It turns out to be our little Miura. Why did you invite me here?

Zhengzong looked at the woman in front of him, pulled out a seat and sat down.

You bastard, don't you have any consciousness about what you do?

Hearing Masamune's question, Miura Yuko's eyebrows seemed to rise in anger.

whats the matter?

Masamune is really curious. For a girl like Yuko Miura, who is in the live group, there has never been much communication between the two, so he is really curious.

Yui, you guy, you actually deceived her feelings from the beginning, and today you made her leave sadly. Guys like you, please die ten thousand times!

With no outsiders around, Miura Yuko was finally able to vent the anger she had suppressed today.

From the beginning when Yui showed differences towards Masamune, the woman had already set her sights on Masamune.

You don't need to worry about Yui and I.

He frowned and looked at the woman in front of him.

The other party's performance made it clear to him that Yui's sudden departure from school today was probably related to the previous rooftop incident.

You still have the nerve to say, do you think I haven't seen those things of yours?

Turning on the screen of the mobile phone in his hand, Masamune looked over and saw that he was eating ramen with Shizuka Hiratsuka not long ago.

The last shot is of him helping Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was drunk, to leave and walk towards the hotel.

I was eating there as well. Do you have anything else you want to quibble with now?

Folding her arms, Miura Yuko looked at Masamune as if she were looking at a filthy object.

Although she seems very domineering on weekdays, Miura Yuko is still a very good girl. After discovering that his friend Yui had his own happiness and love, he also silently sent his blessings.

But then everything changed, when I saw Masamune leaving with the female teacher.

But at that time, I still hadn’t figured out how to tell Yui.

Then today, Yui suddenly asked for leave and went home.

Others may think it is just an ordinary thing, but Miura Yuko, who is watching everything silently, knows the real cause of the matter.

At this moment, I finally couldn't hold back my anger.

I'll give you two choices, either leave Yui directly and stop pestering her and hurting her, or don't blame me for being ruthless.

Miura Yuiko shook her phone.

Although it is not stated explicitly, the meaning is very clear.

I said, Miura, have you ever thought about it, actually I still have a third choice.

Masamune, who had been silent since just now, suddenly raised his head and said to the girl.

It's a beautiful thought...

Before he could finish his words, he was already knocked down by Zhengzong.

what do you want to do.

Her body was suddenly pushed away, Miura Yuiko asked in panic, but the next moment her vagina was directly blocked.

He wanted to struggle, but the man had already come straight up.

Full of breath, the already weak girl has no strength to push away at this moment, and can only twist her body physically.

What do you think I want to do? Miura-san.

Masamune leaned close to Miura's ear and asked softly.

There is a faint smell of perfume on the girl's body, which shows her charm just right. In terms of appearance and fashion, in the entire class, there are really few who can compare with Yuko Miura.

You like to threaten people, don't you? Unfortunately, what I hate most is being threatened.

After hearing Masamune's words, Miura Yuko stiffened and looked at Masamune with fear in her eyes. She really didn't expect that Masamune would dare to do this.

The fearful eyes seemed to be able to speak at this moment, questioning Zhengzong.

Why not? I don't want to leave Yui, and I don't want you to expose things, Yuiko, so I can only do something else. For example, take advantage of everything I can before I am exposed.

Looking at the fearful girl at this moment, Zhengzong sneered disdainfully.

He can compromise in some aspects when facing the girl's temper and shyness.

For example, what happened to Yukinoshita just now, but this kind of thing that directly threatened him undoubtedly reached the limit.


Miura Yuko could only make a horrified sound, but she couldn't break away from Masamune no matter what.

Looking at Miura Yuko as if she were a poor little mouse that couldn't escape, Masamune's other hand had already gently lifted the skirt of the girl's school uniform. In Miura Yuiko's desperate eyes, he directly followed the skirt. Smooth legs straight up.

The piece of cloth with excellent material was directly torn open by Masamune, and then he picked it up and directly clamped Miura Yuiko's two wrists and pulled them up.

At this moment, footsteps suddenly came from outside the door.

A hint of surprise flashed across Miura Yuiko's face, but this surprise didn't last long. She actually heard a familiar voice from the person coming and going.

Ebina, have you met Miura?

A male voice came over.

Miura Yuko naturally recognized that it was Hayama Hayato's voice.

They were basically going to and from school together, but just now she made an excuse to ask the other party to wait outside, but she didn't expect that they actually found her.

I said, Miura, do you want others to see you like you are now?

Looking at this woman who seemed to be scared to death, Zhengzong asked.

Miura Yuko seemed to have just come back to her senses and looked at Masamune, but she had already stopped her movements.

Miura Yuko almost went crazy just thinking about her embarrassed appearance being seen by her familiar friends and secret admirers.

After everything calmed down, Masamune directly picked up Yuko Miura with his right hand, like a toy, and carried her and the two of them to hide in the corner of the back door of the classroom.


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