My Best Wife

Chapter 2844: Old Bi's handwriting

At this time, Zhou Jin couldn't help but frowned in doubt. He was very puzzled, why would a character like Liu Dongzhi be afraid of a character like Liu Jiaying? Even if we really startled the snake, will there be any very serious consequences? This is exactly what Zhou Jin couldn't figure out. For him at this moment, although he wanted to ask, what was going on, but when Zhou Jin wanted to speak, Liu Dongzhi was the first to bear it. Resident said: "Although Liu Jiaying alone is not enough to worry about, you may not know that the current Wang Yaxin and Fang Zhiqiang have blatantly announced that they will definitely help Liu Jiaying. The combined strength of their few people is not allowed. I looked down."

The reason why Liu Dongzhi is so anxious to explain all this is to dispel the doubts in Zhou Jin's heart, as if he was afraid that Zhou Jin would know something. In fact, Zhou Jin was also at the same level of confusion. If Liu Dongzhi had just held back Without this explanation, Zhou Jin might be the first to ask that question. At that time, Liu Dongzhi naturally knew that Zhou Jin actually didn't understand anything.

It was only a few tenths of a second before and after, but it was so magical. Whoever exited first indicated who would lose. In the end, Liu Dongzhi was the first to speak. Then Zhou Jin naturally lost a lot of pressure.

"Since Mr. Liu said this, naturally I can't say more. Just follow what you said. Anyway, you know Liu Jiaying better than me. I should also listen to this matter. Yours." Zhou Jin continued to say politely. Until now, Zhou Jin also knows clearly that Liu Dongzhi is still a mystery to himself. In fact, Zhou Jin has more or less noticed something, and Liu Dongzhi is determined not to The attitude of cooperating with yourself, in the end, turning to cooperating with yourself, there must be some inside story that you don’t know. What's more, when the last Liu Dongzhi agreed to cooperate, he didn't say any good things at all. Instead, he had some extremely strong attitudes. This also made Zhou Jin's heart more puzzled, but now Zhou Jin, no matter what he did, he didn't say anything. Maybe you know the truth behind the scenes.

After the two people negotiated and settled, they both started to look forward to it. For Liu Dongzhi, getting rid of Liu Jiaying would relieve his biggest threat, and Zhou Jin suddenly rushed out, it just happened to give himself a loan to kill someone. If this time it can operate well, it will be the perfect plan to get rid of Liu Jiaying with the help of Zhou Jin. When I thought of this, even the old fox Liu Dongzhi couldn’t help feeling a little excited. After all, what he had been looking forward to was finally about to happen. Since this time, Liu Dongzhi has suffered a lot because of Liu Jiaying’s existence. The transfer of a large amount of money to Jinguiyuan is a trivial matter. What's more, when you do any thing, you must consider Liu Jiaying’s feelings. Once this matter may be harmful to Liu Jiaying, then you It must be carefully considered. And all this is only because Liu Jiaying has the evidence before him.

On the other hand, Zhou Jin is obviously equally excited. He wants to enter the business circle. Fang Zhiqiang seems to be a very good start for him. Although Fang Zhiqiang’s Huaqiang company is not strong enough, it has enough reputation after all. , Independent research and development, and high-tech products, any of this is a proud thing. As for their extremely slow development, in Zhou Jin's view, it is just that the money is not in place. After he joins, as long as he has enough money, Huaqiang will be able to develop quickly. When the time comes, won't you have both fame and fortune?

Even if it’s a 10,000 step back, even if Huaqiang is still unable to succeed at that time, its investment will not be wasted. Even if it is just to earn a reputation, it is good. After all, I have just set foot in the business circle, and my reputation is for myself. It is also very important.

Therefore, after preventing Liu Jiaying’s cooperation with Huaqiang Company, and then restraining the cooperation between Huaqiang Company and any other party, then, for Huaqiang Company, naturally there will be no choice, and they can only choose to cooperate with themselves Cooperation.

Thinking of this, Zhou Jin was naturally happy, and then imagined that after he entered the business circle, he slammed Fang Qiu, made a grand plan, and even built a business empire, Zhou Jin was even more complacent.

However, Zhou Jin’s mind is too simple, but there are always people around him who remind him in time. For example, now, seeing his triumphant appearance, someone around him soon came up to remind him: "Zhou, everything is now We don’t have a clue yet. For us, what we should do is not carnival, but carefully study how to deal with it in order to achieve the best results."

Zhou Jin couldn't help but nodded when he heard this. Although he himself was not flexible, he still knew something, so when people around him often told him something, he was very willing to listen to suggestions. This is a rare advantage of Zhou Jin.

On the other hand, the remarks made by Bi Luochun have become the hottest discussion topics on the Internet. Bi Luochun also received the information and came to the hospital to see Wang Yaxin's current situation.

When Bi Luochun arrived, Fang Zhiqiang and Wang Yaxin in the ward had completely different expressions. For Wang Yaxin, what Bi Luochun did this time was beyond her expectations. She had always worried that no one would deal with this matter, and even felt that she would not come forward. This opportunity was missed, but now She realized that Bi Luochun had already done what she had always wanted to do without knowing it. Although the effect was different from what she had imagined, in fact, this It's already very good. As for the drawbacks mentioned by Fang Zhiqiang before, Wang Yaxin also thought about it carefully. As long as a good effect can be achieved in the end, even if it pays some corresponding price, it is nothing to be a pity. After all, A good opportunity of a lifetime is a rare one. Moreover, even if Juying Group really wants to target Bi Luochun, he should be able to think of many ways to help Bi Luochun resolve the crisis.

Therefore, at this moment, when Wang Yaxin saw Bi Luochun's first side, she couldn't help but smile, but because Fang Zhiqiang was at the scene, Wang Yaxin didn't say much. In fact, she wanted to tell Bi Luochun A lot of praise and thanks.

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