My Best Wife

Chapter 3330: live

Fang Zhiqiang's initiative to ask questions made his vice president suddenly laugh. This guy's reaction was really unexpected. He had a serious face last second, and now he suddenly smiled, and Fang Zhiqiang also scratched his head.

At the same time, the vice president finally said: "If you are unqualified, I will never tell you that." After such a big bend, the vice president said this again, almost letting Fang Zhi Strong spurting blood on the spot. But Fang Zhiqiang at this time also knew that he had to be patient. I just entered the Juying Group today and left an indelible impression on them. This goal has been achieved. The next second step of the plan is to reach their senior management as much as possible. Now not only achieved the first step, but also directly contacted their vice president. For Fang Zhiqiang, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone. But the task is far from over.

Therefore, Fang Zhiqiang did not take it lightly at this time. Even after hearing their vice president utter the sentence just now, Fang Zhiqiang still asked extremely vigilantly: "So, am I failing the interview now?" The vice president waved his hand without hesitation, and said boldly, "Of course not! Although your understanding seems to be problematic, I still like you very much. Especially, you don’t have a good impression of Huaqiang Company. For our Juying Group, it has a fatal attraction. And you and Fang Zhiqiang are in the same area. I think you will know him better than us. In the future work, I hope I can learn more about Fang Zhiqiang from you."

The vice president said this to a good level. After Fang Zhiqiang heard this, he didn't dare to give any conclusions in his heart. Is this guy really like what he said, just wanting to learn more about Fang Zhiqiang from his own body? Or, in his heart, he has actually assumed that he is Fang Zhiqiang, and leaving himself in the Juying Group is actually his tactics?

Both of Fang Zhiqiang's inner guesses are possible, so Fang Zhiqiang was unable to make a final conclusion at this time. Faced with what he just said, Fang Zhiqiang didn't change his face. After thinking about it, Slowly said: "I'm afraid this will disappoint you, maybe because I was too resistant to that person, so I didn't deliberately understand him too much. I only know that he is very stubborn, which is what I just said. He is ignorant of current affairs. In today’s society, if he knows a little flexibility, he will not completely destroy the original Mingda Group. However, it turns out that Fang Zhiqiang lacks a certain degree of judgment in addition to stubbornness. Therefore, He is a standard negative teaching material in my heart, and I will never behave like him!"

Fang Zhiqiang thought that after he said these words, he would be able to detect the true purpose of the other party for keeping him. But Fang Zhiqiang's answer was also very speechless. At this time, the vice president continued to smile and said, "Don't worry, just stay here for now. When one day, there is really no way to learn any information about Fang Zhiqiang from you. I can kick you out again. "The words of the vice president were merciless, which also made Fang Zhiqiang a little embarrassed for a while. This is completely different from the normal interview process. Do you feel that you are different today and that they are making things difficult for themselves? However, Fang Zhiqiang quickly reacted. Since others did not regard himself as an ordinary person at all, he could not regard himself as an ordinary person. This was originally an unusual interview. How to treat yourself as a normal interviewer? Fang Zhiqiang comforted himself like this, and once again said to the vice president: "You are really a different boss. Stay by your side. I think I should be able to learn a lot by myself!"

After Fang Zhiqiang said this, the other party did not continue to speak, but after leaving a meaningful smile, he turned and left the interview room. All the rest was naturally handed over to Dai Qiu. Originally, when the vice president had just left, Dai Qiu hadn't understood what he meant by coming. Finally, after seeing the vice president walked out of the room, he stretched out his palm and swayed over his head for a while and said: "Make arrangements." Dai Qiu understood, so he quickly made a gesture of please to Fang Zhiqiang, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Mr. Zhou, you passed the interview!"

The other two interviewers in the interview room were also at a loss at this time. This was originally the work of the two of them, but today they were completely replaced by the vice president. In the end, Fang Zhiqiang passed the interview so easily, without any internship at all, and he could directly enter the working state. The two of them were even more unbelievable. I have never seen such a good thing since I have been in the industry for so long. But today, the vice president spoke in person. This is obviously not a joke, so after hesitating for a while, both of them hurriedly handed over to Fang Zhiqiang: "Congratulations, Mr. Zhou!"

Although these two guys knew before that Zhou Xiaotian's resume was really not simple, they didn't expect him to come in so easily. And today, he was directly audited by the vice president. If this person really enters the Giant Group, his future future can be said to be immeasurable! Under such circumstances, of course, the two little interviewers had to hug their thighs in advance, lest Zhou Xiaotian's road to promotion would be too smooth at that time, and he would treat them as thorns in the flesh. At that time, they really had to. I'm afraid it's not easy.

Fang Zhiqiang hadn’t noticed these two guys before, but now watching them all smile at him, Fang Zhiqiang also smiled and said, “Fortunately, your boss did it yourself, otherwise the interview will be delayed by you two. Will you be able to bear this responsibility at that time?"

"What Mr. Zhou is talking about! The two of us have already realized our mistakes seriously, and we will definitely change our minds and re-behave in the future!" Where can the two interviewers dare to neglect the slightest? They nodded frantically, like a chicken pecking rice, humbly admitting their mistakes.

And the whole process was clearly captured by the interviewers outside with their mobile phones.

The vice president of Juying Group came directly to the interview room for an interview. This is big news! Even though none of the outside interviewers who are waiting are professional reporters, once the videos they have taken are posted on the Internet, stormy waves will soon be set off!

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