My Best Wife

Chapter 889: Bi Luochun (1)

Chapter 889 Bi Luochun (1)

"Nothing." Fang Zhiqiang thought for a while and said, "Dad, I want to bring you to Shanghai to live with me. The conditions here are better, and I can take care of you..."

After thinking about it, he decides that as long as his father is willing to come to Shanghai, even if it is a loan, he still has to buy the house first. The big deal will be harder in the future, and he wants to grow bigger as soon as possible and make more money.

However, his father interrupted him directly and rudely: "I won't go! You will be very busy at work, and I will be boring to stay alone. Besides, you work every day. If you have time to take care of me, I don't need your care. You work with peace of mind to earn money, and settle your affairs earlier. What happened to the girl last time?"

Fang Zhiqiang's father is still thinking about Li Xiaoxiao, he really likes Li Xiaoxiao, it can be said that the daughter-in-law in his mind is Li Xiaoxiao.

"Dad, I have told you that everyone's conditions are different. It's impossible for parents to care less." Fang Zhiqiang explained helplessly.

Fang Zhiqiang's father was silent. The older generations had a firm belief that everything was for their children. Of course Fang Zhiqiang didn't mean to accuse him, but in his opinion, it was tantamount to his lack of ability to make his son suffer and be poor, and make the girls look down on him.

"Then you should work harder to make a lot of money and be worthy of other girls, so what else can she say in her family?" Fang Zhiqiang's father suddenly came out in a rough voice.

He has never had any requirements or expectations for his son, but Fang Zhiqiang’s situation really made him anxious. He was worried about his son’s life-long events, and he didn’t want to see his son miss a girl like Xiaoxiao, so he was always taciturn. He was so good at talking, he actually inspired his son like this.

Fang Zhiqiang didn't expect to hear this from his father. He was stunned for a moment, and said dumbfounded: "Dad, I told you about other people's conditions. You said I have to work hard until I can be worthy of it. Other people? Besides, it's not just money, but there are many other reasons. Dad, don't persuade you, you take care of yourself, I will rest assured. Marriage is really not possible. You wait for me to go home and go home for a blind date. Find someone to get married, okay?"

He was up to this point, and his father naturally couldn't say anything. He asked his father to pay more attention to his body, and then hung up the phone.

Fang Zhiqiang now feels that the burden on his shoulders is a lot heavier. He really wants to have sufficient capital now and be able to fulfill his filial piety.

When he was ready to continue busy, the phone rang suddenly. Fang Zhiqiang picked it up and took a look. It showed Director Liu, who was the director of a nearby police station. He had been drinking together before, and his friendship was good. . But seeing the phone call from him, Fang Zhiqiang still shook his heart, with a bad feeling. After all, if he is a flat-headed citizen, if the other party takes the initiative to call, it usually means something is going on.

Despite the muttering in his heart, Fang Zhiqiang quickly picked up the phone and said with a smile: "Good Director Liu."

Director Liu also smiled and said: "President Fang is very busy, so I'm a little embarrassed to bother me. That's it. My brothers here caught someone, drunk and made a fight and made trouble. It was quite fierce last night. I caught it, but just sobered up. We interrogated him. He babbled your name for a long time, and said that he only knew you in Shanghai and reported your phone number. I didn’t feel it at the time. That’s right, this guy is dirty and like a tramp, so he doesn’t always have an intersection with you. But if you ask anything else, he won’t say anything. I can’t do it, call and ask. Always you."

Fang Zhiqiang felt suspicious when he heard it, and he was a little confused. After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't guess who this would be. So he asked, "Then what's his name?"

"He is reluctant to tell him life or death, but let's find out his ID, called Bi Luochun. Do you know Mr. Fang? If you don't know him, he is probably a liar. I will ask the people below to deal with it by himself. Look at him like this and drink. Drinking is almost stupid. I don’t have any money on my body, no mobile phone, and I don’t know anything. I don’t want to say anything. I probably have to throw it at the shelter.” Director Liu said, he was about to hang up: "I won't bother you, I will invite you to drink when I have time."

"Wait!" When Director Liu reported the three words of Bi Luochun, Fang Zhiqiang was like five thunders. He never expected that Bi Luochun would drink and fight and be arrested as a tramp to the police station. He said that he only knew. Fang Zhiqiang. What about his assistant? Where are his friends?

Fang Zhiqiang instinctively realized that something happened to Bi Luochun and it was definitely not as simple as drinking and fighting.

"Ah? President Fang, do you really know? Then this..." Director Liu tried to try, but he didn't expect Fang Zhiqiang to react like this. It seems that the two people do know each other, so he can only ask Fang Zhiqiang. "President Fang, what do you think about this?"

Since Bi Luochun returned from making a fortune and the two broke up completely, Fang Zhiqiang hasn't thought about this person for a long time, he has never known him, and he will never deal with him again. However, at this moment, he caught the news of Bi Luochun unexpectedly. It was still such bad news, and his heart was faintly pulled.

"Well, Director Liu, I will rush over as soon as possible, and wait until I arrive." Fang Zhiqiang thought for a while, still gritted his teeth.

He really wanted to ignore it, but Bi Luochun seemed very desolate after hearing what Director Liu said. He was so cruel that he really made people throw Bi Luochun to the shelter.

Anyway, first see Bi Luochun, and then see what is going on with him, and find his assistant to take him away. The other Fang Zhiqiang still doesn't care or ask.

"That's OK, I'm here waiting for President Fang." Director Liu said happily and hung up the phone.

Fang Zhiqiang hurried out, passing by Liu Yan’s office, he hesitated for a moment, and after thinking about it, it’s fine. Bi Luochun is already a scumbag in Liu Yan's heart. After all, he hurt Liu Yan too deeply, not to mention drinking and fighting this time. Don't let Liu Yan know that such a bad thing will be angry and sad again.

Fang Zhiqiang drove his car and hurried to the police station.

The moment Fang Zhiqiang saw Bi Luochun, he was really stunned. He didn't even recognize who was in front of him.

He also understood why Liu said that Bi Luochun looked like a homeless man, and he also said that he would be sent to a shelter. At first he was surprised that Bi Luochun is so rich now, how can he tell that his identity is different when he wears it, how can he be regarded as a tramp.

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