My Best Wife

Chapter 3465: Hello Astronaut (6)

Zhuo Yuhang didn't hesitate anymore, he just thought about taking a hot bath, then washing his underwear and coat, and then even if he was wet, at least he was clean.

"Go, go, auntie will send you the clothes as soon as she knows."

Xiao Ma almost pushed Zhuo Yuhang into the bathroom.

Zhuo Yuhang came in and closed the door. He looked around. There was a small bathroom with separate wet and dry areas. The bathing area could only accommodate one person standing.

Zhuo Yuhang turned on the hot water switch, and after a while, hot water flowed out.

Zhuo Yuhang took off all his clothes, including his shoes.

When the hot water rushed down from the top of his head, he didn't feel very comfortable. He was detained all day and night. He didn't eat or drink, and he couldn't rest well. In addition, he escaped with great physical strength for half a day. Zhuo Yuhang basically reached the limit of his physical ability.

This will make the pores of the whole body relax, and the steaming bathroom will embrace Zhuo Yuhang, feeling that this day has experienced the feeling of going from **** to heaven all at once.

Li Xiaoxiao and Xiao Ma were not idle outside to discuss how to prepare a suit for Zhuo Yuhang.

Mother Xiao thought relatively simple: "Xiao Xiao, just wear my t-shirt and shorts, aren't the slippers still disposable?"

Li Xiaoxiao immediately rejected the proposal: "Mom, it's easy to say, um, what's inside is not good, and the size of your t-shirt is definitely wrong.

But I have a way that should work. "

Xiao Ma asked curiously, "What?

It will be too late to find the mall. "

Li Xiaoxiao observed the right side all the way, and a small empty field appeared in front of the right. Although it was not a scenic spot, there were a few shops sporadically.

Li Xiaoxiao drove the RV over, stopped, and said to Xiao Ma, "This is it. As long as the tourist attractions are there, there will be swimsuits, short-sleeved shorts, and slippers."

After getting off the bus, I found a shop selling corresponding clothes, but the clothes in the seaside tourist area are all colorful, and at a glance, you can tell that they are coming for vacation.

There are also underwear for sale. Li Xiaoxiao couldn't help to choose, so she asked Xiaoma to help find two sizes and put them away.

Li Xiaoxiao handed a few pieces of clothes to Xiaoma after paying the bill, and asked Xiaoma to send them to Zhuo Yuhang first.

Looking at these pink and willow green clothes, although it is exaggerated, it has a different flavor.

After thinking about it, I bought the same set for Xiao Ma, myself and Xiao Ai Li.

Xiaoma walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door: "Xiao Zhuo bought you a new set of clothes, you can try it on and see if the size fits, if it doesn't work, change it again."

Zhuo Yuhang was doing laundry inside. He wanted to finish washing his clothes and wring them out, so he put them on wetly.

Hearing Xiao Ma's voice, I wondered why I bought a new set of clothes.

"Auntie, no need, I'll just wear my own."

Zhuo Yuhang didn't open the door, turned off the tap, and communicated with Xiao Ma through the door.

"How about that, wet, what should I do if I'm sick with a cold.

Xiaozhuo, open the door quickly, give you the clean clothes, change them off quickly, give me the old clothes, and my aunt will wash them for you. "

Mother Xiao is not polite, she really wants to do something for Zhuo Yuhang in return.

Mother Xiao knew that Zhuo Yuhang might be embarrassed, so she went to the back and got a new large towel for Zhuo Yuhang to dry his body.

Zhuo Yuhang's face was a little red, how embarrassing, when he was in a dilemma, he heard Xiao's mother continue to say at this time: "Xiao Zhuo, then the aunt put your clothes on the door for you, and I also put the towels. This is above, new, unused.

These will be taken out by yourself in a while, and the door of the car will be locked for you.

Put a bag, you can put all your previous clothes in the bag. "

Zhuo Yuhang hurriedly replied, "Thank you, Auntie, for causing you trouble."

After a while, Zhuo Yuhang opened the door and brought in some clothes. He dried his body with a new towel and put on some strange bright clothes. The underwear I bought was a little small, and the top was a little tight. Change the size or something, it will be a matter of time.

Zhuo Yuhang came out to put all his clothes together, and then got out of the car, and saw Li Xiaoxiao and Xiaoma taking Xiao Ai Li cutting fruit in front of the fruit stand.

Zhuo Yuhang walked over quickly and greeted Li Xiaoxiao's family shyly. Zhuo Yuhang never imagined that it would be such an awkward meeting.

Li Xiaoxiao laughed when she saw it: "Senior brother, don't tell me, you can advertise for clothes sellers wearing this outfit."

Xiao Ma looked around seriously: "Xiao Zhuo, don't say it, it's fine, but why does the clothes feel a little small, do you want to change the top to a larger size?"

Zhuo Yuhang touched his head and said quickly, "No, no, thank you aunt for your concern.

"A few people returned to the RV with the fruit, and Mother Xiao asked Zhuo Yuhang, "Xiao Zhuo, are you hungry? You eat a little to pamper your stomach first, and my aunt will cook for you." "

Zhuo Yuhang was indeed hungry. Seeing Li Xiaoxiao take out a salmon burger that he had not finished eating at noon, he said in surprise, "Xiaoxiao, why have you been to this restaurant?"

Li Xiaoxiao nodded and immediately thought of the man who took the photo, and asked tentatively, "Senior brother, there is a photo in the small shop, did you write the memoryforcu?"

Saying that, Li Xiaoxiao turned on the phone and found the photo to show to Zhuo Yuhang. Zhuo Yuhang didn't expect such a coincidence. Li Xiaoxiao had also been to this restaurant.

"Yes, I think it tastes very good, very similar.

. "

Before Zhuo Yuhang could finish speaking, he heard Li Xiaoxiao grabbing the conversation and continued, "It tastes like a hamburger restaurant next to Brother University, right?"

Zhuo Yuhang nodded, and Li Xiaoxiao continued: "Indeed, I just think the taste is very similar, and I suddenly thought of the salmon burger from which hamburger restaurant in Columbia University. Brother Yuhang, which one do you often go to eat?"

Zhuo Yuhang still just smiled and nodded, thinking that Li Xiaoxiao should not remember that he had eaten with Zhuo Yuhang three times in total. Although there were many people, they had a total of three meals there.

Zhuo Yuhang recalled slowly. In fact, Zhuo Yuhang didn't really like to eat hamburgers, but he found that Li Xiaoxiao liked it. He tried it a few times, and then he slowly accepted and liked the taste.

Zhuo Yuhang finished the hamburger in three or two bites, and Xiao Ma also heated the porridge left in the pot at noon for Zhuo Yuhang.

Seeing Zhuo Yuhang gobbling it down, he said, "This hamburger is cold and unheated. Don't eat it so fast. Xiao Zhuo, I'll give you hot porridge and stir-fry two dishes for you."

Zhuo Yuhang repeatedly said that there is no need to bother, just take one bite. After drinking two bowls of Xiaoma's hot porridge, he recovered his strength and spirit, and quietly looked at Li Xiaoxiao who was sitting quietly in the front driver's seat. Zhuo Yuhang felt This dream is really unrealistic.

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