My Best Wife

Chapter 3370: Aftermath (4)

Fang Zhiqiang just wanted to say, how did you collect this information. Just heard a voice coming from the other side.

"Miss", Yoko helped Xiaobai walk over from a distance. Lucy turned his head and gave Fang Zhiqiang a ghostly smile, indicating that Fang Zhiqiang did not need to answer this question. Then go to pick up Yoko and them.

"Miss Lucy, are you okay?" Xiaobai asked Lucy directly, and Lucy nodded, indicating that there was nothing wrong with him. Seeing Xiaobai being carried by Yoko, he was holding a wooden stick in his other hand. Yoko explained to everyone: "When I found Xiaobai, he was lying down, and he sprained his foot when he landed. It has been checked and it is not very serious."

Several people rested for a while, and Fang Zhiqiang also came over to check on Xiaobai's injuries. Lucy looked at the time and didn't want to delay any longer, and arranged for Fang Zhiqiang and Yoko to collect the parachutes together and bury them. I opened one of the boxes, took out the navigation and positioning instrument, and started to study, let Xiaobai sit on the spot to rest and watch the luggage with him.

Lucy didn't have a lot of contact with Xiaobai before, only to have intersections in the work of Dongji Group, and guided Xiaobai's work by himself. Naturally Lucy would not completely trust Xiao Bai, so stay here and look at his suitcase. Xiaobai kept asking Lucy if he was tired, and his eyes were full of concern. Lucy shook his head and asked Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, what do you think of Fang Zhiqiang?"

Xiao Bai is completely obsessed with Lucy. Whether in terms of technology or personality charm, he naturally confesses to himself: "Miss Lucy, I don't know which aspect you are referring to. If it is a technical aspect, Fang Zhiqiang should be average. He is not from a technical background. In terms of courage, I think it’s quite formidable. He ran to Dongji alone to discuss cooperation. I heard from Mr. Dai Qiu that he offered to come to the Juying Group branch to find Lucy. Miss, find a way to rescue him. I think Fang Zhiqiang is quite courageous. I don’t know what happened last night, oh, yes, he seems to be very interested in the advanced technology of Juying Group. "

After listening to Xiaobai's statement, Lucy felt that it was basically the same as his own judgment. In his heart, Fang Zhiqiang's favor has increased a little bit. So far, Fang Zhiqiang's overall performance is fairly satisfactory.

When Fang Zhiqiang came back with Yoko, he was already a little bit tired and out of breath, thinking about how this Yoko was like an iron man, he didn't feel tired, so he flew to work. There is always a baby-faced smile on his face, which makes people feel no danger.

Lucy simply split the suitcase, and divided it evenly with Fang Zhiqiang and Yoko. Xiaobai twisted his foot and just took care of herself. Fang Zhiqiang asked for a box from Lucy's side, piled it on top of his two large boxes, and pulled forward. The terrain in the jungle is uneven, the wheels of the box are not very useful, and it is very laborious to walk.

Several people stopped and walked, and it took two hours to finally reach the safe house Lucy had prepared in advance. Basically, everyone was almost in a state of collapse.

Lucy found the key from the drain pipe that had been communicated in advance, and opened the door to bring everyone in. Although it was a small house, the facilities in the house were also very simple. But when the four of them each found the sofa and took a rest on the stool, bursts of happiness came from the bottom of their hearts.

Fang Zhiqiang poured cold water fiercely, washed his face, and instantly felt alive. To Lucy, Yoko and Xiao Bai laughed, then took out the cups and washed them, and took four cups of water and handed them three. Lucy was also amused by the sound of Fang Zhiqiang's cow drinking, took the cup and said thank you, and drank the water within a few sips.

Although Yoko was thirsty after receiving the water glass, she stopped drinking, stood up, took out a key from the inconspicuous corner of the cabinet at the bottom of the kitchen, and went out to check the surroundings around the house. Lucy asked Xiao Bai to lift his legs, found a stool for Xiao Bai to raise his feet, checked Xiao Bai's injury, and asked Fang Zhiqiang to find the equipment in the house and figure out a way to boil two pots of boiling water.

Yoko found the scheduled pickup truck in the backyard of the house, climbed to the bottom of the car and checked it for a round to confirm that there was no problem, then opened the door with the key from the house, ignited it, and started it. Yoko also laughed happily when he smelled the familiar acetaldehyde scent contained in diesel exhaust. When I drove out and walked to the front of the cabin, he gave Lucy his thumb through the doorway and said that everything went well, and then drove out along the small road.

The cabin was booked by Lucy anonymously on the Internet a few months in advance, including pickup cars. Lucy has prepared 4 similar routes, and the other 3 spares are similar. Yoko drove around for more than ten minutes, and found nothing unusual, then drove back to the cabin and parked the car.

Lucy had already taken a shower quickly and came out after putting on clothes. The short denim shorts and the small pink suspenders were **** and cute. Xiao Bai hardly dared to look at Lucy, his heart beating wildly. Lucy saw that Fang Zhiqiang had boiled the water, bent down to open one of the pink suitcases, took out four packs of instant noodles, and handed them to Fang Zhiqiang.

Fang Zhiqiang was also a little stunned. There were instant noodles on the way to escape. After a while, the noodles were cooked, and four people sat on the table, almost finished the noodles. A pack of noodles is not a lot. Fang Zhiqiang consciously added a little more water, and his hungry body was somewhat relieved. Fang Zhiqiang looked at everyone and basically drank the soup clean, and said with a smile: "This is the best noodle I have ever eaten."

Xiaobai echoed and praised, and several people sat at the dining table to rest after eating. Drowsiness hits all at once, and a few people can pass out as soon as they close their eyes.

Lucy washed his face, and then announced to everyone the next plan: "Thank you for your company, it's time to say goodbye." Xiaobai was anxious after hearing this, looking at Lucy helplessly, begging. Lucy walked with him, willing to follow Lucy wherever he went. Lucy motioned Xiao Bai not to get excited, and then called Yoko to go out and have a few words with Yoko alone.

After the two came out, Lucy said directly: "Yoko, you will go in and ask Fang Zhiqiang to come out. I will chat with him alone, and then you will communicate with Xiaobai alone, let Xiaobai wait here for a day, and someone will come to pick him up tomorrow. Heal the injury and wait for the notice. Don't contact anyone else in the process."

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