My Best Wife

Chapter 3233: Look down on

Chen Kexuan’s idea is wonderful, but the reality it faces is a bit skinny. At this moment, Li Xiaoxiao did not take the initiative to hold his hand as Chen Kexuan wanted. Instead, he said in a very solemn tone: "I can do it myself. Try it, maybe you can succeed?" Li Xiaoxiao's words made Chen Kexuan suddenly speechless. He originally thought that Li Xiaoxiao had only two choices, either to take the initiative to hold her own hands, or to say that she could do it all by herself, but Li Xiaoxiao just said such an ambiguous sentence, what does she mean? She didn't explicitly reject herself, and didn't show that she could do it herself.

Although I can’t see through Li Xiaoxiao’s thoughts, Chen Kexuan is not in a hurry. After all, he feels that he is very lucky to be able to meet a big beauty like Li Xiaoxiao today, so in the next process, he absolutely Don't be impatient. Before the ultimate goal is achieved, everything is illusory, and you must be patient. You must not look at the duck that has reached your lips and just fly away. So Chen Kexuan remained silent.

And Li Xiaoxiao actually has no fear of heights. The reason why he just reacted like that was to cooperate with Chen Kexuan. At this time, Li Xiaoxiao looked down at the white steps at his feet. The surface of the steps looked like a layer. The mirror surface is average, but it is not as clear and vague as a mirror, and it can reflect some light and shadow, which looks extremely strange. Every time he took a step forward, the light and shadow reflected on the steps were completely different. At this time, Li Xiaoxiao suddenly saw that on the steps below his feet, a circular arch suddenly appeared. Li Xiaoxiao was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and looked at the circular arch. After comparing the top and bottom for a while, Li Xiaoxiao finally determined that the light and shadow of the circular arch that appeared on the steps was not far from the top of his head. The door at the place. At this time, Li Xiaoxiao also stopped completely.

Chen Kexuan in front realized that Li Xiaoxiao had not followed, and turned his head to look at Li Xiaoxiao with a face full of confusion, and found that Li Xiaoxiao was standing still, and Chen Kexuan immediately said, "What's the matter? I dare not leave. Is it?" Li Xiaoxiao was taken aback when she heard the first three words of Chen Kexuan. She originally thought she could not explain to Chen Kexuan, but after Chen Kexuan said the second half of the sentence, Li Xiaoxiao smiled again and again. Nodding, an awkward look appeared on his face, and then he said very cooperatively: "Yes, it's getting scarier!"

"Didn't I already tell you? It's best not to look down, why are you so disobedient?" Chen Kexuan said helplessly while turning around to face Li Xiaoxiao and walked over to Li Xiaoxiao. , Chen Kexuan stretched out his palm again. Facing Chen Kexuan at this moment, Li Xiaoxiao did not choose to refuse him anymore. If he refused several times, it would obviously arouse his suspicion. Moreover, when he took the initiative in front of him several times, he always wanted to give him some sweetness, otherwise, How could he slowly fall into it? Li Xiaoxiao, who looked weak on the surface, could not have imagined that she could use it so smoothly.

Finally holding Li Xiaoxiao's delicate hand, Chen Kexuan's face suddenly showed a satisfied smile. He felt that his ultimate goal was one step closer, and his heart was naturally very happy. He continued to walk forward, and Chen Kexuan's heart was proud. write. And Li Xiaoxiao also took advantage of his end of joy, and asked: "How long shall we go?" This is just a very simple question. For Chen Kexuan, there is nothing to think about, but this question Is it because Li Xiaoxiao asked after careful crafting, or because of the light and shadow that I saw on the steps just now, Li Xiaoxiao thinks that Chen Kexuan is very likely to bring himself into the arch, and what is behind the arch? What it is, Li Xiaoxiao is naturally extremely curious. If this Chen Kexuan can reveal something to herself before entering, after waiting for a while, if there is an emergency, she should be prepared to react on the spot.

Chen Kexuan did not let Li Xiaoxiao down. He was trembling at this moment. After hearing Li Xiaoxiao’s question, Chen Kexuan immediately said very generously: "There are two more floors, and this is the lowest one. Going to the top, every floor is the same height. If I have time tonight, I can take you up and visit it again." Chen Kexuan did not forget, and threw a pie to Li Xiaoxiao. He felt as if he had already seen it. Although the woman in front of him was Wang Xia’s younger sister, she seemed to be a silly white sweet. Whatever she said, she seemed to believe in anything. This also made Chen Kexuan strengthen herself again. Confidence.

Li Xiaoxiao is also extremely cooperative, and immediately asked with curiosity: "Really? So... how many arches are there?" Li Xiaoxiao knows that this question of her is very sensitive, and Chen Kexuan is also very likely to be because of this question. , And think more. So when Li Xiaoxiao asked, his tone was a little hesitant. However, Chen Kexuan’s answer quickly gave Li Xiaoxiao a sigh of relief: “Each layer of the Internet is incremental. The first layer, which is the one we are now heading to, has a total of twelve arches. There are ten dao on the upper level, and eight on the Internet, but don’t underestimate these arches, they all have their own functions."

"What's the role?" At this moment, Li Xiaoxiao was also extremely confident that he had asked the few very sensitive questions before, and Chen Kexin gave answers without hesitation. Therefore, Li Xiaoxiao felt that Chen Kexuan was at the most proud time now, and he had the greatest chance of getting answers to these questions, so Li Xiaoxiao would naturally not miss such an opportunity. After asking this question, Li Xiaoxiao also flashed her own pair of big, seemingly innocent eyes.

Chen Kexuan couldn’t help but froze, because Li Xiaoxiao’s problem indeed violated his bottom line. He would never take a woman to visit such a place casually. Today, bringing Li Xiaoxiao in is an exception. , And Li Xiaoxiao also asked these extremely sharp questions in parallel, and Chen Kexuan's heart naturally muttered. But he couldn't bear Li Xiaoxiao's innocent eyes that day. Looking at Li Xiaoxiao's eyes at the moment, Chen Kexuan suddenly felt that the woman standing in front of him had no problems. She was absolutely innocent and kind. She asked those questions. The question is just casually asked, absolutely no other purpose.

But even so, it only dispelled Chen Kexuan's doubts about Li Xiaoxiao, but he couldn't tell the secrets of those arches so easily. After all, it was just a girl who teased him. If, because of this matter, And to expose all the secrets of those arches, wouldn't it be too costly? Naturally, Chen Kexuan would not do this kind of loss-making business, so after he pondered for a while, he stretched out his **** to Li Xiaoxiao, shook it slightly, and said with a mysterious face: "The cute girl will always be at the top. Shut up at the right time, I hope you can always be the cutest girl." Li Xiaoxiao did not expect that at this time, Chen Kexuan would say such a thing that he did not expect, and it sounded like that. With a little bit of romance, he glanced at the man in front of him again, and Li Xiaoxiao felt that he might have despised him before.

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