of light flashed across his eyes, and Gabriel immediately changed his face to a smile.

Needless to say, Zhengzong could see the coffee shop owner in the back who was about to cry but was trying to keep a smile.

After Gabriel collected the money, he still worked quickly.

The three of them soon arrived at an ordinary apartment building.

Opening the door, Zhengzong naturally ignored the messy and unseemly room.


Watching Gabriel try hard again and again, trying to clear a clean space.

Masamune handed the things silently.

Thank you, thank you.

Looking at the blue fat chicken that Zhengzong handed over and placed everywhere, Gabriel's face, which had returned to normal, turned red again.

It's like Gabriel often comes to help Masamune finish things off, and has seen Masamune in many bad situations, so he can quickly calm down about the scene like Sakurajima Mai just now.

Zhengzong is accustomed to facing a bad dormitory environment like Gabriel's, and there will be no surprises at all.

The two of them were already very familiar to a certain extent.

After physically cleaning everything, put it directly into the cabinet on the side.

Gabriel, who finally vacated a table, took three cans of Feizhai Happy Water, opened one, and drank it, feeling as if he had come to life again.

Now let's talk about the two of you.

Gabriel is still very good at doing things, especially Fukuzawa Yukichi, who has a fat figure in her skirt that makes people feel happy, always reminding her that she must do things well.

First of all, it's your problem.

Gabriel looked at Sakurajima Mai.

Although Mai's symptoms of losing her sense of presence seemed unexplainable, it was obviously of no use to the angel.

I checked, and in my past information, this kind of thing seems to be called, well.

Gabriel took out a book from somewhere, which was densely filled with small words.

Xiujuan's words above make it impossible to imagine that this is the book written by Gabriel, who was once the top scholar in heaven.

Well, this is a special symptom that often occurs in adolescent humans. The overall manifestation is the ability to hear the voice of the heart, switch bodies, and other phenomena that are like super powers. It is also called middle school syndrome.

Wait a minute, what is middle school syndrome?

Zhengzong always feels that this word seems a bit strange.

It's middle school syndrome. A group of middle school guys suffer from a condition that seems like they have super powers, so that's what we call it.

Gabriel said expressionlessly, but there was still a smile in his eyes, as if he was remembering a familiar guy.

Second grade two.

The same goes for Masamune. Mai, who was still sitting next to her, turned her head dissatisfied, thinking that both of them were laughing at her.

Then how to solve this problem?

Zhengzong didn't forget to ask after he smiled.

I'm almost tired of playing bunny girls. It would be great to switch to a real-life super-popular idol.

Well, actually, it's quite nice when no one sees you. No one will notice you. You can play games as much as you want without being bothered. No one will care about what you want to do, and you don't have to skip class. It will be discovered, how wonderful.”

He glanced at Mai Sakurajima seriously, and after double-checking the girl's condition, he adjusted the non-existent glasses on the bridge of his nose and explained.

Masamune's face became darker and darker.

Sorry, farewell, I won't send you off.

He directly took the girl's hand and looked at Gabriel who didn't say anything at the moment. Zhengzong made a request directly.

Don't. It's my responsibility to save the lost lambs. How can you be so heartless?

He jumped over the table and grabbed Zheng Zheng's clothes tightly. If it weren't for the three open bottles of Coke on the table at this moment, Gabriel would have started rolling around at this moment.

Such a scene, on the contrary, slightly made up for Mai Sakurajima's previous rating of angels.

It's a pity that even this guy only took a fancy to Zhengzong, who had not yet paid the final payment, and his expression did not change at all.

This kind of problem is really difficult to solve, or you just need to make as many people as possible aware of her existence and believe in her existence.

It made the already very messy hair even more messy.

Gabriel said with a headache.

Angels cannot easily intervene and interfere with human beings in the human world. Clearing memories is only allowed when the other party discovers something special and will interfere with the operation of the entire world. It will not have any major impact on the fate of human beings. Impact.

The previous efforts to help Zhengzong eliminate ordinary people were already on the verge of being banned.

This simple treatment of one symptom has completely exceeded the limit at this time.

But if you let him exchange the things he has already put in his pocket directly.


Whistling to the outside world as if nothing had happened.

Even other game operators know that refunds only give back coupons, leaving things to rot in the pot. How could Gabriel put those things back?

Seeing Zhengzong not giving in at all, Gabriel could only try hard to think about what kind of way out there could be.

It is absolutely impossible for one person to do this kind of treatment. It is estimated that the subsidy will be directly deducted for several months or even years. It would be great if there is someone who is not affected.

Unaffected guy.

Gabriel's eyes suddenly lit up.

Then something came to mind. He took out a red flip phone and dialed the number eagerly.

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