The maid hurriedly pointed to a location.


Hey, no need.

After Zhengzong said thank you, the girl felt surprisingly good and her head felt dizzy.

Hey, that's right.

The girl raised her hand. Due to the limited area of ​​the maid restaurant and the fact that all the staff in the store were girls, the lounge also served as a dressing room. Minana had just entered just now.

Seeing that Zhengzong had already pushed the door open and entered, the girl put down her palm in confusion.

‘It’s just a set of work clothes. It should be quick to change, just like a skill to change clothes. ’

The girl muttered to herself.

In the lounge, Nan Xiaoniao was changing into his work clothes.

Whether he is a high school sophomore at the famous girls' school Otonogizaka, a member of a muse idol group improvised by his friends,

She is still the mother who is the chairman of the board.

In theory, girls would not come here. Being a maid here at this moment is completely an accident.

Then she unexpectedly got the title of the signature maid Minalinsky.

This kind of thing gave the girl an unexpected sense of accomplishment.

Although it is very difficult to hide such things from family and friends, I still want to wear such a cute maid uniform. Just wearing it makes people feel very good.

The girl smiled slightly as she looked at this maid uniform that belonged to her signature maid.

I just don’t know, would it be better to design a performance costume in the style of a maid uniform and perform singing with good friends?

After all, Nan Xiaotiao also noticed the sound of the maid shop. As for Muse, she naturally hoped that it could succeed.

With her hands gesturing at the maid uniform that had not yet been put on, the girl gently raised her right foot, slowly raised her wrists upwards, followed the specialized movements, and softly sang the song she was currently training over there.

It would be great if they could be the audience to see the effect.

Nan Xiaoniao suddenly thought that it would be the best if someone could evaluate his performance.


The door handle twisted, the door was pushed open a small crack, and Zhengzong ran in directly.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw that one hand was holding the maid uniform, gesturing in front of her, and then slowly raising her wrist, as if she was like a white swan-like girl.



This was Zhengzong's first thought. He suddenly walked in and saw such a situation in a lounge.

And Nan Xiaoniao's smile was frozen at this moment.

Although I have the best idea in my heart that it is best to have a suitable audience, but that is not a man, what is going on!

Can a maid cafe still have a male maid?

Although the boy in front of me is quite handsome.

Take a deep breath, calm down, be sure to calm down.

As a female idol, there are many things that she will face in the future. When faced with such embarrassing things, you must calm down.

Why are you calming down? calm.

Could it be that this is the worst thing that could happen? Then he would be caught and threatened by the man in front of him, and it would be indescribable.

The girl screamed in her heart, thinking of a series of things, and her whole mind went blank. I just felt like the world was spinning. The right foot that was originally supporting me was also unstable at this moment, and I fell straight down.


The girl groaned and collapsed on the ground, unable to move.

Hey, are you okay?

Zhengzong walked forward quickly. Although the girl in front of him seemed to be a little out of his mind, since he fell, he still needed to pay attention.

No, don't come over.

Seeing Zhengzong approaching, Nan Xiaotiao seemed to have seen some savage beast.


He hurriedly backed away and hit his head on the edge next to him, making Nan Xiaoniao burst into tears of grievance.

Okay, okay, don't be nervous, I didn't mean it.

Seeing the girl like this, Zhengzong raised his hands to show that it was okay.

The situation this time is even more special than the situation at the Yamada Fairy's house.

With so many people outside, something could really happen.

I don’t know why, but I thought of something happening outside.

The first thing Zhengzong thought of was Kasumigaoka Shiyu's unabashed disgust and Liuli's disappointed eyes.


Smash it.

In order not to let himself embark on the path of committing crimes against the two of them in the future, things cannot be messed up this time.

Don't worry, I know. I just came to hide from someone, so I found a hiding place. I didn't expect you to be in there. Don't worry, don't panic. It's a good thing to have dreams, even if you are a maid. You should have your own dreams.”

Zhengzong squatted down slightly at this moment, maintaining a height parallel to the girl, so that she would not be too nervous.

Being condescending will always give people a sense of oppression, looking down and equal.

This is a necessary process.

Masamune recalled the teachings in psychology and tried to put down the guard of the girl in front of him.

Only then did he have the time to look at the appearance of the girl in front of him. She had long, smooth, flaxen hair and straight bangs on the left side. On the right side is a half-tied side ponytail and a bright green bow headband.

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