My Best Wife

Chapter 2827: Arrive at the scene (2)

For Wang Yaxin, in fact, her idea is very simple. Although it is out of everyone’s expectation to be like this today, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for herself and Huaqiang. , All the moments when great deeds are accomplished must be completed in a messy environment. In today’s situation, there are only two results. Either Juying’s people will eventually destroy the court, or all the initiators will eventually Was completely subdued, but for Wang Yaxin, there is no choice. Today, all the starters of Juying must be controlled. If not, I am too sorry for this opportunity today, and finally got into this situation. If If you cannot take advantage of this opportunity to make some achievements, then after Juying reacts, I am afraid there will be no such opportunity again.

So when he was just in the car, when the bald head and Fang Zhiqiang prevented him from getting off the car, Wang Yaxin was so anxious. In the end, it was in desperation that he said those things that were not very pleasant, because Wang Yaxin knew that if If they don't say this, they won't agree to it.

Even though, Wang Yaxin felt that the blood on her wrist was still bleeding at this time, but she used her other hand to press the bleeding place, trying not to let the blood flow out, and continued to walk step by step towards the front. .

Ten minutes later, Fang Zhiqiang finally came to the scene in a humble manner, standing outside, watching the steps extending to the solemn gate, Fang Zhiqiang also raised his steps without hesitation, facing the steps But when he just took the first step, Fang Zhiqiang noticed that there seemed to be a figure next to him.

Turning his head to look, Fang Zhiqiang was startled, that figure was Wang Yaxin!

Immediately, Fang Zhiqiang went quickly to Wang Yaxin without saying a word. From a distance, Wang Yaxin seemed to have nothing wrong with him, and he was also extremely stable when he walked, but Fang Zhiqiang felt uneasy. After all, today When Wang Yaxin was hurt twice, Fang Zhiqiang saw clearly. At that time, even if he changed himself, Fang Zhiqiang found it very difficult to deal with, let alone Wang Yaxin was just a woman.

Quickly ran in front of Wang Yaxin, Fang Zhiqiang saw a look of helplessness on Wang Yaxin’s face. Fang Zhiqiang also said nothing, and immediately explained: “Yaxin, don’t think too much, I’m just talking about the scene. Don’t worry about the situation, come and have a look, I happened to ran into you here, so..."

"So you don't care about Huaqiang's development, is it troublesome to run here?" Wang Yaxin looked up and down Fang Zhiqiang for a moment, and then said so, his tone was still full of impatience.

"No, I'm worried about you..."

"Worry about what you should worry about, do you need your worry?" Wang Yaxin interrupted Fang Zhiqiang's words. At this time, she really didn't want to talk too much nonsense with Fang Zhiqiang, because they were all right. The good time was delayed, and she also knew that if she didn't say this, Fang Zhiqiang would have a hard time listening to her.

After saying this, Wang Yaxin didn't want to waste time with Fang Zhiqiang. Randomly spoke again and said: "Okay, since you have already come, let's go in together."

After speaking, Wang Yaxin took the lead to lift up his footsteps and walked up to the steps, and Fang Zhiqiang also followed Wang Yaxin obediently. Seeing Wang Yaxin's strong footsteps, Fang Zhiqiang was relieved a lot, but after a while , Fang Zhiqiang noticed that Wang Yaxin's posture seemed to be something wrong, and after a closer look, he found that Wang Yaxin's right hand had been covering the left wrist.

Seeing this scene, Fang Zhiqiang's mind suddenly began to think about it. Recalling the moment when Wang Yaxin was injured at the scene, a chair happened to be directly hit on Wang Yaxin’s wrist. He once again looked at Wang Yaxin’s gesture of covering his wrist. Fang Zhiqiang immediately stepped forward and asked, "Yaxin, what's wrong with your wrist?"

When Fang Zhiqiang asked, on the one hand, he wanted to see how Wang Yaxin would react. If she was just such a random action, then naturally she didn’t need to worry anymore, but if it wasn’t like that, just look at Wang Yaxin. What kind of explanation will she give? If her attitude is still as impatient as before, Fang Zhiqiang will naturally understand why she has always treated herself like that before, after all, based on her understanding of her, She shouldn't speak to herself in that tone.

"What's the matter? Have you never seen the standard etiquette posture of professional lawyers?" Wang Yaxin looked down at her hands, then adjusted the position again, placing her hands in the middle, and then explained.

"Since it is a ceremonial posture, it is naturally necessary when you see someone. Why are you doing this now?" Fang Zhiqiang continued to ask. Wang Yaxin's reaction was indeed very fast. After hearing Fang Zhiqiang's question, it was an instant. He gave his own answer, but this answer was obviously too hasty, and Fang Zhiqiang was the first to hear the flaw.

Wang Yaxin was also a little anxious at this time, and then she frowned again and said: "Qianzi, I said, do your own things. As for these things, it is not something you need to worry about. The time you waste on me. If it is used to develop Huaqiang, then everything that has happened today is not wasted."

"Yaxin, the first thing I should do is to ensure your safety. I know that a large part of your founding of Xinya is because of Huaqiang. It is not that I feel good about myself, but that everything you do proves. You founded Xinya to help Huaqiang tide over the difficulties. When you helped me, I was seriously injured again. Do you think I can go there? If you really suffered a very serious injury, to At that time, even if Huaqiang really got through the storm, do you think I would be happy?" Fang Zhiqiang explained seriously.

Seeing Fang Zhiqiang's attitude so serious, Wang Yaxin stopped immediately. She knew that Fang Zhiqiang wanted an answer very much today. If that was the case, then she would have a good chat about it.

"Why are you not happy? I am not someone of yours, at most just an ordinary friend. You will have your own wife, your children, and even so many employees in your company. So many people who need your care, why do you waste your care on me? Isn’t that a waste of time for you?"

Wang Yaxin’s words caused Fang Zhiqiang to take a long breath, and his face became more serious, watching Wang Yaxin continue to speak: "Yaxin, in your heart, is that really what you think? You really asked me. What do you think in your heart? Actually, two days ago, I talked to Zhang Ling about some things about you. There were a lot of things I didn’t know before, and Zhang Ling also told me. I think there is a gap between us , It’s the lack of in-depth communication. I didn’t know what you thought before, and you never took the initiative to mention it to me, so we..."

"Qiangzi, don’t go on. There is really nothing to talk about between the two of us. Ask your own heart, are you really ready to be with me? If you are ready, I It’s been so long since I’ve been back, why haven’t you seen your actions so long? In fact, you’ve already acted, but I don’t want to believe it.” After Wang Yaxin finished speaking, he suddenly turned away and watched Fang Zhiqiang stop. In the car, the breeze suddenly became a little stronger, blowing the hair on Wang Yaxin's face, blowing in the wind.

"Yaxin, it's not what you think. Actually, I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but there has never been a suitable opportunity. I..."

"Strong son!" Wang Yaxin turned her head again, staring at Fang Zhiqiang with a serious face. After interrupting Fang Zhiqiang, she slowly said, "You don't need to explain anything to me. I have already said that, I am not No matter who you are, you will never interfere with all your choices. No matter how you choose, I will respect you. After all, in the world, no one needs to waste their time for anyone. I understand that between you and me, Maybe it’s only suitable for being friends, not for other relationships. Don’t worry, I won’t change my attitude towards you because of this, let alone help Huaqiang. I’ve come to this point now. It's easy. I must seize this opportunity today to let Juying drink a pot. If I miss this opportunity, I won't know when the next time."

After speaking, Wang Yaxin took another step forward and walked up the steps. This time, Fang Zhiqiang did not catch up. He knew that even if he did not speak, Wang Yaxin knew very well in his heart, so he said it himself Or not, it doesn't make much sense, because what makes sense is your own choice.

Wang Yaxin was right. If she was really ready to be with her, she would not have such an attitude now, and she would not wait until now, without giving her a definite answer, because she was really not ready yet. it is good.

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