Elemental puppets and bionic bodies are very similar in many aspects.

Inside Neoxat's bionic body, there is an alchemical gastrointestinal combination that can decompose food and convert it into the energy required for the operation of various organs.

The food here is not foods such as soda, wine, fruit, and white bread, nor is it kerosene, flammable animal fats, and other second-class energy sources that can be burned to heat boilers to boil water.

It is the first type of energy alchemy product produced by the Energy Research Institute - highly concentrated energy liquid. It contains pure elemental energy and cannot be absorbed by the normal human body. It can only be used in alchemical energy devices such as the alchemical stomach.

Without the ability to use elemental energy, Nyoxat could only maintain his life with concentrated energy liquid for the time being to keep his alchemical organs functioning normally.

If he is later released from imprisonment, he can use the clever elements in his spiritual ocean to power his alchemy organs, and the concentrated energy liquid becomes an emergency prop.

Elemental puppets are in a similar situation.

The strange object alchemist uses his own spiritual ocean as the puppet's main control system to control every part of the elemental puppet from the inside out. He uses the well-behaved elements in the main control system to power the elemental puppet's energy circuit, supplemented by concentrated energy. liquid as a backup energy source.

The energy within the elemental body is endless.

The energy output efficiency is related to the size of the element and is equal to the spell power. Small elements can provide 1 point of spell power of the system, which is 1 point of energy output efficiency of the system.

The total amount of energy output is related to the energy limit of the alchemist or spellcaster.

The more energetic an alchemist is, the more total energy he can output before his energy is drained out.

In the field of strange object alchemy, the energy output efficiency is simply called energy efficiency, and the total energy output is called fence.

The original meaning of fence refers to a fence surrounded by bamboo and wooden slats. In the field of strange object alchemy, it means the upper limit of energy output.

The first step in designing a suitable battle golem is to measure the Alchemist's power efficiency and fence.

Well, this is a very confidential matter, because it involves a person's mental state.

Hillenberger does not force each team member to explain exactly how many good elements he has.

He pays attention to protecting the privacy of his team members, as long as the team members tell him how many clever elements they plan to add to the battle puppet's spiritual ocean.

For example, Mars plans to equip his battle puppet with 60 cute elements, including 40 small fire elementals, 15 small earth elementals and 5 small wind elementals.

Mars used the energy calculation template provided by the school to calculate the upper limit of his energy value to 100 points.

After many experiments, he was able to remain in a state of shallow meditation for about 5 hours, and it was deduced that his energy consumption rate was 20 points/hour.

The greater the energy consumption per unit time, the more times all elements can be mobilized.

The energy consumption rate is 20 points/hour, which means that within 1 hour, Mars can use all the well-behaved elements to output energy 20 times.

The duration of each energy output is related to the spell released by the caster. Some spells can last for several seconds, while others can only exist for less than 1 second.

The same is true when controlling combat puppets. Some actions last long and some last short.

Therefore, when calculating energy efficiency, just throw away the time factor and simply multiply the energy consumption rate and the elemental power to get the answer.

After calculation, it was concluded that the energy efficiency of Mars' battle puppet is 800 fire energy/hour, 300 earth energy/hour, and 100 wind energy/hour.

Energy fence = energy efficiency * shallow meditation duration.

Mars' energy fence contains 4000 points of fire energy, 1500 points of earth energy, and 500 points of wind energy.

When Mars was designing the battle puppet, Hillenburg and Danielle had to design the fire energy circuit, and set the energy consumption type of most alchemy organs to fire, that is, consuming fire energy to drive these alchemies. organ.

After calculating the energy efficiency and energy fence, there is much that can be expanded upon.

For example, after entering combat, the puppet's action rhythm and spell-casting frequency will reach several times those in the non-combat state.

The energy circuits in its body will enter a state of full capacity due to the sudden increase in energy transmitted.

The energy usage efficiency of each alchemical system is not 100%. When the energy transmission becomes larger, energy overflow will inevitably occur.

This will cause the energy pathways and part of the alchemy system to become seriously heated, and it is necessary to find ways to evacuate the heat or reuse it to improve the puppet's overall energy usage efficiency.

Calorific value, heat dissipation speed, energy usage efficiency, spillover energy recovery efficiency, etc. These extremely trivial puppet parameters require a large amount of experimental sample data. Only through precise calculations and repeated experiments can a more accurate range be obtained.

What's more, there are as many as 16 combat puppets to be developed in this research and development competition, which means that the puppet parameters must be calculated at least 16 times.

Without years of accumulation, don't even think about making a set of elemental puppets that can be used in battle.

The advantages of Hillenberg's group were fully revealed.

Before Xia Zuo officially accepted the job of refining bait, Hillenberg and his team members had already calculated 16 sets of puppet data that could be used in actual combat.

What Xia Zuo has to do is to make the corresponding bait and alchemy system raw materials according to the requirements of these data, and then Helenberg, Allen, Danielle and Laurie will refine the bait and raw materials into The alchemy system was assembled into humanoid elemental puppets, and handed over to Heubron and Mars for practical experiments in the aphotic zone.

Xia Zuo also needs to be present during the actual experiment.

He has to record real-time data and prepare for improved bait and raw materials.

This morning.

1,100 meters below sea level, near the aphotic zone.

The ocean observation team built a vast comprehensive underwater alchemy room here as a laboratory for developing combat puppets.

The guards of the sea castle have blocked the surrounding sea area, and the ocean observation team can experiment with elemental puppets as much as they like without worrying about being spied on.

Danielle stood next to the console and saw the scene in the aphotic belt training ground through the wish orb - it was temporarily illuminated by alchemy lamps.

In a seabed area surrounded by a metal mesh, a humanoid combat puppet was growing limbs, trying to cast underwater spells and detect possible abnormalities.

Heubron, tell me the calibration results of the puppet. Danielle asked using the coral speaker.

The battle puppet twisted its neck and adjusted the angle of its eyeballs with both hands. Everything is normal, Danielle. The synchronization rate between me and this puppet is very high. I think I have a synchronization rate of more than 98%. Look. What do you think?

Danielle turned to face her side.

Heubron's body is lying on a soft sofa with his eyes closed. He is in a special state of shallow meditation. His consciousness has separated from the body and landed on the battle puppet.

He can control the battle puppet until his energy is exhausted.

Daniel held up the glass ball next to the sofa and put it close to Heubron's forehead. The light in the glass ball shook for a while, and finally two large and small rings with extremely small color differences emerged.

That's true. Your synchronization rate is close to 100%, and the command transmission deviation is less than 1%. Perhaps after actual combat training, the synchronization rate will be calibrated to 100%.

Danielle put down the glass ball and said to Xia Zuo and Mars in the distance:

Hubron is ready, you two start synchronizing with the reconnaissance puppet.

Xia Zuo nodded, looked at each other with Mars, then lay down comfortably on the single sofa and entered a shallow state of meditation.

He focused his attention on the crystal pendant on his chest, and Goldfinger's message came to his mind:

It has been detected that the host is trying to synchronize with the [Stubborn Stone No. 2 Reconnaissance Puppet]. Do you confirm this operation? You will temporarily be unable to control the body unless you disconnect from the elemental puppet.

After controlling the elemental puppet for the first time, Xia Zuo solved a doubt in his heart.

I still remember that when Machina State was attacked by the teachings of the Church of the Strange Demon, an elemental puppet who could cast blood magic stepped forward and helped Xia Zuo attract the attention of the strange demon. In the end, he was kidnapped by the blood demon Ufaris and became the strange demon. Go to church.

The elemental puppet can speak and interact with its own action team members, making it seem like it is intelligent.

But in fact, it is its controller who controls it to make sounds and talk to the team members.

It's not complicated.

Just use the alchemy voice system to read the text of the secret message device. By slightly modifying the sound unit of the alchemy language system, you can use different types of timbres.

The battle puppet that Hubron is controlling has an alchemy voice system that can simulate his voice.

There is no such thing as the reconnaissance puppet No. 2 that Xia Zuo is about to synchronize with...

Because it is just a stone for quietly observing battle puppets at close range, at most the alchemy vision system has a night vision function attached to it to ensure that every picture can be captured clearly in a light-free environment.

Xia Zuo selected Confirm synchronization in his mind. After a brief countdown of 3 seconds, the black screen when he closed his eyes became brighter, and the perspective still switched to the Nugget 2.

Xia Zuo, how's the situation with No. 2?

Danielle's words came to Xia Zuo's ears. The voice came from the built-in communication device of Stone 2.

He controlled the vibration unit behind the Stone 2 and made three buzzing vibration sounds.

This is the agreed-upon code, which means everything is ready. Without the alchemy voice system, we can only communicate simply like this.

Danielle said:

Okay, everyone, the actual combat training is about to begin. I will turn off the alchemy lamps in the training ground in 1 minute. The team leader and Laurie will release the deep sea monsters we captured, and Heubron will use his combat puppet Meet these monsters.

“If there’s no problem, I’m going to turn off the lights.

10, 9, 8...1, 0, turn off the lights.

The lampshade of the alchemy lamp was closed and retracted into the base of the comprehensive alchemy room, and the training ground fell into darkness.

Xia Zuo activated the night vision function of the Stone No. 2, and the picture in front of him changed from pitch black to black, white and gray, which was similar to the effect of night vision medicine.

Hubron's battle puppet is coated with a layer of fluorescent oil that can be detected by night vision effects. It will appear in the field of vision of Xia Zuo and Mars as a light green figure.

The moment darkness fell, the battle puppet raised his hand and stretched out his index finger to draw several aqua blue arcs around him. An invisible water network condensed out and wrapped the seawater around it.

This is the water spell, Water Prison, which can seal the space around the target with pure water energy, binding and immobilizing the target.

There is no light in the aphotic zone environment. Monsters here will lock targets or judge the terrain by sensing changes in the sea water and listening to abnormal sounds.

The battle puppet has applied the water prison technique to itself, so that all actions it makes in the cage will not disturb the sea water outside the water prison. As long as it is gentle enough and does not make any sound, it can become invisible in front of ocean monsters.

Crash, lala, lala... The sound of the chain turning sounded from all directions, echoing in the dark sea water.

Hillenburg and Laurie unleashed the aphotic zone monster.

The type of monster is unknown, its quantity is unknown, and its trajectory is unknown.

Hubron must discover them first.

Sound travels four times faster in fresh water than in air.

For every 1 degree increase in water temperature, the propagation speed of sound will increase by 3 to 5 meters/second.

For every thousandth increase in salinity, the speed of sound increases by 1 to 2 meters/second.

Water pressure and the speed of sound are exponentially related.

In terms of the water temperature, salinity and water pressure in the aphotic zone environment, a sound with a loudness exceeding 20 points from any one location will spread to every corner within 1 kilometer in an instant.

In the principles of magic, earth and wind oscillate into sound waves, that is, sound waves can be produced by the fusion of earth energy and wind energy.

Tower scholars invented a series of sonic and shock wave spells.

Not to be outdone, the Alchemy School also developed a corresponding alchemical bionic system.

Heubron's battle puppet plays the role of an assaulter. He is a generalist in the combat unit. He can do everything, but he is only proficient in offense.

As long as it maintains an absolutely still state, minimizes the operating speed of the internal alchemy system, and reduces noise interference, it can collect sounds within a radius of 1 kilometer through the alchemy cochlea.

Then, Hubron can rely on his rich experience in marine alchemy to distinguish the type and quantity of monsters through the timbre, size and frequency of the sound, so as to formulate strategies to deal with the enemy.

As an observer, Xia Zuo knew the status of the monsters in this test in advance.

3 demonized flat-headed sea snakes, 3 rumbling oysters, and a large group of activated acupuncture anemones.

Hillenburg and Laurie placed the monster's bait at the edge of the training ground opposite the monster's cage.

They will move towards the bait from three different directions, passing the Heubron's location along the way.

The first thing to approach Heubron was the demonized flat-headed sea snake. This monster is known for its speed and insidiousness. It will burrow into the sand bed of the seabed and swim towards its target quickly.

Hubron immediately discovered the uninvited guests under the gravel.

He crossed his hands and waved them in front of him, and each pressure-sensitive mine was thrown onto the gravel. No magic light flashed during the process, because these mines came from the alchemy device in the palm of the puppet.

Mines blocked the ground around the Heubron.

The flat-headed sea snake collided head-on with one of them.


After the first dull explosion, there was a series of explosions.

Bang bang bang...

The fragments inside the mine followed the current and rushed towards the sea snakes. With the hissing sound of flesh and blood being torn apart, the three sea snakes instantly turned into three balls of black minced meat, which were then crushed into minced meat by the water pressure.

The battle golem at the center of the explosion was unharmed.

This is due to the unique design of pressure-sensitive mines.

There is a directional blast hole on its shell, which can only spray water in one direction, and the fragments in the body will not harm people or objects in the other direction.

When Hubron deployed the mines, he accurately fixed the direction of the explosion.

This requires sufficient on-the-spot reaction and combat experience.

Hubron and three other team members who had military experience were best suited to control mines and act as assaulters.

The explosion of the mine put the other two groups of monsters on alert.

The rumbling oyster immediately inhales the sand, sprays it into the seawater, muddies the water, obscures the enemy's sight, and then shakes the shell and buries it in the sand.

The activated acupuncture anemone immediately takes root in place, shrinks its body into acupuncture, and turns into a sharp rock.

The water calmed down again.

The monster is extremely alert and will not move again for a short period of time.

Actual combat training consumes a lot of energy. The combat puppet cannot operate for too long, and Hubron must take the initiative to attack.

Heubron recalled the direction of the monster, and finally headed in the direction of the activated acupuncture anemone.

He did not turn on the diving light on his forehead, but only activated the night vision function of the mask in case there was some unseen insidious monster.

Hubron found the Reanimated Needle Anemone.

The defensive posture of this monster contains the intention of attacking.

As soon as they find their target, they will shoot out from the sand bed and pierce the enemy with their sharp spikes.

The best way to deal with them is to attack from outside their range.

Hubron discovered the acupuncture anemone a little too late. These insidious monsters were hiding on the side of a rock, located in the blind corner of his field of vision. If it weren't for the scout fighting puppet, they could easily have discovered their existence.

Boohoo~ Three poisonous needles struck in the darkness.

Heubron raised his hands sideways and was forced to use water shield to resist the attack.

Casting spells in a high-pressure environment consumes a lot of money, the chanting speed is slow, and the success rate of spell casting is not 100%.

Whether it is controlling existing seawater or creating temporary energized seawater with water elements, you have to contend with huge water pressure.

Heubron's reaction was fast enough, but the water shield's condensation speed was half a beat slower, barely blocking two needles, and the third needle pierced the battle puppet's right arm.

The magic whale protective gear was effective. The needle was pushed out by the tough material, and the needle deflected and fell on the rock next to it.

Hmm~ The material of the Demon Whale is still a drawback. It saved the battle puppet's life. Otherwise, the injured area would be instantly crushed by the water pressure, causing the entire arm to be scrapped.

Xia Zuo watched with gusto, even more entranced than playing in person.

The scene where the assaulter battle puppet was attacked by a needle just now will not appear on the battle puppets with the duties of scout, guardian and blessing master.

The Scout Combat Puppet's viewing angle is 270 degrees, making it difficult to sneak attack.

The Guardian comes with a [Reactive Deflection Shield], which can stack shields on the attack trajectory for protection the second the controller notices the attack.

The blessing master is stationed in the [Resistance Halo Launcher], and can use the alchemical device to maintain the blessing spell [Resistance Halo] for a long time, resisting or rebounding anything approaching with a speed exceeding 1 meter/second.

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