My Best Wife

Chapter 3352: Escape from the Tiger's Mouth (1)

Dai Qiu has experienced many battles for so many years. He immediately understood that the vehicle in front of him was slowing down and was intending to buy time for another vehicle.

Immediately, he ordered the two cars on his side. The car in front accelerated and circumvented to chase, but the car behind continued to bite. When Dai Qiu was in a staggered vehicle, he consciously observed the situation inside the **** vehicle. The car film is very deep, and it is the darkest time in the early morning, and the driver's face can only be seen through the faint light.

Lucy found that the trailing vehicle hadn't been thrown away. Fang Zhiqiang said, "We're going to change the car in a while, and follow Dai Qiu."

Lucy pushed the glasses and said slowly: "Dai Qiu must have prepared a detailed retreat plan. We will flee the country with them first. If nothing else, we will wake up on the plane. The medicine you injected just now will be 20 minutes. Left and right can make you regain your consciousness. Fang Zhiqiang, don't move around after you wake up, don't talk nonsense, just wait for me to deal with it." Lucy's confident Fang Zhiqiang gave Fang Zhiqiang a look at each other after saying these things.

Fang Zhiqiang rarely sees such a confident woman. Lucy has a special charm. The city is very deep but he feels courageous and in control of the overall situation. "It seems I can't do much. I won't be sold to Congo for mining after I wake up." Fang Zhiqiang relaxed for the first time tonight and tried to joke with Lucy.

Lucy smiled knowingly and watched Fang Zhiqiang respond: "Uncle, you can't sell it at a good price at your age."

It was the first time that Fang Zhiqiang was called uncle like that, so he felt a little embarrassed, touched his head awkwardly, and stopped talking.

Lucy knocked on the window and told Yoko a few words, don't act rashly when meeting for a while, just wait for yourself to deal with it.

Dai Qiu's car quickly approached Lucy Fang Zhiqiang's car. The two cars drove side by side for a while. The head guard on Dai Qiu's side rolled down the window and pulled out a pistol to signal to stop. Where does the driver here dare to stop, ready to accelerate and rush forward. The captain of the guard didn't talk nonsense. He shot and broke the rearview mirror on the right, and continued to shoot at the engine cover.

Dangdang a few times. After all, the driver is only an employee responsible for the company's safety. There is still a difference from Dongji's guards. He just quickly talked to Mr. He over the radio about the situation, asked for support, and was forced to step on the brakes.

Dai Qiu's group was well-trained and quickly formed a tactical team to surround the vehicle. At the same time, the car behind Dai Qiu also crashed into the second car Juying was in charge of escorting safety. The two sides were about 800 meters away. After the driver opened the car, he knelt on the ground with his head in his hands. The door of the carriage opened and Lucy, Fang Zhiqiang, and Yoko walked out slowly.

"Dai Qiu, long time no see." Lucy spoke first.

"Ms. Lucy, Tony asked me to pick you up. If you have any misunderstandings, let me go home." Dai Qiu still said respectfully.

"Misunderstanding? Do you think it's as simple as a misunderstanding?" Lucy didn't give Dai Qiu face, after all, he never wanted to go through that unbearable past again.

The people on Dai Qiu's side also spotted Yoko, and everyone was extremely nervous. A head of the guard came over and said involuntarily that a shot had killed the driver, and then held the gun at Yoko. The chief guard glanced at Dai Qiu, took out the anesthesia gun and shot Yoko directly.

Lucy pointed to the head of the guard who opened the gun and asked, "What do you want to do? Who gave you the right to shoot Yoko."

Dai Qiu made a rounding up: "Miss, you also know that Yoko's ability, and their guards may not be Yoko's opponents combined. This will not hurt Yoko, just let her rest for four or five hours."

At this moment, gunfire sounded from the vehicle behind, and it should be the gunfire here that caused the conflict behind. After a few shots, he returned to calm, Dai Qiu turned around and continued to say to Lucy: "Miss, please don't embarrass me, please get in the car."

Lucy nodded: "Well, this car contains all my equipment and research results. This must be taken away."

Dai Qiu nodded, and the car behind also rushed over. Dai Qiu hurriedly ordered everyone to carry their luggage. Xiaobai also ran out of the carriage at this time and ran towards Lucy. As he ran, he shouted excitedly: "Miss Lucy, great, I finally saw you, are you okay." At the beginning, you were called by you. When it comes to you being okay, when these words are said, it becomes you. The words are full of concern. Lucy just nodded slightly, and said nothing.

Xiaobai continued to turn on the conversation mode: "Miss Lucy, you have worked hard for the past two years. It is not easy. Finally I can see you again." Dai Qiu interrupted everyone: "Miss, please get in the car, we have to get out of here as soon as possible."

Lucy nodded, and lifted Yoko up to the car slowly with Xiaobai.

Dai Qiu turned around and said to Fang Zhiqiang alone: ​​"Hello, President Fang, we meet again."

"Dai Qiu is good, I didn't expect you to bring Huaqiang's people to rescue us." Fang Zhiqiang did not flinch, and did not intend to give Dai Qiu any face.

"President Fang, there are some things that I can't help myself, and I hope you understand. But it is really useless to say more, but I personally don't want to be an enemy of Mr. Fang, and I will try my best to ensure your personal safety." Dai Qiu knows, although this All the plans, including putting blame on Huaqiang Company, were Tony’s idea. He wanted to use this rescue incident to kill two birds with one stone. But he had been in contact with Fang Zhiqiang several times and knew that this person was very resilient and open-minded. As an enemy. So Fang Zhiqiang has always been quite polite.

"If you return to Dongji, what are you going to do to Lucy and me?" Although Fang Zhiqiang could feel Dai Qiu's attitude, there were still some questions to be asked in the end.

Dai Qiu glanced at the progress of moving Lucy's belongings and luggage. He was almost finished moving, and slowly guided Fang Zhiqiang to a place with few people nearby. The air in the early morning was cold and clear. Dai Qiu took a deep breath and slowly said, "Lucy, I don’t know. The relationship between her and Tony is very complicated. It’s not a word that can be said clearly. I will try to protect Lucy. She is indeed a rare encounter in a century. It’s just that she’s burdened with a burden that shouldn’t be borne by her age, and she has experienced suffering beyond ordinary people. But anyway, I hope Tony can miss the old feelings. I can only say so much."

Dai Qiu turned his face to look at Fang Zhiqiang. After confirming that there were no eavesdropping devices around the two of them, he whispered: "As for Mr. Fang, what I said below has never appeared before. It is all your own thoughts. I suggest you do everything. You may find a way to escape before the plane hits the ground. As for what method you use, I can't help you think about how to deal with the two captains. If you land, things may be beyond my control."

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