My Best Wife

Chapter 2822: stubborn

The worst thing is that Wang Yaxin at this time seems to be powerless. Fang Zhiqiang watched the person approaching Wang Yaxin little by little, but Wang Yaxin never reacted at all, because all her attention was on the injured person at this moment. For a man, if it is normal, this man will naturally be sent to the hospital soon, but in this messy situation, who else has the time and opportunity to send him to the hospital?

Soon, the figure of that person appeared behind Wang Yaxin. His movements were very wide and brought a breeze. This time, it was not difficult for Wang Yaxin to feel that a figure had appeared behind him again, but she still did not. Any reaction, just staring at the man in front of her who is still in a coma, Wang Yaxin is a person who doesn’t like to owe love, although she doesn’t know why this man is desperate to save herself, but no matter what the reason, For Wang Yaxin, this is a life-saving grace, and in the current situation, besides himself, who else can notice his wounded? In just a few minutes, more than a dozen wounded people have appeared on the scene. Everyone is someone who can't even take care of them, let alone pay attention to him.

Therefore, Wang Yaxin knew that only she could protect him at this time. Although she was almost in a coma, just like what she said just now, as long as she had a breath, she would not give up what she had done. Decision.

The man looked at Wang Yaxin without looking back, he did not make the slightest noise. If he could solve the woman in front of him with the least strength, he would naturally be extremely happy, even if the woman did not resist much. Strength, but he still didn’t want to waste too much energy on this matter, so he didn’t hesitate to pick up a broken leg of a chair next to him, and pointed the sharp end at Wang Yaxin’s back. under!

At this time, if you stabbed, no one would know how serious the consequences were. Even if the internal organs were not injured, even if Wang Yaxin did not die on the spot, there were many small pieces of wood chips in the sharp section. After those things entered the wound, Treatment would be very difficult at that time, plus, Wang Yaxin didn't react at all at this time, and didn't even turn his head back.

When Fang Zhiqiang watched this scene, his mood became more tense. Seeing this, their purpose today is very clear, that is, they want Wang Yaxin's life! Although this sounds very crazy, but looking at the scene, it is indeed the case.

At the same time, Wang Yaxin was still shaking the body of the man lying on the ground, and the man didn't react at all at this time, as if he was asleep.

The wooden stick was getting closer and closer to Wang Yaxin's back, and at the moment when it was about to be inserted, a sound of breaking wind suddenly rushed from a distance!

As the sound of "swish" got closer, the man couldn't help but glanced sideways, but he saw that in front of him there was a disk the size of a tabletop flying towards his face!

This sudden scene caused the man to take a breath of cold air, but the matter was over. He wanted to dodge at this moment, it was too late. Then, the disc hit his face directly, following him. A mouthful of blood spewed out, and the figure flew off the ground instantly, after drawing a beautiful arc in the mid-air, it fell heavily to the ground!

Then, a figure quickly appeared behind Wang Yaxin. Seeing that Wang Yaxin was not harmed, the man finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Yaxin also heard the man's scream just now, but she was also very puzzled. At this time, there should be no one to help herself. Why did he suddenly scream? And listening to the voice behind me, it seemed that someone appeared again. Who would this person be?

Wang Yaxin finally couldn't help but glanced back, but found that it was the bald head standing in front of him!

At this moment, the bald head also looked at Wang Yaxin with a worried look. Seeing that Wang Yaxin turned her head and did not appear to be injured, the bald head said, "Get up first, and I will take care of the rest!"

After supporting Wang Yaxin, the bald head realized that the blood on her wrist had not stopped flowing for a moment, and Wang Yaxin's face looked extremely pale. After being supported by herself, she couldn't even stand firm.

Realizing this scene, the bald head did not hesitate, and immediately tore his jacket to Wang Yaxin’s wrist. After stopping the bleeding, he helped Wang Yaxin to a place with few people and sat on the ground against the wall. The bald head said with a face: "The blood has stopped, there should be no major problem, you need to rest."

Bald heads often deal with such wounds. As long as the bleeding is stopped in time, the others should not have any major problems. This is his experience. However, just after the bald voice fell, Wang Yaxin said anxiously: "No! No! Still! With him, you have to take him to the hospital, otherwise I..."

The bald head looked at Wang Yaxin's already weak appearance, but still insisted on letting herself send the man to the hospital, and then she nodded helplessly, and then said: "I will arrange for someone to take him to the hospital, but my The task is to ensure your safety. The situation at the scene seems to be unable to be resolved in a while, so I will not go back anywhere!"

After the bald head finished speaking, he slowly stood up, and the man who was hit by the bald head was struggling to stand up from the ground at this time, but he was holding one of his eyes hard, but he still couldn't resist the sewing from the hand. The blood flowing out of it.

Looking at that man, Photon's anger didn't hit him, and he dared to bully Wang Yaxin on the head? Leaving aside other things for the time being, just relying on the fact that Wang Yaxin is Fang Zhiqiang's woman, bald head has enough reason to break his body directly!

Thinking of this, the bald head didn't hesitate, and he strode forward to the man. Before the man hadn't reacted at all, the bald head directly picked his leg and hit the bottom plate! As the doctor screamed, the bald head also turned around coolly, because at the moment, the man looked like a useless person in the eyes of bald head.

Sure enough, the moment the bald head turned around, the man could no longer support his body. He knelt directly on the ground. After not holding on for long, he fell forward and lay down behind the bald head. , Like a little brother surrendering to the king!

Bald head rolled up his sleeves and watched the mess at the scene. He didn't know whether it was a friend or an enemy. It was just because Fang Zhiqiang seemed to be extremely anxious when he called himself, so the bald head didn't hesitate. A group of brothers immediately set off and came directly to the place Fang Zhiqiang said. Fortunately, he came at the right time. Although Wang Yaxin was injured, if he came a few minutes later, the consequences would be disastrous!

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