My Best Wife

Chapter 2832: Each other's thoughts

At this time, Fang Zhiqiang was also stunned. The words he had said before were indeed sent out, and he suddenly wanted to say it, but now I think about the relationship between myself and Wang Yaxin. If it does, it seems a little inappropriate.

But anyway, the words have already been spoken, and then looking at Wang Yaxin's abnormally out of control emotions at this time, since it is already like this, then just do it forever!

"Ya Xin, what I think in my heart, maybe you don't know at all, just like Zhang Ling told me what you said to her, I didn't know the true thoughts in your heart, at that time I , I thought you never wanted to stay by my side, so, since today’s words have already been said here, I think, some things should be said, even if it is like you said, it is impossible for us to go Together, at least, you should also make it clear to your heart what I think." Fang Zhiqiang said solemnly.

When Wang Yaxin heard Fang Zhiqiang’s words, he immediately opened his mouth, but he couldn’t say anything. Perhaps for Fang Zhiqiang, Wang Yaxin didn’t know what he said, and Wang Yaxin knew too. In the past, I really wanted to know what Fang Zhiqiang thought in his heart. In other words, I really want to know what he thinks of himself.

But now, when Fang Zhiqiang suddenly said this, Wang Yaxin felt that he was a little uncomfortable. Although Fang Zhiqiang hadn't spoken yet, Wang Yaxin probably already knew what he wanted to say. Wang Yaxin knew very well in her heart that those words had no meaning to her now.

"Yaxin, maybe you have never thought about it. Until now, your status in my heart is irreplaceable by anyone. I know you now hear me say such things and feel very sick. But I have to tell you , You are really important to me. You are right. No matter what I say, no matter what I say to you, we may not be able to be together. Because of my promise to Li Yonggui. You know What kind of person am I? If I hadn't promised Li Yonggui back then, if Xiaoxiao had never known about it, maybe everything would be different now, but there has never been an if in this world."

When Fang Zhiqiang said this, he suddenly took a long breath. This incident was like a big rock in his heart, and it kept pressing his heart. It even made him feel out of breath. He never thought about how he should tell Wang Yaxin about this matter. If it weren't for Wang Yaxin's state today, maybe he still couldn't say it.

For Wang Yaxin at this time, she also frowned helplessly. She rubbed her cheeks with both hands, as if she wanted to forget everything Fang Zhiqiang just said, but she knew it was impossible.

"Yes, maybe in the end, I will indeed choose Xiaoxiao. But it is undeniable that the woman I have in my heart is not her. Yaxin. Can you understand my thoughts?" Fang Zhiqiang continued. .

Wang Yaxin took a long breath again. In fact, it was not surprising to Wang Yaxin that Fang Zhiqiang could say such a thing, but at this moment, she didn't know how she should reply to Fang Zhiqiang's words. All the tempers that should be lost have been lost, and all the things that should be said have been said. But what's the use? Now I still can't change anything, there is no way to change the result that I don't want to accept, and there is no way to change Fang Zhiqiang's choice.

In fact, deep down in Wang Yaxin's heart, she wanted to say to Fang Zhiqiang: ‘Actually, you don’t have to embarrass yourself like this. Under the circumstances, no matter who you are changing, you will agree to Li Yonggui. But promise does not mean you must do it. ’

But Wang Yaxin knew that for a temperament like Fang Zhiqiang, his persuasion would have no effect at all. Fang Zhiqiang would not change his mind because of these words, not because of how stubborn he was, but because of him. He has his own bottom line. He wants to be a person who keeps his promises in the eyes of others, and he does not want others to think that he is a person who does not believe in words. There is nothing wrong with this, and he has no right to ask him not to do so.

"Yaxin, just say what you want to say." Fang Zhiqiang watched Wang Yaxin rubbing his cheeks with both hands and frowning brows, knowing what Wang Yaxin wanted to say at this time, and even said so.

In fact, Fang Zhiqiang is very clear about Wang Yaxin's inner thoughts, but Wang Yaxin just bites and does not speak, as if Fang Zhixiang wanted a step, but no one gave him the same. But having said that, for Fang Zhiqiang, even if Wang Yaxin really gave him this step, can he come down? Others may not be clear, but Fang Zhiqiang is very clear in his heart that he cannot go against his bottom line of life.

"What can I say? The matter has reached this point. Does what I say has any meaning to you? Since my words have no effect, then why should I say it? Is it shameful? Hadron Why do you always force me to do what I don’t want to do?" Wang Yaxin rubbed her hair. No one knew what she was thinking now. Fang Zhiqiang wanted to be a person who kept his promises, but Wang Yaxin also I don't want to be the one who wins love with a sword, even if she knows very well that between Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao, maybe the love that used to be there is no longer, maybe it is not as strong as it was at the beginning. But after all, Li Xiaoxiao was still the woman Fang Zhiqiang chose.

"Have you ever thought about Yaxin? Actually, this matter is also very cruel to me. I can't make the choice I want to make, nor can I choose the woman I like. What can I do? But what can I do? It’s like what you’re thinking in my heart, I don’t know at all, you don’t understand what I’m thinking in my heart, and you don’t even know that this matter is to me. , What kind of torture." Looking at Wang Yaxin's silent look, Fang Zhiqiang continued to explain.

Even though such an explanation didn't make any sense to Wang Yaxin now, Fang Zhiqiang still wanted to let Wang Yaxin know that she had not always been what she had imagined.

"After all, you just want to tell me that it’s impossible between us. It doesn’t matter. Anyway, now I don’t have the heart to consider these things. Who you choose is your right. I am not qualified to interfere. As I said, maybe I was originally a woman who didn’t deserve to be happy. This is also good. As long as you can live happily, I will be considered adult beauty.” Wang Yaxin’s words are actually only to herself. Fang Zhiqiang's self-comfort has already been said so, so Wang Yaxin can only say such words to comfort herself at this moment.

"Yaxin, I never thought of hurting you, and never thought of making you so uncomfortable. If I really have the right to choose, I will definitely make a choice that I will never regret. .But unfortunately, my personality determines that I don’t have the right to choose. If this time, in order to get a woman I like, and violate my bottom line of life, then maybe for you, I will become Is it a man who is not worth cherishing? So, I am me, and some things will never change."

"Enough! You will always be this kind of rhetoric, and I know that this matter can’t tell you about the future. Maybe you think you are a very promised person, maybe you think you are a very innocent person. .But I tell you, it is because of you that I become what I am now. Of course, I did not want to take this to ask you to do something for me. I just want to tell you that not everything is Just like you imagined, in the eyes of others, you are completely different from what you imagined." Wang Yaxin frowned tightly and said in a cold tone. Perhaps for Wang Yaxin, this was the hardest time Fang Zhiqiang spoke in her life, but it was definitely the last time. At least now Wang Yaxin thinks so.

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