You can see the beautiful night view under the bright lights.

Izumi Masamune also walked out to rest.

The symptoms of lethargy in recent days have not improved, so I have to go out and blow the cold air to calm down.

Standing on the balcony.

it's very windy.

Although it's not snowing yet, it's almost there.

Izumi Masamune remembered that in the original animation, it seemed that the snow was about to start falling just when Muse decided to compose the music.

The white season is beautiful though.

It's just that he felt a little depressed for no reason.

After all, in the white season, there seems to be no good end for people like him.

So Izumi Masamune stopped thinking about other things and focused his attention on Tojo Nozomi.

This time the Muse Club chose love songs, and the biggest reason was because of Nozomi Tojo’s persistence.

Lord God, can we all continue to get together like this in the future?

The girl's sudden speech made Izumi Masamune stunned for a moment and then he suddenly realized.

This is how she would call them when they were together.

Because when he was looking for the idiot Satania in the past, Nozomi Tojo happened to see her.

It is also for this reason that Tojo Nozomi has a relationship with Izumi Masamune and firmly believes that he is the so-called God.

Tojo Nozomi is not someone who likes the tragic scenes of autumn.

Ever since I was little, I have been constantly changing schools and had no friends.

There is no one who can understand each other.

That's how it passed.

But this time, she couldn't bear it anymore.

I can't let go of everyone, I can't let go of the things that make me beautiful.

If she didn't have those, just for a while, the disease called loneliness would probably make her heartbroken and want to die.

Fearful and worried.

The more you are immersed in the happiness of the present, the more you will worry about the future.

Don't worry, none of you will leave, absolutely not.

Izumi Masamune also lost his intention to laugh, and walked forward and gently hugged the girl.

We have already reached this point, how could we just let go of Muse.

Every girl is the one he likes in his heart, and he is unwilling to let go no matter what.

If you are willing, everyone's universities will be together in the future, and they will also be at my place. Nothing can separate them.

Hearing the man's promise, the girl smiled lightly.

You know, why I insist on doing a love song?

He tilted his head and looked at Izumi Masamune.

The dark-hearted girl was smiling so innocently at this moment.

For her, the muse is a miracle.

For the first time, I met a familiar and favorite friend.

I met people who had the same idea but didn’t know how to contact them.

There are people with the same ideas, and Izumi Masamune has the power to connect everyone.

So she wanted to leave something behind.

Combining everyone's words and ideas, it is a song that is truly completed by everyone. I want to make such a song, use such a song to participate in the competition, and use such a song for Tojo Kirai at the last moment when he is about to bid farewell to his senior year of high school. A love song, as a final gift to the god who connects all of this.

This is the love song I want to dedicate to you.

Because of you, we are together.

He held Izumi Masamune for a long time and didn't want to let go.


It's a little cold, let's go back.

It's rare that he doesn't have any other thoughts.

Just like this, they held the girl and silently experienced the rare peace.

Until I felt the increasingly cold environment.

Although he was fine, it was still a bit much for these girls who go out in short skirts on snowy days.

Masamune Izumi persuaded him directly.

Ah? I thought you would have something else in mind, sir.

Tojo Nozomi smiled darkly, and then took a step forward with malicious intent.

A sudden change interrupted the originally gentle and peaceful atmosphere.

Especially Fei Xi's own talent made the atmosphere weird.


Hit her on the forehead.

Quiet this guy who wants to cause trouble.

Izumi Masamune pulled Tojo Nozomi into the room.

There was only the outside, the balcony guardrail that still carried the residual warmth of the two of them.

Well, no, I still can't feel it.

In the room, Honoka was rolling on the warm carpet, moving left and right without stopping.

The girls around her were already used to Honoka's behavior.

Holding Minami Kotori with long flaxen hair, she looked at Honoka's movements with a smile.

The other girls turned their attention to Izumi Masamune who walked in with Tojo Nozomi.

They have different looks on each other.

Okay, Xiaoguo, don't worry. When it comes to love songs, the most important thing is the feeling. The feeling depends on our imagination. In fact, there are methods for these things.

The feeling was profound, and Tojo Nozomi, who looked like a literary young girl, disappeared in an instant and said to everyone eagerly.

Eyes sparkling.

Dang dang dang.

Almost like the sound Tinkerbell made when she took out the props.

Tojo Nozomi took out a camera from her bag.


Please, please take it.

Suddenly jumped out from the side. He put the wrapped gift box on his heart with both hands, looked around, then plucked up the courage and lowered his head.

He closed his eyes as if waiting for judgment.

Koizumi Kayo handed the thing over and almost hit Izumi Masamune.

Oh, it feels good.

Half-bent, Nozomi Tojo pointed the camera and took pictures of the two of them at this moment.

It was as if the girl was confessing her love and offering her gift.

“Will this help with songwriting?”

Putting one hand on his waist, he looked at the scene in front of him silently.

Zhen Ji's body smelled like lemon at the moment.

Yes, this is very important. You must be able to feel it well.

But why a camera?

Holding out her finger, Honoka asked if she didn't understand.

Because it will create a more tense atmosphere. And after recording it, you can read it slowly.

Speaking of the latter part, Nozomi Tojo smiled and turned his head away.

The last sentence is the truth, right?

He looked at him with squinting eyes and disdain.

But Nico Yazawa was filled with envy.

Okay, okay, next one, Maki-chan, let's get started.

why me?

Maki, who was twirling her hands in her hair, turned her head and pointed at herself in surprise.

Here's it for you, don't ask any questions, just take it. Anyway, I'm not just giving it to you, so don't get me wrong.

With his right hand behind his back and his left hand holding the gift box, he turned sideways and looked full of heroism.

Perfect, I've seen Meow in the comics.

Xingkong Rin's eyes shone with admiration.


Masamune Izumi had to clap his hands.

As the recipient of the gift, Maki's tsundere was simply displayed vividly.

For the first time, Masamune Izumi began to feel a sense of urgency.

If Muse has been conquered by this time.

Now Zhen Ji can already hold her up and prpr her directly.

Hmph, don't be too self-righteous.

Looking at this scene with envy, Nicole, who had her arms folded, hummed slightly, saying that she could do better.

But I don’t know whether he is jealous of Izumi Masamune or Maki.

Then, let's try it too, Nicole.

Tojo Nozomi felt that the matter was not big enough, so he happily invited.

Huh, really, there's nothing I can do against you.

Izumi Masamune, as the training target this time, suddenly had a bad feeling.


The hair tie is pulled open.

Only one piece of long hair was worn down.

Ask me what I want, don't you know?

No, I'll be shy, so don't look.


Izumi Masamune, who felt goosebumps all over his body, shouted loudly to stop Nicole's movement.

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