My Best Wife

Chapter 814: Counterattack (4)

Chapter 814 Counterattack (4)

That night, the Jiajia selling rotten meat incident that had been raging for a few days suddenly came to an unexpected turnaround. First of all, Jiajia called the police and provided clear evidence to prove that the so-called rotten meat was the customer named Zhou Wei. The self-deception was processed by replacing the day’s packaging with rotten meat from the previous day. The customer’s behavior has seriously affected Jiajia’s reputation and business, so he called the police for arrest and filed a lawsuit and compensation. The results of the interrogation soon came out. Zhou Wei confessed to what he had done, admitting that he deliberately created such an incident because he wanted to maliciously blackmail the claim. In addition, two different pieces of meat were found in his home, and compared with the previous inspection samples, it also confirmed the truth of the matter. Jiajia is innocent.

At the same time, Jiajia’s official Weibo platform also released the recording of the conversation between Jiajia’s staff and Zhou Wei. Compared with the previous Zhou Wei’s, it is obvious that Zhou Wei’s copy has been deleted, deliberately misleading, The confusion makes people think that Jiajia is trying to buy him.

In terms of Jiajia's management, some short videos and photos, about the usual management of the store, before closing at night, the employees of each store carefully checked the products, and the screens of discarding stale products were also presented to everyone. Jiajia’s daily management regulations have also been posted online. In addition to proving that Jiajia has never sold expired or problematic products, it also let everyone see Jiajia's strict management standards. In other words, Jiajia has been wronged from beginning to end. The so-called food safety issue is just the result of a malicious extortion that was infinitely amplified by the Internet.

Because of the solid evidence, Zhou Wei also pleaded guilty. After Jiajia filed a lawsuit, the case was quickly heard. Because the previous spread was too widespread and the impact was too great, everyone was paying attention to the incident. Zhou Wei was finally judged as Malicious extortion, spreading Internet rumors endangered social order. Because of a better attitude, he was able to admit the crime and proactively confess the plot. He was sentenced to one year imprisonment and compensated the plaintiff Jiajia Fresh Co., Ltd. for economic losses of 100,000 yuan, and made a public apology. .

All the progress of the incident was posted on the Internet at the first time, and a great uproar was once again set off. Jiajia, a humble fresh food company, has contracted everyone for many days in such a way that no one can think of. topic of.

When Zhou Wei was detained, many people on the Internet began to promote Jiajia's strict management, and the good environment and attitude when he went to consume before, and began to maintain Jiajia.

Correspondingly, Jiajia's turnover has begun to rebound again. After all, according to the published information, all aspects of Jiajia are reassuring.

Without even thinking about it, Fang Zhiqiang also knew that this was the result of the group of network naval forces that Zheng Mingjie arranged to help build momentum behind him. It is probably angry to think about Zheng Mingjie biting his teeth and holding hate to help himself to do such a thing to restore his reputation. Fang Zhiqiang felt very happy when he had to vomit blood, and when the matter was resolved, he was in a good mood. Several senior executives of the company and store managers were called together to analyze this matter together. The focus was on how to strengthen management. Fang Zhiqiang requested that he regularly use the company’s network platform to play some live videos of the store in order to make Jiajia’s environment better. All aspects such as management and management are transparent, and the public is more aware and assured. After all, the role and impact of the Internet is too great. If it is used well, it is a weapon. If it is not well used, it is a weapon that people use in turn.

In this regard, Fang Zhiqiang decided to start building a formal company website. He did not have much awareness in this area before. Now it is not only because of the impact of this incident, but also because, if the company wants to further expand in the future, this is also necessary. some. Naturally, Nie Qian would contact and arrange this matter.

At the same time, there is also a problem that although Zhou Wei's incident is accidental, it is fueled by some competitors. With such fierce competition, if there are vicious incidents in the future, how to conduct crisis public relations. This can be said to be very important, but in this incident, the measures Nie Qian took were relatively stable. On this basis, Fang Zhiqiang compiled several new emergency measures for crisis public relations, so that any situation that arises in the future can be dealt with without panic.

"This incident has been able to go through smoothly. I would like to thank everyone present, and every member of the company, for being able to overcome difficulties with the company with the heart of helping each other in the same boat. Here, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone." Fang Zhiqiang He said, stood up and bowed deeply to everyone.

He really is from the heart, wanting to thank. This is the most serious crisis in Jiajia's history. Although it did cause a wave of people's hearts, no matter what, everyone is working hard and trying to solve the problem. Needless to say, Liu Yan, Chen Qinghe is also loyal, vowing to live and die with Jiajia, and Nie Qian hasn’t rested for two days in a row, either checking the crisis public relations information, or collating and responding to this time. She is responsible for the copywriting of the incident and all external information. On the night of Zhou Wei's arrest, she and Fang Zhiqiang still left messages without closing their eyes overnight, discussing how to conduct a full counterattack. So after a few days, she was the most haggard, she was so thin and out of shape, and dark circles appeared.

Fang Zhiqiang did what he said, and gave a red envelope of 20,000 yuan to the several main responsible persons present. He doesn't begrudge money, but in fact he does not advocate using money to buy people's hearts, but in his opinion, the 20,000 yuan is very worthwhile and everyone deserves it. After all, hard work should be rewarded.

"Nie Qian, please work harder and arrange a hotel reservation. We will advance the team building and put it on today. It is a celebration feast, and we are celebrating a beautiful turnaround. Thank you. Then you will start your vacation tomorrow. My God, this is an extra reward for your work from the company, just leave the work to the employees below."

Nie Qian really worked hard, and Fang Zhiqiang felt a little sad. He is now able to get along with Nie Qian very peacefully and simply, but he still stays at work, and he can never be as close as Liu Yan in his heart.

"Thank you, Mr. Fang." Nie Qian originally wanted to decline, but seeing so many people there, she knew that Fang Zhiqiang was also trying to establish a clear image of rewards and punishments, encouraging everyone's enthusiasm, and she was really tired. So I just accepted it with a smile, "I'll go to arrange a restaurant immediately after the meeting."

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