My Best Wife

Chapter 956: Storm Rises (9)

Chapter 956 Disturbance (9)

Fang Zhiqiang was also at a loss. Wang Xia’s words, he really believed, because Li Xiaoxiao’s character was like this. The previous run away from home proved this point. Li Xiaoxiao seemed gentle and well-behaved, but in fact he was very persistent and determined. People, when she recognizes love, she can work hard. Although time may dilute everything, including love, the question is who dares to try her whole life?

"I understand what you mean, and I don't want to watch Xiaoxiao continue to suffer, but I also think that maybe it will be different this time... You know, Xiaoxiao has never been willing to follow anyone's arrangements in this regard, she will only Desperately resisting, she can indeed do anything; but this time, she really did not contact me again, so I was thinking, maybe she is really accepting reality, after all, no one can really leave her parents behind. Regardless of whether they live or die. It’s just a painful period of adaptation... Maybe she can really let go of all this, forget me completely in the future, and start again." Fang Zhiqiang said hard, even with every word he said. It was like a knife in the heart.

"The situation all the time, up to now, may prove that it is really impossible for Xiaoxiao and I to be together, whether it is my reason or the actual reason. If she can really slowly come out of the pain, You can definitely let go of all this, and then meet better people in the future and stay together." Fang Zhiqiang was full of bitterness. At this moment, his heart was full of pain of loss.

"I'm really not someone who can give her happiness, I don't have the qualifications, and I don't have the right. You know..."

"So I said for a long time, Xiaoxiao has been miserable for so many days. In exchange, your final decision is to give up Xiaoxiao?" Wang Xia's eyes widened, "Then let her suffer so much, and then hope she can never forget it. Stand up and start a new life? Fang Zhiqiang, you take her as a phoenix, and think you can rebirth from Nirvana? Do you think she can become strong like this and be able to face life again, you think pain is just a necessary stage of life Why the **** don’t you try it yourself? Can you feel how painful and uncomfortable she is now? Do you know how she lives day by day? You don’t understand anything, you just say it over and over again This is howling for her, you can't give her happiness."

Fang Zhiqiang was dumbfounded, letting Wang Xia scold him, he didn't want to refute a word, and he didn't have the strength to refute it. In fact, he really wanted to tell Wang Xia that his heart was hurting at the moment, but Wang Xia was right. Compared with everything Li Xiaoxiao was enduring and what she had been giving, his pain was not worth mentioning. .

Wang Xia said angrily: "Do you think you think too much and demand too much of her? Before you, she had never loved anyone else, and had never been in touch with love. In her mind, Love is like this, like Juliet Romeo Liang Shanbo Zhu Yingtai, falling in love is vigorous, either together, or nothing, or even die. I know this is naive, yes, she is not as mature as your Wang Yaxin Reasonable, generous and sensible, but this is how she loves you, using everything to love. Even I think she is naive, think she is too crazy and stupid, but what can I do? I can't stop her and can't change her This is Xiaoxiao! This is how she loves you."

"If there is a way, do you think I will find you and tell you this to make you think of a way?" Wang Xia yelled at Fang Zhiqiang angrily. She was really angry because she was distressed about Xiaoxiao, and she was angry that Fang Zhiqiang refused to make half an effort for love.

"Fang Zhiqiang, can you do something for her? Since knowing you, since knowing your relationship, in addition to your so-called good for her and again and again to give up her, leave her alone, you do for her What happened to you? You can forgive your ex-girlfriend who betrayed you, and you can stay with her and give her a job. You can even get your brother betrayed you, you can get caught in a gang for him, and Wang Yaxin, you do it for her After so many times, helping her son be a father, pretending to be her husband again and again, and finally becoming her real husband, but Xiaoxiao alone, what have you done for Xiaoxiao? You even went to Tibet to find her back because of her father. I beg you, not because you are worried about her! Except that time you knew that Zheng Mingjie was going to attack Xiaoxiao, and you fought with him. Was that the only time you defended Xiaoxiao? What else did you do besides this? What about Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao Can you count the things done for you?"

Wang Xia gritted her teeth and criticized Fang Zhiqiang, she wanted to give Fang Zhiqiang a complete awakening.

Under Wang Xia’s offensive, Fang Zhiqiang finally spoke: "Wang Xia, I am not a person without a conscience. I also want to do something for Xiaoxiao. I also want to make her happy and happy forever. But now The situation is that I really don’t know what I should do or how I can do it. You ask me to take her away desperately, regardless of the life or death of her parents and the life or death of my father, I really can’t do it. And Xiaoxiao herself must disagree, or even if it is true, she will regret it all her life. And you are right, I am really not a good person, I am too self-righteous, I don’t know what she really wants. I am afraid that this time she has made up her mind, and my rash actions will shake her again, and she will have to endure more in the future, and it is the pain that I will bring to her."

"After all, her parents have said so decisively that it is absolutely impossible to accept me. I can't change my identity and the things I have done. I am just such a person. The hillbilly who came out of the poor ravine has never left. Marriage, yes, I borrowed her money when I did business. These are things that cannot be changed. What qualifications do I have to convince her parents that I am not using her money and I can give her happiness?"

"Enough! Fang Zhiqiang, how many excuses do you have for your cowardice? How long will you continue to be cowardly? How long will Xiaoxiao suffer? You haven't done anything, just say this is not good and that is not good. You really Try to treat her well in the past and give her happiness? If you really feel that you have brought her too much misfortune and pain, then you will try to make up for it and treat her well in the future, can't it? Why are you thinking that you will give her pain She will be very happy as long as you can be with her and treat her a little bit nicely, why are you unwilling to do such simple things?" Wang Xia is already so angry .

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