There is nothing that cannot be said about this issue. Kristo pointed to the second metal box on the table, There is a paragraph in your appointment order that mentions the mission of Beatrice and other members of the outer temple in the Western Continent. But It's rather vague. I can explain it to you in another way.

Kristo said:

When you touched the chaos container, which is the black crystal, you must have known the technological route of prehistoric civilization, right?

Yes. Xia Zuo nodded, Prehistoric civilizations had many different technological routes, such as steam engines, internal combustion engines, atomic energy, etc. Although I don't quite understand the principles of these technologies, I think they should be related to energy. , related to motivation.”

These technological routes have one thing in common. Kristo took out a manual from his pocket and handed it to Xia Zuo. No matter which technological route it is, it all originated in the late Middle Ages. Before the end of the Middle Ages, Different technological routes have similar experiences, but starting from the end of the Middle Ages, prehistoric civilizations in different periods will embark on different technological routes.

Xia Zuo opened the manual.

This records the technological development of prehistoric civilizations in different periods.

Relying on steam engines and difference engines, prehistoric civilizations that embarked on the steampunk route would have developed a complete steam technology system within one or two hundred years after the end of the Middle Ages, and began to try to touch the stars. Due to fuel and boiler material constraints, their lift-off experiment failed.

The vacuum tube punk civilization that specialized in internal combustion engines and vacuum tubes performed better than steam punk. It barely allowed the spacecraft to reach above the clouds, but it was still far from low-Earth orbit and failed to touch the smoke surface of the Pillars of Creation.

The electric punk civilization is closer to Xia Zuo's previous life, with electric-driven electronic components as the core. It has naturally achieved modernization and informatization, and has successfully risen to the intersection of the stars. Due to the existence of the strange demon vanguard, the people at that time became the first batch of human beings to sacrifice at the junction.

Atomic punk mastered micro-nuclear fusion technology and created nuclear fusion batteries. This civilization used exoskeleton armor and miniature cold fusion reactors to become the first prehistoric civilization capable of confronting the alien monsters in the stars.

Biopunk, a prehistoric civilization that specializes in artificial meridians and artificial Dantian, and likes to install ancient martial arts prosthetics on the body, unfortunately was ruthlessly crushed by the starry sky alien demons. Just the pollution emitted by the starry sky alien demons was enough to kill them. The lives of most of those who ascended.

The above are the prehistoric civilizations that left distinctive footprints in prehistory.

As Kristo said, these prehistoric civilizations without exception began to part ways at the end of the Middle Ages and embarked on distinctive technological routes.

Xia Zuo was more concerned about another thing.

This manual lists the names of prehistoric civilizations and the names of important scientists. Xia Zuo read the information about the electric punk civilization carefully, but couldn't find the name that came to mind. The information in the manual didn't match up with his memory.

What does this mean?

Xia Zuo is not from this world.

His body is a native of this world, but his soul and memory are not.

[But don’t forget, the starry sky junction of this world is filled with starry sky monsters. 】

In what form did his soul and memory exist, and pass through the blockade of the Starry Sky Demon and the smoke of the Pillar of Creation, and land on the Western Continent?

This question was profound and mysterious, and there were very few clues related to it. Xia Zuo suddenly felt confused and hesitant.

He rubbed his brow a few times and dismissed the problem.

It's unimaginable how many human beings have sacrificed from prehistoric civilization to the present... Xia Zuo sighed and returned the manual.

Kristo took back the manual and said:

The biochemical punk civilization was the last civilization among prehistoric civilizations. It was also the first prehistoric civilization to bring alien monsters from the stars to the surface. Since then, monsters have only appeared in the Eastern Continent.

The current environment of the Western Continent is very similar to the situation of prehistoric civilization. There are no strange monsters and no monsters. The temple originally planned to spawn a technological line based on alchemy there. This plan was called the [Alchemy Punk Project].

But the progress of the plan was interrupted by the awakening of the power of blood. You, and a dozen blood awakeners deep in the interior, forced the temple to temporarily suspend the plan and make changes.

Xia Zuo frowned, a little confused.

I feel a little strange, Your Excellency. According to the historical knowledge instilled in me by the black crystal, the power of blood is the second way for nature to deal with strange monsters in the starry sky. But there are obviously no strange monsters and monsters in the Western Continent.

Xia Zuo suddenly thought of something, clapped his hands and said:

Is it because the temple transported monsters from the Eastern Continent to the Western Continent for research, which caused the natural stress response in the Western Continent and activated the Bloodline Law? Or maybe the blood demon named Qualuowuqi triggered the Stress responses in the Western Continent.”

At present, it seems like this. Kristo said:

After the bloodline awakeners appeared in the Western Continent, the outer temple immediately evacuated all monsters from there. The blood demon Qualuowuqi was also brought back to the Eastern Continent by Rexor. Temple members stationed in the Western Continent reported that the monsters and After all the strange demons left the Western Continent, there really were no new bloodline awakeners.

Then the temple will still conduct experiments on monsters in the Western Continent? Xia Zuo asked.

This must be done, Xia Zuo. Kristo said firmly, To help the people of the Western Continent realize the existence of monsters and strange demons, it is to better guard against the alien demons in the starry sky. In case the starry sky junction is lost It will also allow the people on the ground to have the willpower and strength to resist the strange demons, so that they will not collapse at the first touch and suffer massacre.

Xia Zuo nodded deeply, I agree with the temple's approach.

In fact, the outer palace is planning to gradually release some monsters that are weak but can bring a sense of oppression to the people of the Western Continent.

Cristo lifted the hair in front of her forehead and continued:

Under the care of the Alchemy School and the Warriors Guild, the people of the Western Continent have lived too comfortably, so much so that they have been fighting among themselves and the internal strife is serious. It is better to set up a common enemy for them and fight against the outside world. At the same time, the mage in the city also He will step from the front to the back of the stage, and will no longer directly participate in the military operations of various cities and fortresses.

“The Outer Palace will expand the scope of influence of Starry Night Academy, open multiple branches, and train more mage apprentices and combat-effective alchemists.

Ultimately, let the people of the Western Continent deal with the threat of monsters themselves.

Kristo pointed to the metal box on the table, These contents are also included in your order of appointment.

What about the bloodline awakeners? Xia Zuo thought for a second, The release of monsters will inevitably lead to the emergence of a large number of bloodline awakeners in the Western Continent.

The outer hall is ready. Kristo condensed the image of the black crystal, We must guide every bloodline awakener on the path of a mage and let them be bound by the laws of elements. If necessary, we can Reduce the requirements for granting the light element and allow them to possess the light element in advance. In this way, the bloodline strongmen in the Western Continent will not repeat the same mistakes and be enslaved by strange demons like the bloodline awakened people in the 2nd and 3rd eras of the Eastern Continent.

Xia Zuo thought of the spiritual carving knife and immediately asked:

So the Western Continent, where bloodline awakeners can be born, will become the place where the temple trains inner temple mages? Bloodline awakeners can practice faster. With the spiritual carving knife, it is not a problem to cultivate eternal mages in large quantities.

Your guess is correct, Xia Zuo. Kristo smiled with admiration in his eyes, The Temple changed the original [Alchemy Punk Plan] to the [Eternal Mage Plan] and became the [Counterattack against Strange Demons]. An important part of the strategic action plan of the Pioneer Army's lair. You must keep it secret and don't tell anyone.

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