They exchanged their first kiss and first time, and then entered the wedding hall.

Thinking of this, the girl couldn't help but hold the quilt tightly and smiled silly.

When did you start to get used to such a bad situation?

A man was walking alone on the road, looking at the bustling scene around him.

The hustle and bustle of the world seems to be more able to set off the badness of the world we live in now.

If we say that a person's loneliness is divided into ten levels.

Then Mai Sakurajima felt that she must have surpassed the tenth level of the legendary eleventh level.

She still wore the eye-catching super bunny girl uniform, but the people around her still ignored everything.

It is a feeling of loneliness as if the whole person is independent from the world.

Mai Sakurajima walked aimlessly on the campus of Sobu High School.

I should have continued walking throughout the country, looking for the existence that could discover me and solve my problems.

But before she knew it, the girl had changed and chose to stay in this place.

Standing under the shade of a tree, not far in front of Mai Sakurajima, there was a tennis court.

Mai Sakurajima looked at the scene ahead.

A boy who looked very beautiful, so beautiful that she almost thought he was a girl, was panting and practicing tennis.

Opposite him, a boy with dead fish eyes was happily practicing with him.

‘That’s great. ’

The girl looked at the scene in front of her and sighed.

Even a boy with such dead eyes and a look of not to let strangers in can still have a good friend for baseball practice, even if the sweetness of the boys colliding with each other from time to time makes the girl sick and makes Sakurajima Mai envious. With.

In contrast, he could only watch the scene unfold in silence, as if standing outside the world.

Ignored by everything.

So you are here.

The voice rang in her ears, and Sakurajima Mai remained indifferent. Anyway, she had looked forward to it so many times, but the final outcome was to be disappointing again.

Hey, I said, you just ignore me like this.

The man's aura still had that huge power, and he hugged the girl directly.

This familiar power made him understand who he had met.

You're a guy who always cares about your own business. It's really bad to behave like this.

Sakurajima Mai's voice was calm, not as panicked as other girls when they were suddenly picked up.

The eyebrows and eyes are also so gentle and natural, but the slightly changed aura shows the girl's dissatisfaction at the moment.

Turn the girl over and put her on your lap, feeling the warm and elastic feeling.

Masamune smiled.

Being able to have a perfect girl in your arms during endless rest is indeed the life a time traveler should have.

I can't help it. I feel very sad when I see Mai-chan sitting pitifully in the corner and doubting life even though she has such a great figure and clothes. Are you feeling better now?

I was fine, nothing happened at all.

Seeing Zhengzong's smiling face, the girl tried to keep a straight face to prevent anyone from getting too proud.

But when he got to the back, he still couldn't help but soften.

Although I really don't want to admit it, my originally peaceful life has unconsciously had a shadow of authenticity.

He should obviously leave, but he stayed here because of Zhengzong.

Taking advantage of the characteristic of disappearing from existence every day, she quietly took away the man's things and snickered at his helpless expression.

Although in the final outcome, Zhengzong will often catch up with him again.

This guy who can appear inexplicably everywhere, whether in the library, the spare classroom, the sports warehouse, the rooftop, or the health room, and breaks into his life, has become the only change in his life in the past two years.

Joy couldn't help but flash in his eyes.

Then I felt the change in the man in front of me.

It's really bad, Mr. self-propelled cannon that never stops.

The tone was resentful, mixed with a little bit of shame and anger.

Whether it was the days when he was a superstar before he lost his sense of existence, or whether he was walking alone outside the world after losing his sense of existence.

The girl has never seen such a guy.

You can do whatever bad things you want to do anytime, anywhere.

Mai actually saw my true nature. I'm sorry. That's the kind of person I am. Every time I see Mai's body, I want to hug her and bully her because it's so fun. ”

I'm not lying, Mai Sakurajima is really fun.

Because of its own characteristics, it completely disappears from the perception of others, allowing Zhengzong to fully and safely enjoy the unlocked various scenes on campus.

Especially, the kind of nasal sound that even though you know that others can't see you, you still try your best to cover your mouth, but you can't suppress it, and the loud self that finally can no longer be suppressed under the stimulation of the authentic, and gives up on yourself. Let fly.

Watching a girl who was originally beautiful and noble, suddenly transformed into that, really gave me a sense of accomplishment.

The only pity is that no matter what, the photo cannot be taken of the scene of Mai Sakurajima at this moment.

Like my body?

Mai Sakurajima looked at Masamune with a teasing smile in her eyes.

He broke away directly from Zhengzong's arms.

Just like that, he stood in front of Zhengzong, swung his little feet, and threw the black women's high heels aside. Only the beautiful tui, which was wrapped in the black stockings at the moment, was held flat in front of Zhengzong.

How's it going? Do you like it? Do you want Tian?

Snickering like a cunning rabbit.

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