My Best Wife

Chapter 3246: Hurriedly jump over the wall

However, Fang Zhiqiang who was next to him was still taken aback. When he saw Chen Kexuan's dog jumping over the wall at this time, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but smile. Bi Luochun's behavior just now was really crooked and righteous, just to help himself kill the spirit known as Ke Xuan. At this time, Chen Kexuan quickly turned his gaze to Fang Zhiqiang, because he did not know Bi Luochun, and Fang Zhiqiang made a burst of laughter at this time, so Chen Kexuan questioned Fang Zhiqiang: "This Who is it?" After all, Bi Luochun was brought by Fang Zhiqiang. Now that something like this has happened, Fang Zhiqiang should naturally be responsible. And this is exactly what Fang Zhiqiang meant. Bi Luochun made a move. Although he said he was a little impulsive, it was still a crooked strike, and he clicked. However, if Chen Kexuan continues to talk to Luo Chun, I am afraid that Chen Kexuan himself will have to lie on the ground later, and the situation will become serious by then, and there will be no room for discussion. That is not what Fang Zhiqiang wants to see. , After all, there are still so many security personnel outside. If things really get to that point, it will be unfavorable to their own side, and it may affect them to rescue Li Xiaoxiao.

Therefore, Fang Zhiqiang at this time also hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, don't think too much. This is just a misunderstanding. My brother has always had this character. I will make it to you on his behalf." Fang Zhiqiang's attitude at this time was down. Appears to be extremely gentle, but in fact, the meaning of the words has been expressed very clearly. The person who beat him just now was his brother. If he wants to talk to himself, he can no longer pursue it, just like he just It's the same as saying to myself that it was a misunderstanding.

At this time, Chen Kexuan certainly understood what Fang Zhiqiang meant, but he covered his face and thought about it. He felt that he couldn't swallow this breath. The person in front of him was not his father. Why did he do it to himself? Something like this? Chen Kexuan was so spoiled for so many years that he really couldn't accept it, so he gritted his teeth, wishing to crush his posterior molars, and continued to say to Fang Zhiqiang: "Mr Fang, you can see exactly what happened just now. I won’t discuss any misunderstandings with you for the time being. Do you think this can pass so easily? If you don’t give me a satisfactory explanation today, I won’t let you leave the mall!"

Chen Kexuan was angry, his face flushed, and the blue veins on his forehead were violent. In fact, this was also expected by Fang Zhiqiang. After all, he was beaten by a beautiful woman in the public, and there was a beautiful woman standing beside him. Slap on someone's body is a scandalous thing, not to mention that for Chen Kexuan, a rich young man, he must be more difficult to accept. But after Fang Zhiqiang listened to his words, he said calmly: "Well, the mall, it is naturally a place where everyone wants to come and leave. Since there is a problem now, let's discuss it carefully. You, as the mall, What's the point of the person in charge saying such cruel words? Or do you think that my brothers and I were scared from childhood?" Although Fang Zhiqiang's tone is not cruel, his position is very Resolute, Bi Luochun couldn't help but smile after listening, and then pointed at Chen Kexuan who hadn't reacted, and said coldly: "I want to tell you boy, don't you shamelessly, strong Brother tells you to let the people go quickly, so you will be honest and obedient. If you are one minute late, I will directly ask you to lie on the ground and not get up, do you believe it?"

Chen Kexuan originally had a grudge against Bi Luochun, and was thinking about how he should regain this face. He didn't expect Bi Luochun to become more aggressive. This made Chen Kexuan intolerable. He pointed to Fang Zhiqiang again and said, "You are here to find trouble today. Isn't it? If that's the case, it's a coincidence!" Chen Kexuan said as he took out his cell phone from the container next to him, ready to make a call. Fang Zhiqiang originally looked at him quietly. When he knew that he was going to make a call, Fang Zhiqiang realized that there was no need for negotiation on this matter. He immediately raised his chin to Bi Luochun, and Bi Luochun naturally understood in an instant. In response to Fang Zhiqiang's intention, he had already seen Chen Kexuan's body displeased a long time ago, and had long wanted to teach him a lesson, and at this time, after Fang Zhiqiang's permission was obtained, Bi Luochun was also gearing up and screaming at Chen Kexuan. Go!

Then Chen Kexuan was bowing his head and preparing to call on his mobile phone, and suddenly felt a cold wind in front of him, and his office was impervious to all sides. Where did the cold wind come from? Chen Kexuan was puzzled, and suddenly raised his head, but instantly saw Bi Luochun's sandbag-sized fist, smashing it against his nose! Before Chen Kexuan could make a scream, he immediately felt hot in his nostrils, and two bursts of red blood, which burst out in a sigh, and Chen Kexuan's figure also staggered to the ground in an instant, and Bi Luochun patted himself. He even felt a little uncomfortable with the palm of his hand, but seeing that Chen Kexuan had fallen to the ground, Bi Luochun wanted to slap him twice, but Fang Zhiqiang stopped him and said, "This guy looks very physique. Weak, so be careful, don't hit anything." Bi Luochun stopped, and Fang Zhiqiang finally pulled Li Xiaoxiao over, and then walked toward the door again. Bi Luochun looked at Chen Kexuan lying on the ground, turned his head again to look at the situation outside the secret door, and finally helped Chen Kexuan help him up, then framed his figure and walked towards the secret door. .

The situation outside the secret door is already chaotic. The security personnel want to arrest the two women Wang Xia and Wang Yaxin. If they are just a bald person and stand in front of these two women, they will be twenty or thirty. A security officer turned out to be unable to make progress. Just when they were in a mess, two figures suddenly appeared from the secret door. One of them was pulling a big beauty, and the other was a young man with blood from his nostrils. Those security personnel looked intently and found that the young man with blood in his nostrils was his own boss. They were all stunned. They didn't expect their boss to be controlled by them so easily? If this is the case, isn't the work of this group of security personnel in place? I'm afraid I will be fired soon, and go home! But now this is not the most important thing, what is important is how to rescue the boss! At this time, the bald head finally turned his head and noticed Bi Luochun who was standing by a person. The bald head couldn't help but put up a thumbs up. Even though he was alone, he could stop twenty or thirty people. But after all, it's hard to beat four hands with two fists, and I feel extremely tired, but now, if they control their boss, I don't have to work hard, so the bald heart is also relieved.

On the other side, Bi Luochun took Chen Kexuan and hurried to the front of the security personnel. He pointed to Chen Kexuan next to him, and Bi Luochun shouted in a deep voice: "If you want your boss to be safe and sound," Just give me a way out obediently, or else you won’t be able to live with one of you!” Under such a scene, a ruthless character like Bi Luochun is still needed. On the contrary, Fang Zhiqiang seems to be somewhat literate. Although Fang Zhiqiang was even better in terms of negotiation, no matter how intimidating it was, ten Fang Zhiqiang might not be better than one Bi Luochun. Although Bi Luochun usually seems to be a very gentle person, he became angry, and it seems that he is really the kind of person who might even hit him. Who is not afraid of this kind of person? A group of security personnel involuntarily backed up two steps one by one. Bi Luochun saw this. He also took advantage of the victory, and led Chen Kexuan to slowly move away from the security personnel step by step. Fang Zhiqiang also followed behind, with a bald head. Together, they guarded the three women and Lao Liu behind them, and slowly passed through the security personnel. But just as they were about to pass through, Chen Kexuan suddenly yelled: "What are you guys doing in a daze? Catch them for me!"

As the voice of Chen Kexuan's screaming fell, a group of security personnel went crazy again. They yelled one by one, preparing Fang Zhiqiang, Bi Luochun and others to do it!

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