My Best Wife

Chapter 3437: Financial doubts (2)

Technology is not Fang Zhiqiang's strong point. He can't convince everyone at the technical and product level. Management must pay more attention to methods. This is also a shortcoming that Fang Zhiqiang needs to make up for.

Although Lin Shan, Zhang Zhenguo, and the scientific research director can now be managed by three people, these three people also have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Lin Shan has an extroverted personality and a straight-forward habit of doing things. She has good skills but has a quick temper. It is easy to offend people without knowing it.

As for Zhang Zhenguo, he is calm and mature in his work, but he is not so strong in innovation and hard work.

As for the director of scientific research, Fang Zhiqiang felt that he was always a little incomprehensible, and the city was very deep.

What is more difficult to manage than technology is finance. After Nie Qian took leave to take care of Lao Chen, he listened to everyone's opinions and recruited a new chief financial officer.

There is no problem with the new CFO’s resume and experience, and the last company was still a large-scale listed company.

After arriving, I have had several conflicts with business and technical students, and the control of financial processes and compliance is extremely strict.

From the perspective of compliance, there is definitely no problem, but when encountering things, you need to analyze them in detail, instead of completely denying them. To control Huaqiang at this stage according to the standards of a listed company will indeed make everyone tired.

Lao Bi has reminded himself more than once, and he has communicated with the chief financial officer, but the other party also thinks it is unreasonable. Instead, he asks Fang Zhiqiang how to be more compliant. There is still a problem. If anything happens, Mr. Fang, you and me. Get up and take the blame, considering what the business person in charge wants to do, it must be strict.

In fact, on the core issue, Fang Zhiqiang talked to a few people today, and he basically has a judgment of his own. From a compliance perspective, strictly regulate the internal control system. This is definitely no problem, and he can communicate with several business leaders to comfort him .

The problem lies in the understanding of the business. The new business person in charge does not understand the business very well. If many things are not clear, they will follow their previous experience. In fact, some expressions are wrong. Gao, everyone is fighting with each other right now.

Lao Bi also made it clear that he would not go to the chief financial officer to communicate anything again.

It's only been a few weeks since it's been here, and it's been a mess, and Fang Zhiqiang is also upset. Lao Bi doesn't want to communicate, so he can only communicate by himself.

This would be extremely wanting to smoke a cigarette, Fang Zhiqiang stood alone on the balcony and looked at the darkness in the distance.

For a moment, Fang Zhiqiang wanted to give up quitting smoking.

If you can light a cigarette, the light in the dark will be able to accompany you, and you will not be alone in the face of loneliness and helplessness.

When I woke up in a daze in the morning, Wang Yaxin was nowhere to be seen.

Fang Zhiqiang picked up his mobile phone to read the news, replied a few things that had to be dealt with, and then got up slowly.

When I wake up every morning, Fang Zhiqiang is a burden. I turn on my phone and read the news. I will never know what will happen today. No news is the best news.

If you see something negative, your heart will be stunned, and you will sit up and deal with it immediately.

If there is no news, you will breathe a sigh of relief and get ready to get up and start the day.

Just like skiing, there is a moment when the mind is completely empty, and nothing bothers you.

Speaking of skiing, although my body is still a little sore, it does seem that I like this sport. The moment dopamine is secreted, I can really feel extremely happy.

Fang Zhiqiang walked out of the bedroom and saw Wang Yaxin talking to Zhang Ling in the living room. He hurriedly came over and asked, "Yaxin, why did you get up so early, how are you doing?"

"Qiangzi, are you awake?

Come, come and eat. "

Wang Yaxin motioned Zhang Ling to bring the breakfast, and answered Fang Zhiqiang: "I'm fine, I just took my temperature, it's completely normal, it's been almost two days since I've rested, don't worry, it's fine, let's go to work together after eating. ."

"Don't go to work, take another day off at home, and go back tomorrow."

Fang Zhiqiang discussed with Wang Yaxin while eating breakfast.

Wang Yaxin shook his head: "Qianzi, no.

I know that I received a few more lawsuits today. Although you didn't tell me, I also know that Juying's lawsuits were clearly prepared, and each of them was difficult to handle.

And the time is very tight. The jurisdictional objection may be dismissed soon. I still have to prepare for a positive response. I have to prepare a lot of materials in advance. "

Fang Zhiqiang nodded and could only be silent. For several lawsuits received today, Fang Zhiqiang asked the company's legal affairs, and the feedback he gave was that the situation was very bad and he couldn't handle it himself, so let Wang Yaxin take over.

Although the company's legal affairs are indeed not specialized in litigation, Fang Zhiqiang is also very depressed by this approach of stepping back and throwing his hands.

I don't know when it started, this feeling of powerlessness has become stronger and stronger, I always feel that the people below are unreliable, and many things need to be done by myself, and even need to come forward to complete it.

Fang Zhiqiang also knew that there must be a problem with his own management, but he didn't know how to start to improve.

Wang Yaxin watched Fang Zhiqiang thinking in a daze, but pulled the topic back: "Okay, Qiangzi, don't worry.

I have a good body, and I won’t do anything too exhausting today, so don’t worry.

Hurry up and finish your breakfast, I want you to be the driver to take me to work. "

"Well then, wife, come back early tonight to rest, don't wait for me to be with you."

Fang Zhiqiang hurriedly devoured a few mouthfuls, and then brought his mobile phone and computer to drive Wang Yaxin to the company.

When they got to the company, they separated and started to do their own business.

Wang Yaxin was also known as a workaholic before. When he arrived at the company, he immediately started the battle mode, completely forgetting about his physical condition.

Fang Zhiqiang asked Wang Xia in the afternoon to discuss several recent events in the company. At present, there are only a few people who can be trusted by his subordinates.

In fact, Wang Xia, the chief financial officer, has also reported to Fang Zhiqiang several times, but Fang Zhiqiang didn't really care much at first, so he thought that he would have to give the newcomer some time to adapt.

Wang Xia mentioned this in a message in the morning, and felt that it was necessary to do a brief debrief as soon as possible, and there might be some problems that could be exposed.

"Qiangzi, I also talked to Zhang Yuman."

Wang Xia stared at Fang Zhiqiang and continued: "I have a lot of opinions on the new financial director, and Yuman has the idea of ​​leaving.

If it goes on like this, it is very likely that the team will have dispersed before Nie Qian returns. "

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