My Best Wife

Chapter 3305: Preparation before the war (2)

Fang Zhiqiang did exactly what he himself said, to seize all the time available without delay and waste. After the two parties negotiated successfully, they soon began to formulate a detailed action plan. Fang Zhiqiang now has a little experience in disguising. Therefore, Fang Zhiqiang still has great confidence in sneaking into the branch of Juying Group. . Even though they have been fighting with Juying Group for so long, this is only a branch of them after all. Even if they appear in their company, they may not be able to recognize their identity. It was with this idea that Fang Zhiqiang made the most preliminary and most efficient plan, which was exactly the same as the one that entered Dongji Technology before. Although it failed in Dongji Technology before, this time, Fang Zhiqiang is confident that it will succeed in Juying Group. This plan was also approved by Tony. But after all, he saw through Fang Zhiqiang's tactics before, so he still had some doubts about this plan. But just like Fang Zhiqiang said, time is extremely tight now, and he doesn't have the mind and courage to express his thoughts at all.

However, at this moment, Fang Zhiqiang took the initiative to speak: "Although this idea is very simple to implement, it is likely to encounter various resistances. After all, everything we are doing now is just imaginary. When the time comes, my identity will be recognized by their company, so our current plans may not be so useful." As Fang Zhiqiang's voice fell, Tony couldn't help but nodded again and again. In fact, he just wanted to say this, but on the one hand, because of the tight time, on the other hand, he looked at Fang Zhiqiang's expression extremely firm, so he has not been embarrassed to say it. But now that Fang Zhiqiang took the initiative to speak out, Tony naturally said without hesitation: "I think so too, but since Mr. Fang has a confident look, besides this method, you should have additional alternatives. Right?" Tony really was Tony, and he hit the nail on the head.

Fang Zhiqiang nodded and said: "Currently, these are just some preliminary plans. Whether they can be implemented in the end is still unknown. If I forge my resume and cannot enter the Juying Group branch, I am afraid it will only be like meeting you. I went to meet their senior management. But I believe that compared to yours, their senior management will definitely be more cold. Especially since I have fought with their Juying Group for so many years, I can even imagine that when they see me What a wonderful expression on his face at the time of time.” Fang Zhiqiang said with a faint smile.

This may sound like a very dangerous thing, but when it comes out of Fang Zhiqiang's mouth, it seems to be such an understatement. After a long time, Tony reacted slowly. He didn't realize until now that the reason Fang Zhiqiang dared to make this seemingly crazy decision was not accidental. It also suddenly dawned in his heart that Fang Zhiqiang was able to rescue so many people before, and those rescue missions that seemed almost impossible to complete seemed to be particularly simple in Fang Zhiqiang's hands. Those things are not accidental, let alone good luck. Those piles, one by one, not only demonstrated Fang Zhiqiang's superhuman courage, but also demonstrated his resourcefulness. Both are indispensable!

Tony's heart couldn't stop Fang Zhiqiang's admiration. It may not be so difficult for a man to have a superhuman courage. Want to have extraordinary wisdom, but it is already rare. And the combination of the two is even more inconsistent. Judging from the current situation, Fang Zhiqiang in front of him is probably one of ten thousand! Except for excitement, Tony's heart is admiration. He also didn't expect that when he came up with a blind cat and met a dead mouse, he found the most useful person, and Fang Zhiqiang's decision was a matter of course!

In Tony's heart, he even imagined how happy he would be when he saw his sister again. And under the rush of ecstasy, Tony also gradually ignored how dangerous Fang Zhiqiang would be when performing this task. In the end, Tony remembered the incident under the reminder of his assistant. So the day before Fang Zhiqiang's action, Tony also arranged a guard very intimately. The backing of this guard is not small, it is Tony's old father's personal guard, usually even when he wants to use it, he has to say hello to his father. This time I directly emphasized it to Fang Zhi. But Tony quickly became frustrated. He originally thought that he had mobilized such a strong guard team, and he had fully demonstrated the care of the other side's Zhiqiang. But he did not expect that Fang Zhiqiang directly rejected these four guards!

You know, although there are only four people, they are enough to walk sideways in this East Continent, especially when they were under Tony's father before, they can be said to do whatever they want. Today, in Dongzhou, how many people want to earn them under their command, but can't count them with one hand, and Fang Zhiqiang would refuse? What does he mean? Is he confident in his skill? Or is he completely ignorant of Dongzhou's rules of affairs? Tony is naturally more inclined to the second possibility. After all, Fang Zhiqiang came here from thousands of kilometers away, even if he is really a good fighter, facing such a complicated situation as Dongzhou. I'm afraid he won't be able to fully understand the situation for a while. So it's normal to suffer a little loss a few days ago. But for the current Tony, Fang Zhiqiang can't suffer. Because Fang Zhiqiang suffered not only from himself, but also to be wronged with Lucy, how could Tony do it?

After the guard was refused by Fang Zhiqiang to return, Tony's heart also became anxious. After thinking about it, he finally decided to go out to discuss this matter with Fang Zhiqiang himself. After all, Fang Zhiqiang's personal safety relationship is indeed too much. Once he had a problem, others said that his sister Lucy could not be rescued by that time, just facing the Huaqiang company to ask for debts, their Dongji Technology would be enough to drink a pot. So Tony naturally didn't want to see that happen. He personally took four guards to the hotel where Fang Zhiqiang stayed.

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