Chapter 48 The Auction House

Lu Yu’s sudden scream was beyond Qin Fen’s expectation.

But fortunately, he reacted promptly and stopped Lu Yu from falling with his body.

“What’s wrong? Not feeling well?”

Qin Fen looked at Lu Yu, who was crimson, and realized that his behavior was inappropriate.

Lu Yu’s physique was weak, and forced him to practice martial arts martial arts, which had a bad effect in the end.

Lu Yu gasped and said intermittently, “It’s okay, it’s okay. I just accidentally cramped.”

But his eyes were dodged, and he dared not look directly into Qin Fen’s eyes when he spoke.

“That’s good.” Qin Fen nodded, “I’m a little anxious, forgetting that your body is still very weak.”

“Master, it’s not very convenient for me to move like this.”

Hearing Lu Yu’s Ascension, Qin Fen immediately let go of his hands, and their postures are a bit awkward now.

Qin Fen was holding Lu Yu’s waist, supporting him without falling.

But to Qin Fen’s surprise, Lu Yu’s body was much lighter than he had imagined, and it was much smaller than it actually looked.

Lu Yu, who stood up again, closed his eyes and breathed for a while, before finishing the clothes on his body.

Qin Fen could see that his earlobes were still red, and it might not have alleviated all of a sudden.

Perceiving Qin Fen’s sight, Lu Yu immediately backed away a few steps, and then asked Qin Fen as if thinking of something.

“Master, can you tell me the name of this Martial Skill?”

Option to dominate the sky and get the reward Xuanji Sword for one day

Option 2 A set of Northern Dipper’s Golden Armor of Hundred Fist Saint Seiya

Option 3: Open Tian Changquan all attribute points +1

Three options appeared in front of Qin Fen, and he chose three without hesitation.

The first two names, Qin Fen, could not be said.

“The name of this Fist Technique is Kaitian Changquan, it’s a mid-level yellow fist.”

“If you can break the seal of physique, you should also be able to play a certain amount of lethality.”

Qin Fen once again apologized to the inventor of Juntiquan in his heart, even though the system had now forcibly assigned his own original name.

But how is it better than a name like “Tianba Hengkong Liehong” or “Northern Dipper Hundred Cracks”?


Lu Yu nodded to express understanding, but he still had some doubts in his heart.

If it is a middle-grade yellow Martial Skill, what is the master’s proficiency? At what point will such an effect be achieved?

I remember that the master claimed to be an elementary Qi Condensation realm, but is this true?

These questions were still suppressed by Lu Yu.

He knew that he should focus on cultivation Fist Technique techniques now, and after he mastered True Qi again, this Fist Technique would surely be a great help for him.

Qin Fen felt very relieved to see Lu Yu once again start training with Horse Stance.

However, Lu Yu said: “Master, please let me practice this Fist Technique alone. If you are next to me, yes, yes, it will interfere with me.”

Qin Fen felt hurt when he heard Lu Yu’s hesitation.

It turned out that I was earnestly giving advice, but turned out to be a hindrance?

Qin Fen respected Lu Yu’s choice and returned to the room.

Looking at the back of Qin Fen leaving, Lu Yu held his breath, even though what he said just now seemed to have hit the master.

But Lu Yu knew that if the master was always next to own, he would really not be able to learn.

In order to live up to the master, the current self must practice hard!

Thinking of this, Lu Yu began to replay the scenes in his mind one by one.

Qin Fen sighed when he returned to the room, but it was fine now, and he returned to the time alone after a long absence.

There was one thing he hadn’t done. If it hadn’t been for Lu Yu just reminded him, he would have almost forgotten it.

Qin Fen turned on the system and found a high-quality skill book lying in his backpack.

Qin Fen looked forward to it. Every time he opened a reward, it was like drawing a card, which made people want to stop.

However, counting this is the third time, the skills Qin Fen obtained from the system in the previous two times were more than rubbish.

If it is divided according to the level of the game, there is only R level at most

One is the exclusive skill of Master Gua Sha, and the other Qin Fen hasn’t thought of any use yet.

So Qin Fen very much looked forward to what kind of surprise this skill book could bring to him.

Qin Fen’s hand trembling when he clicked the reward, then the skill book lit up with a burst of white light.

The dazzling white light stabbed Qin Fen and couldn’t open his eyes for a while.

“Is this the ultimate skill?!”

Qin Fen excitedly put down his hand covering his eyes and looked at the own backpack bar.

I found a Cultivation Technique with a beautiful package.

Qin Fen swallowed his saliva and turned on Cultivation Technique.

“User Qin Fen acquires skills-treasure detection!”

“Treasure detection, passive skill. When rare treasures appear around the user, a prompt will be issued!”

“Cooling time-thirty days!”

Qin Fen only felt trembling all over his body, his own body seemed like he didn’t belong to him!

He forcibly resisted the desire to shout and glanced at the skill introduction again.

After reading sentence by sentence for the second time, Qin Fen found that it was exactly the same as the first description, without any difference!

He can be sure!

Finally got the best skills from the system!

Qin Fen shook his fist in excitement.

It is a truly high-quality skill!

Qin Fen traveled to this world and was deeply troubled by one thing, and it didn’t erupt until a while ago.

That is poor!

Qin Fen didn’t expect that even if he became a cultivator, he would still be bent over a little money.

If it wasn’t for saving some money to buy rice, this time I wouldn’t go down the mountain to do a task, let alone come to Luocheng by such a coincidence.

I won’t be entangled in so many troubles!

Oh, by the way, it seems that you still chose to eat rice at the beginning?

“No matter so much, I finally turned over!”

Qin Fen excitedly kissed the system frame a few times, regardless of whether he actually kissed him or not.

Why is this skill called the best?

The first is its effect, which means that Qin Fen can use this skill to obtain a real treasure that is usually ignored.

“That said, I can get a high-end baby at a low price, and then sell it?”

Qin Fen suddenly thought of this possibility, and felt airy all over his body.

Secondly, it is a passive technique, which means that it does not have any requirements for the user Qin Fen.

The only downside may be that the cooling time is a bit too long, and if one more day is idle, the loss to Qin Fen will be immeasurable!

Thinking of this, Qin Fen was a little anxious, and if he used the skill earlier, the cooling of the skill would end sooner.

You can get more treasures yourself, and not only can you exchange for more jade, maybe you can get some mysterious ring.

Get the inheritance of ancient power and fly directly into the sky!

Qin Fen couldn’t sit still, he had already imagined the beauty of the future.

But now there is still a problem in front of own, that is, where should I go to trigger this skill?

Treasures are called treasures because of their scarcity.

If it can be found anywhere on the street, can it be called a baby?

In an instant, inspiration burst into Qin Fen’s mind.

If you want to ask where there are a lot of treasures or things that require vision to choose, isn’t that the auction house?

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