My Best Wife

Chapter 3391: go home (4)

Fang Zhiqiang turned on his mobile phone and found that the contact information of several frequently used people was already in the address book. Fang Zhiqiang called Lin Shan and Zhang Zhenguo respectively, and arranged for a meeting with the company tomorrow morning to review the latest developments in products and business.

Wang Yaxin was a little worried seeing Fang Zhiqiang getting busy and working so soon. Fang Zhiqiang didn't notice this. He logged into the mailbox on his mobile phone and started to check his emails. During the business trip, he had accumulated a lot of things to deal with. Fang Zhiqiang looked at it and entered a frantic working state. Wang Yaxin asked Fang Zhiqiang what he wanted to eat at night, and Fang Zhiqiang agreed vaguely.

Wang Yaxin smiled and didn't ask any more. She just wanted to call Zhang Ling to prepare meals in advance. The bald head just said that he had sent a message to Zhang Ling in advance, and Zhang Ling should have been preparing for this meeting. Wang Yaxin looked at the time, Xin Sheng probably should be ready to sleep at this point. Wang Yaxin originally wanted to ask Fang Zhiqiang about his specific experience in the past few days on the way. After seeing Fang Zhiqiang's work, he thought about it and asked him later in the evening.

"Qiangzi, wait until you finish eating before working. You're still tired when you get back, so don't rush to work right away." With both the bald head and the driver, Wang Yaxin couldn't be too intimate, so he changed his name back to Qiangzi. Fang Zhiqiang heard a subconscious hum first, then reacted immediately, looked at Wang Yaxin suspiciously, then got out of work and started talking to Wang Yaxin and his bald head.

"Lao Bi informed you? Is there any news to reply?" Fang Zhiqiang already knew that Lao Bi flew to Dongzhou for himself. Wang Yaxin knew that Fang Zhiqiang was thinking about Lao Bi's safety, so he turned on the phone to see that there was still no news, and sent a voice message to Lao Bi, synchronizing the situation here, and asking Lao Bi to reply as soon as possible. After sending Wang Yaxin, he called Liu Yan again, and said that under the circumstances, Lao Bi should return to the Pearl as soon as possible, and at the latest tomorrow on the corresponding flight.

"Let's have dinner together in the evening, let's have a drink by the way~" Fang Zhiqiang patted the bald shoulder in front of him, expressing his thanks and asking for a small gathering in the evening. The bald head quickly turned around and said, this is what it should be.

The bald-headed traveller naturally has good eyesight. Knowing that the Fang Zhiqiang and his wife will be sent home tonight, he will hurry up and leave. Not only did he leave by himself, but the bald head also sent a message to Zhang Ling in advance, pulling Zhang Ling and hurrying to go together tomorrow. Come back in the morning and leave enough time for Fang Zhiqiang and his wife to read alone. Xiaobie wins the newly married, and the two have experienced so many things. It can be regarded as a reunion after life and death. Naturally, there is a lot to say, and there are many things to do. The bald head is planning to get home and leave as soon as Zhang Ling finishes preparing the meal. .

After a while, I got home and let the bald head in. The bald head began to insist, saying that he would smoke a cigarette outside, and when Zhang Ling finished cooking, he would go together, and he was not hungry. Where did Fang Zhiqiang listen to this, saying that if you don't go in, I will also accompany you to smoke outside and can't go in. Yaxin blames you for being bald, so don't look for me. No way, the bald head had to go in.

Zhang Ling is preparing food. She has already cooked two dishes and is about to cook three more dishes. Wang Yaxin entered the door and hurriedly asked Zhang Ling to rest, went to talk to the bald head, changed her shoes, and prepared to help in the kitchen. Where is Zhang Ling willing to do, she had a conversation with Fang Zhiqiang, and enthusiastically expressed how difficult it was for Wang Yaxin these days. Missing Fang Zhiqiang, she couldn't sleep well, and she didn't eat much every day. Everyone laughed and laughed for a while, Zhang Ling simply nodded with the bald head, and then went to the kitchen to work.

Xiaoyu heard the liveliness of the living room and came out to greet everyone with a simple nod. Xiaoyu didn't know anything about what happened at home these days. Wang Yaxin didn't reveal anything to Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu was also used to the busyness of Fang Zhiqiang and Wang Yaxin at work, and basically ignored the family. When Fang Zhiqiang came back, he just thought the clothes he was wearing were strange, as if he had gone to the beach for a vacation.

When Fang Zhiqiang saw Xiaoyu come out, he also took a few steps, came over and squatted down and hugged Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu pushed Fang Zhiqiang away with a look of disgust, then said that he had gone to do his homework, and went straight into the room. Fang Zhiqiang didn't feel embarrassed at all, but still felt very happy, and then pulled his bald head to the balcony to smoke.

Wang Yaxin went to the bedroom to find Fang Zhiqiang's changing pajamas and put them in the bathroom, ready to let Fang Zhiqiang take a shower after he finished smoking. Wang Yaxin put on an apron and went to work with Zhang Ling, and prepared one more dish before eating. Zhang Ling had already eaten dinner, so there was no need to prepare too much.

At this moment, a small figure rolled over from the bed in the room, ran out of the door with bare feet, and walked out of the dark room into the bright living room. All of a sudden, he felt a little uncomfortable, rubbed his eyes hard, and saw the living room. No one found Fang Zhiqiang and his bald head who were smoking on the balcony. Just standing inside the balcony door to observe, it is indeed Fang Zhiqiang. He started shouting at the top of his voice: "Dad! Daddy~~~"

Fang Zhiqiang turned around and saw that it was his quirky daughter, Xiao Xinsheng. He quickly snuffed out the cigarette **** in his hand, opened the door, and saw Xin Sheng jumping happily with arms outstretched waiting to be embraced. Fang Zhiqiang quickly picked up Xin Sheng and kept stroking his daughter Xin Sheng's hair and back. Xin Sheng also put her arms around Fang Zhiqiang's neck and shouted obediently, "Dad~~~"

Fang Zhiqiang almost burst into tears, just as excited as the moment he saw Wang Yaxin in the afternoon. The meaning of coming back with this breath is this, this is home, this is the harbor of one's emotions. Wang Yaxin, who was cooking inside, also heard the sound, and immediately came out to see. Seeing Xinsheng coming out, she was not angry, she ran over with a smile, and touched Xinsheng's little feet. He smiled and asked, "Xin Sheng, why did you run out barefoot again, is it cold?"

"It's not cold, it's not cold, Mom~~~ Dad~~~" Xin Sheng shook her head and looked at Wang Yaxin, pointing to Wang Yaxin and Fang Zhiqiang. Fang Zhiqiang also touched Xinsheng's little tender feet, supported Xinsheng's little buttocks upside down, kissed Xinsheng's chubby cheeks and said happily, "Oh~ my good daughter has gained weight. ."

"Giggle~~~" Xin Sheng giggled because of Fang Zhiqiang's beard, and threw himself into Wang Yaxin's arms. Wang Yaxin put down the spoon in his hand, took Xin Sheng, and urged Fang Zhiqiang to take a bath first, so that he could eat after taking a bath.

Fang Zhiqiang also wanted to be tired with his daughter Xin Sheng for a while, but Wang Yaxin insisted on pushing Fang Zhiqiang to take a bath first. For the health of his daughter, Fang Zhiqiang also obeyed Wang Yaxin's arrangement and went in to take a bath. Xin Sheng stayed in the living room to play with the bald head.

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