My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 232 Rare than a pure-blood mage

When Xia Zuo entered Kristo's office, it was 1 p.m. local time in the Silver Moon Federation.

He stayed with the veteran pure-blood mage for nearly 5 hours.

At this time, when I returned to the Silver Moon Federation, I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that only about 2 minutes had passed.

Xia Zuo took out his pocket watch and adjusted the time against the wall clock.

He used blood induction to contact An Ru'er, confirming that she was still at work, and then took the elevator to the floor of the 17th Action Team.

Xia Zuo still holds the position of auxiliary staff of the 17th Action Team.

It's just that I've been busy with the ocean working group recently, so I haven't had time to come over.

Hey~ Xia Zuo, it's been a long time.

Lanlot hugged his spirit piggy, stood at the table at the door, and said to the oncoming figure:

You are a very busy person now. You have to travel between Lumington and Poseidon. Why do you have time to sit here today?

Lanlot put the spirit piglet into clerk Freya's arms.

Forget it, no more kidding. We have been notified.

Lanlot waved and motioned for Xia Zuo to follow him.

The speed of the temple is so fast. Xia Zuo sighed.

Huh? What? Lanlot was a little confused.

Xia Zuo knew that the other party had not experienced the power of time spells, so he waved his hand and said:

Nothing. Hey, I just teleported back from the temple, and I feel a little uncomfortable with the change in time.

That's true. That place is far away from here. Lanlot smiled, dropped the topic, and continued:

Director Vickers has given the order. Later, we will go to the laboratory at the bottom and guard the door of the laboratory.

Thank you, Lanlot. Xia Zuo warned, There may be some dangers. Unexpected ones. It's best to be extremely vigilant.

Huh? Do you already know the details of the mission? Lanlot was stunned, Didn't the captain ask you to come?

Xia Zuo shook his head.

The two stopped at Captain Dunk's door.

Lanlot knocked on the door.

Come in.

Lanlot pushed the door open and walked into the room, Captain, Xia Zuo is here.

You came just in time. I just wanted to inform you. Dunk put down the secret message ring in his hand. It seems that you know what to do before we do. Then I have an idea.

Xia Zuo nodded, Yes, Captain Dunk. The Temple wants to conduct a secret experiment. A tower mage and I will preside over the experiment.

When Lanlot heard this, his expression was clear. He didn't expect that Xia Zuo would be one of the protagonists today.

He thought that the other party was also here to protect the experimental site...

Llanlot, go gather the guys and check the weapons and equipment again, Dunk ordered.

Yes, Captain. Lanlot left the room.

Sit down, Xia Zuo. Long time no see. How are you doing?

Dunk stood up, made two cups of coffee, and put them on the table.

I heard that you are now stationed at the Sea Castle in Lumington City. You are studying combat puppets, right? This is a big project, and it has a much better future than being in the action team...

Xia Zuo took a sip of coffee and chatted with Dunk about the recent situation.

About 1 hour later.

The two secret message rings sounded at the same time.

Dunk receives a message from Director Vickers.

Xia Zuo received a secret message from Kristo.

The two of them, along with other teammates from the action team, took the elevator to the ground floor laboratory.

The empty underground hall completely changed.

A group of elemental servants have just finished setting up various magic circles. Circles of magic array patterns covered the entire floor and walls.

After the action team arrived, the elemental servants who arranged the array left in the elevator and blocked the elevator shaft.

In this way, the ground floor laboratory becomes a relatively closed space.

The action team and a group of armed elemental servants were waiting in the hall outside the laboratory door.

Xia Zuo walked into the laboratory alone.

Reina, wearing a hood and robe, arrived here first.

Seeing Xia Zuo coming, she cast a spell to seal the laboratory door, then took out a blood-red crystal and summoned Kristo.

Are you all ready? Kristo was also dressed in a hood incognito.

Ready. Xia Zuo said.

Reyna nodded.

Kristo looked at the transformer in the culture tank.

The other party's sight was blocked by the opaque tank.

But if it notices something strange about its own spirit body, it will immediately send a secret blood message to its owner.

Whether it can effectively intercept its bloodline message depends on how fast Xia Zuo moves.

Xia Zuo, do you need to practice it a few times to find out how it feels to quickly enter and exit the meditative state? Kristo asked.

Xia Zuo didn't think it was necessary.

He can enter and exit the meditative state the fastest among all mages...

Just use the character panel provided by Golden Finger and operate it with your mind.

I have no problem, Your Excellency. I am confident that I will wake up from my meditation within half a second of discovering the abnormality. Xia Zuo said firmly.

Okay then, let's get started. Kristo stood in front of the culture tank, raised her right hand, and condensed a destructive high-temperature fireball in the palm of her hand.

Reina took out her own niche, made a start gesture to Xia Zuo, and entered a state of meditation.

Xia Zuo also made the same move.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he met Reina's spirit body in the vision of soul perspective.

The two of them walked towards the culture tank together.

The next second.

Xia Zuo opened his eyes instantly and shouted, There is a spirit, stop it!

Boom~ Kristo's right hand pressed on the culture tank, and golden-white flames engulfed the tank that was as high as a person.

The hazy smoke instantly spread to the entire laboratory along with the high temperature.

The transformer in the culture tank, before he had time to scream and figure out what was happening, turned into fly ash and was mercilessly annihilated by the flames.

Kristo restrained the flames, waved her hand to attract the breeze, and sent the turbid smoke into the exhaust fan on the ceiling.

The laboratory is back to its original state... except that one of the culture tanks in the field is suddenly missing...

Are you sure the transformer also has a spirit body? Kristo turned around.

Xia Zuo and Reina nodded together.

Xia Zuo said:

I saw Reina's spirit body walking over holding the shrine. When the light of the shrine shone on the converter, the other person's spirit body immediately noticed it.

Well, then we have to formally put the matter of full control of the Shaman Society on the agenda. This kind of shrine that can see other people's spiritual bodies must be completely under the control of the temple.

Kristo thought for a moment and then ordered:

“Rena, follow me and join the temple team in the crater.

Xia Zuo, I need you to arm your elemental body as soon as possible.

Kristo paused and emphasized, Both the body and the elemental body of the spirit body must be armed. All expenses will be borne by the temple. But I have two requirements.

Okay, Your Excellency. Please speak. Xia Zuo nodded and said, I know the seriousness of the matter. I will fully cooperate.

Well, that couldn't be better. Kristo raised a satisfied smile, raised her right index finger and said:

The first thing is that your universal elemental body needs to be adapted to match the tower mage. I will let Sylvia discuss the specific requirements with you in detail.

Kristo raised a second finger, In addition, your oil alchemy-specific body needs to be adapted to the alchemy of the Demon Hunting School.

Huh? Xia Zuo was a little confused.

Why is the witcher involved again?

Xia Zuo's understanding of the alchemy of the Demon Hunting School is still limited to...the Demon Hunting School has the ability of directed mutation.

For example, the adaptation potion that Rexor took out.

This potion was improved from the witcher's secret potion of the previous era, and directed to guide the user's body to undergo controllable mutations - strengthening muscle strength, improving reaction ability, tempering willpower, etc.

Now, Kristo proposes to combine oil alchemy and demon hunting school alchemy...

Xia Zuo always had a weird feeling of muscles growing on the oil.

Cristo saw the other party's doubtful expression in her eyes.

She pondered for a few seconds and said:

That's it, Xia Zuo. What I'm going to say below involves the secrets of the last era. I hope that after you hear it, you won't tell anyone about it, not even your fiancée.

Okay, Sir. Xia Zuo said, You know, I always keep my mouth shut.

Yeah. Kristo made a fist with her right hand and opened it again. A strange gray crystal appeared in the palm of her hand.

This... this... Xia Zuo stared at the shadow swimming in the gray crystal with his eyes widened, feeling his scalp numb.

Soul. As you can see, this is the soul,

Kristo gently held her right hand, and the gray crystal flew in front of the opponent.

“Neither the Temple nor the Strange Demon Church knows where the soul is located in the body or spirit body.

But that doesn't mean we haven't seen souls.

In this soul crystal, there is a resentful spirit from the previous era sealed.

To put it simply, they are resentful souls.

A soul that has extremely strong obsession and resentment towards this world and cannot rest in peace will become a resentful spirit.

Well, you may not have heard of the resentful spirits. They have completely disappeared in the temple territory. As for whether there are any in the territory of the Strange Demon Church... I don't know.

Anyway, now that I think about it, wild wraiths are rarer than pure-blood mages.

Xia Zuo stared closely at the wailing shadow in the crystal and asked:

Your Excellency, why are there no wraiths now? Even the list of Category 3 disasters does not mention wraiths...

Good question, but it's not appropriate to tell you the answer right now.

Kristo recalled the soul crystal and put it away.

You just need to know one thing: a wraith is a spirit.

The spirit body will be restrained by the special oil of the Demon Hunting School. After the elemental body of the alchemy of the oil is adapted to the alchemy of the Demon Hunting School, it will have the ability to restrain the spirit body.

This is a secret within the temple. I hope you can keep it as secret as you said you would.

Xia Zuo nodded.

Kristo took out the secret message ring and sent a secret message.

Sylvia and I have given instructions. She will contact you later.

Kristo waved to Reyna, Come on, little Reyna, we are going back.

Xia Zuo, tell me when you are ready.

Kristo put her hand on Reina's shoulder and held the teleportation crystal with her other hand.

There was a flash of light.

The two figures disappeared into the laboratory.

The seal on the laboratory door was then lifted.

Xia Zuo opened the door.

Captain, it's all over. The experiment was successful. Xia Zuo looked sideways into the room, Uh...nothing unexpected's just that a culture tank is missing.

Dunk looked inside and said, It's a small matter. I'll just talk to Director Vickers.

Lanlot patted Xia Zuo on the shoulder, Are you going back to Lumington? Come and sit for a while when you have time. Your Yuan Neng pistol training is not over yet.

Oh, yes, that's right. I almost forgot about it. Things at the Marine Laboratory are almost done. I estimate that I will be able to officially transfer back in a month or two.

Xia Zuo smiled and said, I will report to you when the time comes.

Ha~ Lanlot smiled, Go, go. I know you are a busy man.

Then I'll go first, everyone.

Xia Zuo waved goodbye to the action team.

The magic circle in the laboratory hall has disappeared, and the elevator shaft has been unblocked.

Xia Zuo came to the first floor of Bosin Building.

The secret message ring rang.

After taking a look, he directly used the wind technique and floated in the direction of the school.

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