My Best Wife

Chapter 3661: What am I expecting (6)

Zhuo Yuxi sarcastically said: "Hey, hello, Miss Xiaoxiao, the special envoy is of no use. The main character has come out?"

Li Xiaoxiao said: "Sister Yuxi, I'm not here to argue with you. I have a few questions to ask you."

Zhuo Yuxi said: "You tell me, if I'm in a good mood, I might answer you." Li Xiaoxiao thought that the next words might make her unhappy, so he hesitated to say it, but thinking of her contempt for him, he felt cruel in his heart. Authentic: "Sister Yuxi, I really didn't come to quarrel with you. I want to ask you, are you with

How is your relationship with your husband? Had several children. "

Her tone was soft and soft, not as if she was trying to fight for her feelings, but as if she was really just trying to make things happen.

Zhuo Yuxi seemed to be full of sarcasm and said, "Does this question have anything to do with you? Oh, by the way, I just said that if I am in a bad mood, I will not answer you. I am in a bad mood right now." It’s very bad, just hang up.”

Wang Xia grabbed the phone and said loudly: "Zhuo Yuxi, do you want to admit defeat?"

Zhuo Yuxi was aroused and sneered: "Wang Xia? It's you again, you say I want to admit defeat? What do you mean by admitting defeat?"

Wang Xia asked: "Avoiding the problem, isn't it just admitting defeat?"

Zhuo Yuxi said: "Changing the topic is the only way to avoid fighting. The question you asked has nothing to do with you or my brother, and it is not worth answering at all."

Wang Xia laughed and said, "Zhuo Yuxi, you seem to have misunderstood."

Zhuo Yuxi asked: "What did I misunderstand?" Wang Xia said: "I misunderstood the relationship between you and us. We are calling you now not to solve the problem between Xiaoxiao and your brother, but to solve the problem between Xiaoxiao and you. The question is, what have you done? You know it in your heart.

You are the problem I need to overcome most. "

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time.

Zhuo Yuxi suddenly sighed and said in a solemn tone: "Are you going to start a war with me?"

Wang Xia said: "Yes, do you dare to accept it?"

Zhuo Yuxi smiled coldly and said, "Why not Li Xiaoxiao? If it was her, I would have accepted it. She wouldn't even have the courage to speak, would she?" Wang Xia said, "I have already said, who Not everyone needs to be on the front line no matter what they say or do. My sister doesn't say it, not because she doesn't dare, but because she has a soft temper and is not the kind of person who can put on a bad show.

This does not prevent her from being a person worthy of love. Zhuo Yuxi pondered for a long time and sighed: "She is really lucky to have a sister like you, but your words can't change my impression of her." Okay, if you want to start a fight, I'll take it. I want to see what tricks you can pull off.

. Regarding your question, I believe you have already investigated it, so I will not answer it in detail. Do you have any questions to add? "

Wang Xia said: "Yes, for example, let me ask you, have you ever done anything to regret your marriage?"

Zhuo Yuxi said without hesitation: "Of course not."

Wang Xia said: "Have you ever transferred your husband's property?"

Zhuo Yuxi said proudly: "I, Zhuo Yuxi, don't need to do such a thing yet."

Wang Xia asked: "Have you ever offended your parents-in-law?"

Zhuo Yuxi sounded a little dissatisfied: "Since there are conflicts in the family, there will inevitably be some conflicts. It is not up to me to decide whether it is an offense." Wang Xia said: "I understand, and I believe in your character, so I want to ask the final question. , if after you divorce your husband, you meet a suitor who is as good as your brother, will you think that you

Not worthy of him. "

The phone didn't hang up, but there was no sound for a long, long time.

"I know what you are going to say." Zhuo Yuxi said a little weakly, as if he was adding nonsense to regain his proud posture.

Wang Xia gave her cell phone to Li Xiaoxiao and said, "Tell her what's going on with your marriage?" Li Xiaoxiao didn't really want to mention hadrons, but she also understood that this was a problem she had to face, and listening to Watching the conversation between her cousin and Zhuo Yuxi, she felt a little more angry and said, "Sister Yuxi, listen to me. First, Qiangzi and I truly love each other. Second, I have never done anything to make him sorry. Thirdly, I have helped Qiangzi a lot. It can even be said that without me, Qiangzi would not be what he is now. Fourthly, I have never offended Qiangzi’s father.

Even Sister Yaxin is treated as a member of my family. "

Wang Xia snatched the phone over again: "Zhuo Yuxi, do you understand?"

"I understand, so what?" Zhuo Yuxi's tone had become a little urgent.

Wang Xia said: "Now that you understand, please answer me, apart from the two objective factors of worth and children, how is my sister not worthy of your brother?"

Zhuo Yuxi paused and said quickly: "You are still capable. I admit that you are excellent in many aspects, but a woman like you is only suitable for raising a husband and raising children at home. You can't provide him with any help in his career. .”

Wang Xia said: "Let's not talk about how she is in terms of career. Just follow what you want. Zhuo Yuxi, you want to say that only a woman like you in this world is suitable to marry into a wealthy family and be your brother's wife. ?”

"I...I didn't say that. I just hope that my brother's wife can take charge of her career." Zhuo Yuxi started to speak in a panic.

Li Xiaoxiao said: "In this case, please answer me directly. Apart from the two objective factors of worth and children, how in the world is Xiaoxiao not worthy of your brother?"

Zhuo Yuxi stopped talking again. In fact, she knows very well that Li Xiaoxiao is an excellent person, whether it is his background, knowledge, cultivation, or attitude towards marriage. Even in career, Li Xiaoxiao may not be unable to do well, but she believes that Li Xiaoxiao is a good person.

Xiao was not suitable to be his younger sibling, so he tried every possible means to find her shortcomings verbally.

Wang Xia waited for a long time and said, "Zhuo Yuxi, please apologize. Please apologize to Xiaoxiao."

Zhuo Yuxi said in surprise: "What did you say? You want me to apologize to her?"

Wang Xia said: "Yes, please apologize to me."

Zhuo Yuxi said: "Why?"

Wang Xia said: "It could have been a battle between gentlemen between us, but you don't follow martial ethics."

Zhuo Yuxi laughed angrily and said, "A gentleman's battle? Humph, what qualifications do you have to fight a gentleman's battle with me?"

Wang Xia said: "Zhuo Yuxi, you seem to have misunderstood again. In this war, you have always been the one who is not qualified to serve."

Zhuo Yuxi said: "What do you mean? You say I am not qualified?"

Wang Xia gave the phone to Li Xiaoxiao again: "Tell me, what are your feelings for Zhuo Yuhang?" Li Xiaoxiao endured it and mustered up the courage to say: "Sister Yuxi, actually I also know, like me Such a person is indeed not worthy of Senior Brother Yuhang, but emotional issues and external conditions are never the first priority. Senior Brother Yuhang allowed me to regain my

No matter how much you want to object, I will never give up on her. "Wang Xia said: "You heard it, Zhuo Yuxi, actually you also know very well that the reasons you mentioned are nonsense, otherwise you would not take advantage of your brother's illness to use such despicable means. As long as his illness is cured, you have no way to interfere. As I said just now, you are the one who is not qualified to serve. "

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