My Best Wife

Chapter 3410: Back on track (6)

Li Xiaoxiao probably knew what kind of gift Xu Chao was referring to through the types of gifts Xu Chao gave and the look in his eyes, but Li Xiaoxiao didn't want to spoil the atmosphere at this time.

I can only pretend to be a little silly and answer: "Doctor Xu, I'm going to wait for my mother to finish the examination, and take her out to play with the children, so that they can also relax.

If my mother needs to have surgery, then it is estimated that there will be no way to go out and play in a short time.

So if conditions permit, I also want to take my mother out to play. "

Li Xiaoxiao led the topic to the elderly and children. On the one hand, he reminded Dr. Xu Chao not to forget that I was married and had children. On the other hand, he mentioned the operation-related issues, which made Xu Chao unable to continue the previous work. Go deeper into the topic.

Li Xiaoxiao really doesn't want to think about any personal-related issues in the short term. In addition, Dr. Xu Chao has been helping his family all the time, and he doesn't want to develop a good relationship in a more complicated direction.

In the end, Li Xiaoxiao also had a repulsive idea in her heart, that she didn't want to have anything to do with people who were related to Wang Yaxin. Li Xiaoxiao knew that Xu Chao had also pursued Wang Yaxin before. It would be a little awkward.

Xu Chao is also a smart person, so he naturally knows that Li Xiaoxiao doesn't want to continue answering this question. Xu Chao doesn't know whether Li Xiaoxiao is shy, embarrassed to discuss this topic or something else.

At this time, Xu Chao can only communicate with Li Xiaoxiao's words: "Xiaoxiao, it's good to go out and play, it will help the old man relax and help ease his condition.

However, you must also make travel plans according to your aunt's physical condition, don't be too tired.

In addition, don't go to places with too bad conditions or too high altitude. After the specific inspection is completed, after the results come out, I can also help you with your staff where to play. "

"Then I would like to thank Dr. Xu in advance. Before traveling, I have always been more casual, and I will leave as soon as I say go. This time I take my family out, so I really need to be careful."

"Xiaoxiao, when the time comes, I'll be your driver and go out with you.

Haha, how is it? "

"Doctor Xu, you're so busy that you don't have time, and your daily salary is so expensive that I can't afford an hourly driver."

Li Xiaoxiao also hurriedly jokingly diverted the topic, afraid that Xu Chao would continue to talk, and then continued: "Doctor Xu, this time we want to find a comfortable place to stay quietly for a while, and we may go out for a long time.

Look forward to the next time you can find a chance to go out and play together.

Thanks again Dr. Xu, mainly because you are too busy and your time is precious. "

Xu Chao drank most of the bottle of wine. Li Xiaoxiao controlled himself to try not to drink too much. After serving a dessert, it was almost time. Xu Chao got up and excused himself to go to the bathroom.

Li Xiaoxiao was afraid that Xu Chao would go to the checkout first, so he quickly said to Xu Chao, "Doctor Xu, I'll invite you this time."

"Xiaoxiao, how can I invite you to a girl's house? I'm here. You're welcome."

Li Xiaoxiao quickly stood up, held down Dr. Xu Chao, did not let him get up, called the waiter, and was ready to pay the bill.

Then he said to Xu Chao: "Doctor Xu, I have a membership card here, and it's wasted if I haven't eaten for a long time.

Doctor Xu, please don't argue with me. This time I said it in advance, otherwise I would not be able to explain it to my mother when I went back. "

After all, tell the waiter the card number and settle directly from the membership card.

Xu Chao just sat down and looked at Li Xiaoxiao who stood up to check out. Looking up from the bottom, he appeared to be in better shape, with a particularly slim waist. Although his chest was not as plump as Wang Yaxin's, it also bulged forward and backward, which made people unable to bear it. Take a look.

After Li Xiaoxiao settled the bill, he sat down and smiled and looked at Xu Chao, Xu Chao hurriedly looked away and raised his red wine glass: "Then thank the beautiful lady Xiaoxiao for her hospitality, don't worry about Auntie's condition, there is me Now, I will do my best.

I'll invite you to dinner on the day of the inspection. "

Seeing Xu Chao's dodging gaze, Li Xiaoxiao also guessed that she was staring at her just now. As a beautiful woman, she has been squinted so secretly too many times, and she doesn't care, she just consciously pulled her chest and held it up. Picking up the wine glass, he touched Xu Chao: "Then I'll ask Dr. Xu to thank you on behalf of my mother!"

Li Xiaoxiao was going to call a chauffeur to take Xu Chao home first, but Xu Chao insisted that he didn't, and wanted to send Li Xiaoxiao back to the hospital first.

The two gave way for a long time, and finally decided to go their separate ways.

After Li Xiaoxiao went home, Ai Li was not feeling very well today. She had already slept after eating. She sat down and told her mother about the situation. She didn't say anything about the slap with the old man on the road, nor did she say that Dr. Xu might be wrong to her. It's a bit interesting, so I just simply said thank you for Dr. Xu's help before. The time has been arranged for next week, and my mother can go with me when the time comes.

Xiaoma was interested in Xu Chao, and asked about Xu Chao for a long time. Xiaoma also always wanted Li Xiaoxiao to find a doctor as her husband, with a stable job and a guaranteed income.

After a few words, Li Xiaoxiao quickly changed the topic to other areas: "Mom, my sister will come tomorrow, and Qiangzi will also come at noon.

See what are we going to cook? "

"Zhiqiang came over for lunch at noon, so is that person from him also coming?"

Xiaoma asked Xiaoxiao a little bit hostilely.

"Oh, Mom, then how do I know, but wouldn't it be good for Sister Yaxin to come together?

Take Xin Sheng to play with Ai Li. "

"Love Li, love Li, it's awkward to hear this name. I will take this opportunity to tell Fang Zhiqiang tomorrow and change the name for the child."

Xiao Ma suddenly became angry and began to complain aggressively.

"Okay, dear mother, don't be mad at yourself. Whatever you call it is your grandson, and whatever it is called Ai Li also loves his grandmother the most. Do you think this is the truth?"

Li Xiaoxiao suddenly saw that her mother was going to be angry, so she quickly came over and hugged her mother's neck and started to act like a spoiled child.

Xiao Ma was amused by Li Xiaoxiao, and she stopped getting angry.

The two discussed the meals that would probably need to be prepared tomorrow.

Xu Chao returned to the hospital in the evening and quickly rinsed his mouth. After all, he drank alcohol, and it was not good for the patient to smell alcohol during ward rounds at night.

After checking, I explained a few things to the assistant before going home.

When I got home, I was very happy to see the gift from Li Xiaoxiao.

Such a peerless and beautiful woman was very happy to be able to accompany her to dinner, and it was a gift she liked. Xu Chao put on his belt and looked in the mirror happily for a while.

I was also thinking in my heart, how can I catch Li Xiaoxiao?

Li Xiaoxiao and Wang Yaxin belong to a completely different type, but Li Xiaoxiao is much simpler, as I know from the previous contacts.

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