My Best Wife

Chapter 3220: Discuss the plan (2)

After Wang Yaxin listened, he couldn't help but lowered his head slightly. Speaking of which, he and Liu Jiaying had never known each other. And Xiaoyu is the most important person in his life. Xiaoyu has an accident, but he is far away. He can't help with anything. He can only anxiously and patiently wait for Fang Zhiqiang's news. Although Fang Zhiqiang was responsible for the incident, Wang Yaxin knew all the efforts Liu Jiaying had made during the rescue operation at that time. And I haven't expressed my sincere and solemn thanks to Liu Jiaying for this matter, because she doesn't know how I should thank the woman in front of me in this matter? It seemed that nothing could represent the sincere gratitude in my heart, so I didn't say anything.

"I know what you want to say, but I don't know what you said? But on this point, I have a completely different view from you. Perhaps it is because of the things that happened at the beginning, which has brought you closer. The psychological distance between Jiaying and I, so I hope she is my partner, or combat partner, we can share the blessings and the difficulties, and we can also have more intersections in our lives. I think this is a very good thing, so I might even hope that Jiaying can join us." Wang Yaxin said decisively.

And Liu Jiaying next to him, after hearing Wang Yaxin’s words, a smile appeared on her face. For her, the things she had done were on the one hand out of the desire to help Fang Zhiqiang, but more, It’s from the true voice in my heart. After all, Xiaoyu is just a child. No matter what kind of grievances between the adults, the child is innocent after all. When that person arrested Xiaoyu, Liu Jiaying couldn’t feel it. Accepting such behavior, so no matter how much the price paid, I must rescue Xiaoyu safely at that time! But after the incident, she finally managed to escape, Liu Jiaying did not take the things that were in her heart at all, and she didn't want to ask Wang Yaxin for anything because of this incident. Now that Wang Yaxin said those words, Liu Jiaying's heart was a little surprised on the one hand, but more really happy. Although I didn’t want to ask Wang Yaxin for anything because I did this, I remember it clearly in my heart. Although I didn’t say anything to myself, I could remember it for so long in my heart. , And also said that just now, Liu Jiaying naturally understood Wang Yaxin's inner thoughts.

"Okay, now that I have chosen to join, let's not continue to struggle with this issue. There is no use other than a waste of time. I think we should start the discussion as soon as possible and see what the next step should be. What do you do!" Liu Jiaying waved her hand. Although there was a smile on her face, her tone was extremely firm when she said this.

Fang Zhiqiang and Wang Yaxin looked at each other, and then looked at Liu Jiaying again. They were indeed a little surprised. Liu Jiaying was more active than the two of them. It is possible that there is no grievance between her and Juying Group. ? With such a question, Wang Yaxin still asked, "Jiaying, are you also against Juying Group?"

"Yeah!" Liu Jiaying almost didn't hesitate. Before Wang Yaxin's voice came to the ground, she said these two words directly and loudly. And Wang Yaxin couldn't help but was stunned. Liu Jiaying's usual work and the Jinguiyuan project had nothing to do with Juying Group. How could she have hatred with Juying Group? Wang Yaxin couldn't understand this no matter how she thought about it.

And when Wang Yaxin was puzzled for a few years, Liu Jiaying didn’t sell it. At first, she smiled, and then she said to Wang Yaxin: “You and Qiangzi are both my friends. I have been targeted, and I have been looking for things frequently, then I naturally have an enemy with Juying Group. If I were a person without any resources, it would have been a coincidence. Since this period of time, my Jingui Garden has been operating. It's not bad, so I can do a little bit of effort, I am naturally very happy, don't you think?" After Liu Jiaying finished speaking, she smiled at Wang Yaxin for a while, and at this moment Wang Yaxin finally understood. , He immediately said to Liu Jiaying: "Your reason is indeed good, and I was speechless."

On the other side, Fang Zhiqiang rubbed his forehead. He knew that the reason why Liu Jiaying was so confident now was because she had not yet grasped the terrible part of Juying Group. He felt that it was nothing more than a fight between the two sides. In fact, it is far from that simple. On the surface, or from the Internet, it is indeed only Huaqiang Company’s occasional chat with Juying Group. It seems that nothing particularly serious has happened. Fang Zhiqiang, who was the client, knew very well that Huaqiang Company and New Asia Law Office had been targeted by Juying Group during the period before, including the current New Asia Law Office, which was still in the process of suspending business for rectification. What can I do to rectify? Are they all made by Juying Group?

"Jiaying, what are your thoughts and plans?" Fang Zhiqiang looked at Liu Jiaying's smile and felt that she was like a frog in the bottom of a well, blindly ignoring the terrible conditions of Juying Group. Self-confidence, this is likely to cause very serious consequences, so Fang Zhiqiang must remind her at this moment, or listen to her opinions, and then judge how sure Liu Jiaying is, or decide whether to let her continue to participate. This invisible war. As Fang Zhiqiang's voice fell, Liu Jiaying on the other side also cleared her throat very seriously, and then said solemnly: "I really have an idea."

Fang Zhiqiang and Wang Yaxin couldn’t help but stunned. Liu Jiaying had said on the phone before that she seemed to have a lot of thoughts in her mind recently. At first, Fang Zhiqiang and Wang Yaxin thought that Liu Jiaying was just talking casually and really let her join. In the camp, she might have to start all over again, but now the two of them looked at Liu Jiaying’s way of preparing for a long time, and they couldn’t help being taken aback. They couldn’t help but become curious, if Liu Jiaying really had anything. Good way, that's great.

And Liu Jiaying finally said: "In the previous lawsuit, our Huaqiang company won, but it seems that Juying Group did not suffer any damage. Instead, the New Asia Law Firm was banned and Huaqiang Company frequently had troubles. These things It seems to be a coincidence, but in fact they are all the hands and feet of Juying Group. Others may not see this depth, but those with a little bit of trouble can get this result through a simple analysis. This is more sufficient to explain that Juying The group has now become more and more excessive. It completely ignores the public opinion of the people and does this kind of thing blatantly. This can only show two points. Either they are jumping over the wall in a hurry, or they are simply trying to kill Huaqiang Company. , Or they realize that they are facing a company that is about to rise up soon and make the final dying struggle. Personally, I am more inclined to the second possibility, so I think that at this time, I choose to remain silent or even swallow. It will make their arrogance more and more arrogant, so that they will naturally reveal their flaws."

Fang Zhiqiang and Wang Yaxin couldn’t help frowning immediately after listening, especially Fang Zhiqiang, who had just arranged for Li Xiaoxiao and Wang Xia to enter the mall and conducted a detailed investigation on that Chen Kexuan. If there is a real problem, they can directly find out the inside line that Juying Group has placed beside them. This is a very crucial step for them to break through the Juying Group. But now after listening to Liu Jiaying’s remarks, Fang Zhiqiang feels that he has All of this seems superfluous. If you follow Liu Jiaying's idea, even if Li Xiaoxiao and Wang Xia really find out something is wrong with Chen Kexuan, can they not speak up? What's the point of finding out?

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