My Best Wife

Chapter 3443: Financial doubts (8)

Wang Yaxin first signaled Wang Xia not to call: "Don't worry, Qiangzi stayed just now. I guess he must communicate with the chief financial officer alone. When they finish talking first, just send a message to Lao Bi."

"Okay, I'll send it, and I'll contact Lao Bi."

Wang Xia quickly took over the conversation and took out her mobile phone to send a message to Lao Bi.

Shaking his head while sending a message: "I really can't stand it for a moment."

Wang Yaxin and Lin Shan looked at each other and smiled. Wang Xia's character was so clear and straight.

Although the person in charge of human resources should not be so simple, and should not show emotions and anger, but after getting along for a long time, in fact, it is very comfortable to be simple, and the efficiency of communication is high.

Because they are all of their own, Wang Yaxin also expressed his views in a clear-cut way just now, and did not even touch Fang Zhiqiang. Although Wang Yaxin thinks that the chief financial officer has some words to make sense, it is really not suitable for Huaqiang at this stage.

In particular, Wang Yaxin thinks that what is more important is that the ability to control emotions and emotional intelligence is a bit scary.

So my point of view is very clear, it is recommended to replace as soon as possible.

Fang Zhiqiang will still communicate with the chief financial officer in the conference room. Fang Zhiqiang wanted to comfort him and try to guide him so that the chief financial officer can understand some of his own problems.

Fang Zhiqiang closed the door and tried to regulate his nervousness by joking: "Look, our brothers haven't had a drink yet.

It's been too busy for a while, why don't you go for a drink tonight? "

At this time, Fang Zhiqiang, the chief financial officer, was respectful, nodded and bowed at Fang Zhiqiang: "Mr. Fang, you have a lot of time to deal with important matters. Don't worry about this. I'll invite Mr. Fang when it's convenient for Mr. Fang."

Fang Zhiqiang waved his hand, indicating that you don't have to be too polite, pulled the stool, sat next to him, put his hand on the shoulder of the chief financial officer and said in a calm voice, "It's really hard today, the time is so tight, so prepare a cross talk document.

The elderly may be in the habit of asking questions directly, but they are not actually questioning, but mainly want to see how they can help to integrate as soon as possible.

It is true that the position of financial director is too important for everyone and the entire company.

Don't mind this. "

Just as the person in charge of finance was about to make a statement, Fang Zhiqiang knew what he wanted to say, nodded, and continued: "Of course, I also know that as the chief financial officer, there must be such a pattern.

We don't care about such small things, let's straighten things out together, and do it well, right? "

The chief financial officer was embarrassed for a while and didn't know how to answer.

After pondering for a while, he nodded and replied: "Thank you for Mr. Fang's support and understanding. Although I would not tolerate this subordinate's public demolition before, I will listen to Mr. Fang's order here.

You can rest assured that I will select suitable people to join as soon as possible, and build the financial team as soon as possible. "

Fang Zhiqiang frowned, thinking to himself, why does he feel a little out of touch? It doesn't make sense, and he still falls into his own logic.

Fang Zhiqiang thought about it for a while, but explained slowly: "Nie Qian was in charge of the finance team before, Lao Chen's girlfriend, you should have never met Lao Chen. After Lao Chen was hospitalized, Nie Qian took leave to take care of him.

Nie Qian herself is not particularly familiar with finance. She did leave some pitfalls before, and this is normal. "

Fang Zhiqiang had just said this, but before he finished speaking, the chief financial officer rolled his eyes, interrupted Fang Zhiqiang and asked, "Mr. Fang, what do you mean by pit?

which aspect? "

Fang Zhiqiang didn't expect to ask this question suddenly, he was a little confused for a while, not knowing how to answer this question: "I mean, this means that you are not as professional in finance as you.

After all, they are not as professional as you are, so it is possible that the reports and data they did before may not meet your requirements and plans.

What I want to say is that with regard to the system or some financial processes and details, if problems are found, they can be adjusted according to more reasonable ideas. "

The CFO was a little disappointed: "Oh, yes, I see.

But Mr. Fang, I'm not talking bad about people behind their backs, Zhang Yuman's financial level is really bad, and people are stupid. If it wasn't for Mr. Fang's face, I would have fired this person long ago.

Regarding some accounting issues in history, I don’t know if I can’t figure it out myself, or if I deliberately hide it from me and don’t tell me the truth.

In short, it feels like a lot of things are still hidden. "

Fang Zhiqiang himself has never been in charge of finances, and he hasn't talked to Zhang Yuman recently, and he doesn't know if Yuman is really cooperating with the new chief financial officer's work, so he doesn't dare to say too much: "This should be No, Yuman just has his own ideas in character, but there should be no problem with the level of work dedication, there may be some misunderstandings here, so I will find out."

After soothing for a while, Fang Zhiqiang returned to his office. As soon as he entered the room and put down the computer, he felt very tired.

Lying on the chair, I felt like my whole body was paralyzed, and I felt that this would drain my energy.

What's more uncomfortable is that the communication with the chief financial officer can't always tell, and there is a very strange feeling.

Fang Zhiqiang took out his mobile phone and saw several messages sent by Wang Xia: Will there be time for this?

I'll go over with Lao Bi and the others to communicate with you?

Fang Zhiqiang knew that he was talking about the chief financial officer, but he felt that this would just be the end of the conversation, and he would drag Wang Xia and the others to discuss it together.

Fang Zhiqiang also knew that Wang Xia and the others must have a negative attitude. As for himself, he hadn't made up his mind.

Although this person really doesn't want to stay for a long time, Fang Zhiqiang still wants to understand first, whether there are some cooperation problems on Yuman's side.

Fang Zhiqiang thought about it for a while and replied to Wang Xia first: I will deal with other things first, let's talk about it after get off work at the party.

Then he sent another message to Zhang Yuman: Yuman, tell me when you get off work.

After a while, Zhang Yuman came back: Okay, Mr. Fang.

After get off work, Fang Zhiqiang received another message from Zhang Yuman: Mr. Fang, there is no one in the finance room at this meeting, and they are all gone. Do you want me to look for you?

Fang Zhiqiang thought that Zhang Yuman's EQ was quite high, and replied simply.

Then stood up, took out two bottles of Coke, put them on the coffee table, sat on the sofa and waited for Zhang Yuman to come.

Not long after, he heard Zhang Yuman's knock on the door, Fang Zhiqiang quickly let Zhang Yuman in, then closed the door, and enthusiastically motioned Zhang Yuman to sit down.

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