My Best Wife

Chapter 2813: Smoke-free battle (6)

At the same time, Wang Yaxin's various practices could not help but make Yao He feel trust in her again, and even gave Yao He an urge to go to the front line, Yao He even began to fantasize, if so. If I stand in the position of Wang Yaxin at this moment, what words will be said? This is an unexpected joy. Although Wang Yaxin still does not know this, Yao He, a person who considers his interests so important, is now in his heart It is indeed a relatively rare thing to be able to come up with such an idea.

It’s just that Yao He knows in his heart that although it seems to be very beneficial to Lingwei from all aspects now, and Wang Yaxin’s teammate seems to be very capable and should be of great help to himself or Lingwei. But Juying’s strength is still not to be underestimated. Therefore, even if Wang Yaxin’s performance today is perfect, it is still very difficult to judge what the final result will be. Therefore, Yao He at this time, although in his heart There are various ideas, but in fact, it is impossible to jump out at this time, because everything is still full of uncertainty, he will naturally not let himself take this risk.

Fang Zhiqiang also stared at Wang Yaxin on the screen at this time. What Yao He saw was Wang Yaxin’s abilities and the benefits that the appropriate words had brought to Lingwei. However, what Fang Zhiqiang saw was exactly the same. different things.

Fang Zhiqiang clearly sees Wang Yaxin’s hard work and hard work, and Fang Zhiqiang can also realize that what Wang Yaxin really wants in his heart is not only to enable Huaqiang to overcome this difficulty, but she does want it. Let the domestic science and technology industry develop truly, so as to completely get rid of the dependence on Juying. Of course, this is a very difficult thing to do. At least for the current pattern of the science and technology industry, it is still almost impossible. Wang Yaxin has been working hard to achieve the goal. Lingwei Company had nothing to do with Wang Yaxin, but this time, Wang Yaxin directly regarded Lingwei Company as his friend and was working hard to maintain Lingwei Company. Rights and interests, Fang Zhiqiang can actually see this point. Wang Yaxin is not only safeguarding the rights and interests of Lingwei Company, but also the rights and interests of all technology companies in the country. Of course, this also includes Huaqiang Company.

It’s just that it’s not yet the moment when Huaqiang Company is on the stage. Just like what Wang Yaxin said, when she is doing all this, Huaqiang Company needs silent development, although no matter how it develops, it will not Maybe they have the ability to compete with Juying, but at least, it is much better than doing nothing at present.

Juying’s representatives have already spoken so much to the court staff. They think that at this point, the court staff should have weighed the pros and cons clearly in their hearts. This has been the same every time before. They always clicked to the end. In the end, the staff were indeed obedient, because no one would give away everything they already had, whether it was for the people of Juying, for Huaqiang Company, or for the court staff. Said it is the same.

In fact, the words of the representative Juying really made the staff frown again. He didn't want to do what he didn't want to do, but under the circumstances, it seemed that he couldn't help making the choice he wanted to make. Maybe in the current situation, I can choose to help Wang Yaxin, and not only Wang Yaxin is helped, but there are so many technology companies in the country. This is a good thing for the country, but if you are really like that If you do, you will face ruin, let alone be able to stay in the industry and continue to mix. The most important thing is that if you offend a guy like Juying, for a small individual like yourself, you will do it again. Lose your job, it's **** on earth.

Moreover, today this staff member has once again seen the true face of those people represented by Juying. When they are useful to them, they may be able to say two nice words to themselves, but if they want to quit, then they It will jump out directly and refuse to agree. What kind of cruel methods will be used is something that no one can predict. For the staff, it is indeed a matter that requires serious consideration. A little carelessness will be forever!

Finally, the staff informed that the trial will be held again. This time, everyone is looking forward to the final answer given by the staff. For Wang Yaxin, in fact, he already has an expectation in his heart. After all, everything he can do is already done. After doing it, Wang Yaxin also knew that the staff could not tear their face with Juying's people, and they didn't dare to do that. Wang Yaxin naturally knew what the end result would be if he did that.

The Juying representatives on the other side are also very aware of this. They still think that they have firmly grasped the staff. What the staff is about to say must be within their expectations. So many times before, they have never There have been no accidents, and this time, obviously no exception.

Even Yao He and Fang Zhiqiang in front of the screen are very aware of this. Before the court, Wang Yaxin had actually told Yao He and Fang Zhiqiang about this matter. Looking at the situation at the scene, Fang Zhiqiang obviously also saw this. It can be concluded that today’s progress is relatively smooth, and Fang Zhiqiang has already felt that Wang Yaxin has done a very good job at this point, including the words Wang Yaxin said in front of the media. In fact, everything has been prepared. If If nothing else, the court staff should not dare to go too far this time. It is very likely that they will finally give a result acceptable to both parties.

For Yao He, although he really wants to turn defeat into victory through this lawsuit and regain his business freedom, he and Mr. Chen are also very clear in their hearts that if they can continue to survive with someone like Juying, it is already very It’s a good result. They don’t dare to expect too much at this time. Moreover, they also know how crazy the decision they made this time. Under such circumstances, they obviously cannot believe that they can pass this lawsuit. Take down Juying, but they are already prepared in their hearts, just like what Wang Yaxin said to Yao He before, they need to be prepared for a long-term battle, and no matter what difficulties they encounter, they can’t Choose to give up.

Just judging from the situation today, it may not be a complete failure in the end. At least Wang Yaxin has done everything that can be done, and has done very well. Under such circumstances, it is possible to keep Lingwei and continue to operate. Eligibility, and the opportunity for a second appeal, are already a thankful result.

In the court, Wang Yaxin took a long breath. Up to this moment, Wang Yaxin's hanging heart still did not let go. She knew very well that she could say those things to the staff, and Juying's representatives could also remind the staff through words, even It was a threat. Although I had done everything I could, Juying was obviously not idle. Therefore, the most important person at the moment is the court staff.

If he still has a little conscience, perhaps the final answer given is a result acceptable to both parties. If he can rule that the prosecution here is invalid and everything remains the same, then for himself, it is already It is the best result.

But Wang Yaxin is still not at ease. If this staff member is a profit-seeking person, and there are so many places subject to Juying before, at this time, it is not impossible for him to choose to continue to help Juying. After all, this is for the staff member. Said that it should be the best way out, and also the wisest choice, because by doing so, he will not suffer any loss at least for the moment.

Finally, at the last moment, the staff slowly stood up. As the hammer struck, everyone on the scene was completely quiet, as if the sound of a needle falling on the ground would seem particularly harsh at this moment. .

Including everyone in front of the screen, holding their breath at this moment, waiting for the moment when the final result appears.

The staff held the manuscript with the final result in hand, and the moment he made a sound, it seemed that all the heartbeats had completely stopped at that moment.

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