My Best Wife

Chapter 3348: start to act

After Lucy packed up, he accessed the company's internal camera monitoring data through the system and discovered the unusual behavior of Xiaobai and Fang Zhiqiang. Yoko leaned over and smiled and asked Lucy: "Miss, I don't know if Fang Zhiqiang came at you, Xiaobai has always been infatuated with you, and he must have come at you desperately."

Lucy returned coldly: "It's his business, whether it's coming or not, it's nothing to do with me or not." Lucy naturally knew that Xiao Bai was still the straight technical man before, and he also knew how much he cared about himself. In the two years since Lucy left Dongji, Xiaobai has been trying to contact Lucy in various ways, but Lucy has never responded. The reason is actually very simple. The first is that there is no need to reply, and it is difficult for me to trust anyone. The second is that replying will make oneself insecure and increase Xiaobai's insecurity. Xiaobai's innocence and kindness will also be used by the rest of Dongji. So, simply broke any contact.

Lucy took a look at the time, and said, "Bring everything to the car, and then load the explosives." Yoko nodded, not talking nonsense, and proceeded to execute the order neatly. After spending so many years with Miss Lucy, Yoko knows her temperament. He contacted the security captain in charge of the transfer and called several people to help transport the packed boxes. A security code lock designed by Lucy is installed on the box, so you don't have to worry about security issues. Yoko can only check the quantity with ease.

Lucy didn't know if he could meet Fang Zhiqiang tonight, so he turned on the computer and invaded Juying's network through the previous backdoor, found Fang Zhiqiang's communication IM tool, and sent out a message: hello, Fang Zhiqiang.

When Fang Zhiqiang was still looking at the information attentively, suddenly a message like this popped out of the dialogue window, his heartbeat accelerated, and he looked around vigilantly. Then hit a question mark? Reply to the past.

Lucy knew that Fang Zhiqiang was at a loss at this time, and he didn't sell it: Knowing that you are Fang Zhiqiang, I am Lucy, this dialogue channel is safe.

Fang Zhiqiang knew that if he played again, he lied to himself, so he replied generously: Where are you?

Lucy smiled and asked: What time is it to come to me at night? I'm waiting for you:).

Fang Zhiqiang looked dumbfounded and wondered if you were locked up by the software. The smiley symbol is also inexplicable. He still replied: At 2 o'clock, a connector will take me to find you.

Lucy looked at Fang Zhiqiang's face with a question mark through the surveillance. The girl raised her heart and replied playfully: See you later:). Then disconnect the link.

This feeling of being unable to control makes Fang Zhiqiang very uncomfortable, even if it is a trap of Juying, there is no way now. Now I am in the bright spot. This kind of information asymmetry anxiety is the most boring, as if being roasted on a fire. The anxiety of waiting also made Fang Zhiqiang somewhat impetuous, but fortunately, after experiencing so many big scenes, he wouldn't lose control.

At 1 o'clock in the morning, Dai Qiu and the eight members of the action team, and the two vehicles had reached a place not far from the Juying Group branch.

Xiaobai kept drinking water and going to the toilet nervously. He had never experienced this kind of scene, but he didn't care about anything when he thought of saving Lucy out.

Mr. He's monitoring room followed Xiaobai Fang Zhiqiang's every move, although he had deployed manpower. But still dare not care. Except for Lucy's laboratory, which is specially approved for not allowing the installation of cameras, the entire group can be seen in other places. There are no other abnormalities.

Fang Zhiqiang sorted out his belongings, took all the important documents with him, deleted the visit records of the work computer, and waited quietly for the time to come.

Yoko carried all the luggage, and after returning from the special elevator, according to Lucy's instructions, he quietly placed the bomb in the laboratory. According to Lucy's plan, just destroy all the laboratory facilities, information channels, and objects that can't be taken away. Don't cause a large-scale explosion, and Lucy doesn't want to hurt others.

Lucy had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and hadn't been out to see the outside world for two full two years. Feeling a little excited and nervous, I was finally able to go out. Originally thought it would take longer, Fang Zhiqiang's arrival disrupted the plan and prompted the implementation of their plan in advance, but it is also a good thing to think about it, everything is the best arrangement.

At 1:30 in the morning, Xiaobai began to leave the work station and follow the designated route to his destination. Mr. He arranged to let him go all the way, unless he went to a place with a first-level security level, other entrance guards or guards could ignore it. At the same time, track down how Xiaobai's access card was obtained. Four more people were arranged to follow, ready to subdue Xiao Bai at any time. Seeing that Xiaobai didn't move towards Lucy's place, Mr. He also relieved his heart, wondering if his judgment was wrong and he didn't come to Lucy?

At 1:50 in the morning, Xiaobai approached the first-level security laboratory. The door was guarded by two guards. Xiaobai knew that his card could not get in, so he stopped. President He was also surprised, what Xiaobai did when he came to the data center? The data center of the Juying Group branch is in the laboratory behind the door. Even if it destroys the data center, the value is not high, and there are several data centers that are backed up and synchronized in different places. President He slowly let go of his heart, indicating that the net can be closed, and grabbing Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai tried to explain that he was here to check and repair the electricity, but the other party did not listen to Xiaobai's explanation. When Xiaobai tried to run back, four guards were also blocked behind him. Xiao Bai doesn't know how to fight, knowing he is not an opponent, and spreading his hands, he said: Just don't fight in the face.

Just when the guards came over to catch Xiaobai, it suddenly went black and the entire Juying Group branch went out of power. All equipment, lighting, and lines were cut off at the same time, and the entire group was plunged into darkness. The emergency light came on, and the green light flashed, before anyone had time to react. The power was cut off for an instant, and he entered the darkness again. Xiaobai took advantage of this opportunity, and rushed inside. When he went to the door of the laboratory, he found that he still had no chance to enter. He vaguely heard the sound of a fan turning through the crack of the door. Before he could think, a white light from a flashlight shone through. Xiaobai was able to block it, and said helplessly, "I didn't do this blackout."

When the monitors here all went black all of a sudden, Mr. He yelled, not bad.

At the same time, darkness fell in Fang Zhiqiang's office area for an instant, and a voice floated over: Mr. Fang, follow me.

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