My Best Wife

Chapter 2791: Cheer up (2)

After saying this, Xiaoyu stared at the silent Fang Zhiqiang for a long time, and just when Fang Zhiqiang was about to say something again, Xiaoyu suddenly turned around and moved forward without looking at him. Replied: "It's getting late, and I'm afraid it will be too late. Let's find the location of the dormitory first."

Fang Zhiqiang watched Xiaoyu step forward without hesitation, and when he reached his lips, he had to put it back again. In front of Xiaoyu, Fang Zhiqiang felt an inexplicable depression for the first time.

In fact, Xiaoyu did not need to listen to what Fang Zhiqiang said just now, because from Fang Zhiqiang’s expression, he already understood everything. He knew that Fang Zhiqiang would choose Li Xiaoxiao in the end, even though he did not. I don’t know, Fang Zhiqiang is just for the original promise, or there are other factors, but for himself, all of this is not important anymore. He made such a decision, which is equivalent to giving up on himself and giving up. mother.

"Xiaoyu, wait for me." Following Xiaoyu, Fang Zhiqiang clearly felt that Xiaoyu's pace was getting faster and faster. It seemed that he didn't want to stay with him. Fang Zhiqiang was also afraid of Xiaoyu because of this. I feel sad, and my impression of myself is getting worse and worse. Even if I know that Xiaoyu must be unhappy about this incident, he still wants to make it up.

"Hurry up, time is really running out, and my mother said that I will meet with you in the law firm to discuss matters later? I don't want to delay your business." Xiaoyu looked back at Fang Zhiqiang this time , Just after saying this, he turned his head again, his pace did not slow down a bit.

Seeing this, Fang Zhiqiang had to speed up his pace and follow along. Seeing Xiaoyu’s appearance, he seemed to be reluctant to listen to any explanations from him, but Fang Zhiqiang still said, "Xiaoyu, you can understand me. ,right?"

Xiaoyu looked sideways at Fang Zhiqiang, and then a smile appeared on his face, and said faintly: "There are some things that even adults can't understand. Why do you ask me to understand?"

"Of course you have to understand. I have never told your mother about these words. After I talked about them with you today, I couldn't help but say them. If you can't understand them, who else can understand? Me?" Fang Zhiqiang continued.

"Actually, you don’t need anyone’s understanding. There is no one in this world who needs to be with someone all the time. After all, even my own biological father abandoned me back then. Besides, you have no blood relationship with me at all. What reason is there for Take care of me?" Xiaoyu continued walking forward and said.

"Xiaoyu, don't want to look like this, I really don't want to make you sad because of this..."

"Don't struggle with the strong son. If you can't make a choice, you have to give up on the other. You have given up on me and asked me to do nothing. Do you think it is appropriate?" Xiaoyu said In the end, he looked at Fang Zhiqiang once again. The eyes looked like a deep pool, as if he could see Fang Zhiqiang through, causing Fang Zhiqiang to shudder.

"I know, no matter what I say, I can't make up for you, but I really want to tell you, I really don't want you." Fang Zhiqiang doesn't know what he should say, every word Xiaoyu said sounds like It all makes sense.

"Yeah, such a nice thing, in fact, anyone can say it, I can also say, Qiangzi, I also want to stay by your side, even if you are not with my mother, I also want to be with you Stay here, even if you are not my father, I just don’t want to leave you."

After speaking, Xiaoyu spread his hands and continued: "But does it make sense to say it? It won't change the result between us. From now on, the intersection between you and me will become less and less, like What you said is the same, one day in the future, I will no longer need other people’s care, and even I will take care of others, but by that time, you will no longer be by my side, and the only people I have to take care of my mom."

Although Fang Zhiqiang understood the meaning of Xiaoyu’s words, he did not understand. In fact, Xiaoyu used this opportunity to express his desire in his heart. The first half of his words are actually like his own inner thoughts. In other words, he really wants to stay with Fang Zhiqiang, even if Fang Zhiqiang is not his biological father.

As the two of them were talking, an aunt walked over and looked at Xiaoyu and said, "Is it a freshman entering school?"

The aunt's voice caused Fang Zhiqiang and Xiaoyu to turn their heads and look at him. Xiaoyu nodded, and the aunt continued: "Come, go here."

Walking behind the aunt, Fang Zhiqiang and Xiaoyu stopped talking. Fang Zhiqiang was also extremely uncomfortable at the moment. Originally, he offered to help Xiaoyu make arrangements today, just to get in touch with Xiaoyu, regardless of himself. No matter who you decide to be with, you don’t actually have much relationship with Xiaoyu. If you can continue to maintain a good relationship with Xiaoyu in the future, it would be better.

However, it now appears that after the conversation just now, it seems that today has become the last time I talked with Xiaoyu in this way, just like Xiaoyu just said, since then, between myself and him There will be fewer and fewer intersections, until one day, he completely fades out of his world.

Until they entered the dormitory, Fang Zhiqiang and Xiaoyu did not speak any more words. The conditions of this school are also quite good. The dormitory has been arranged with bedding and air-conditioning, and the environment looks very good, although the room The smell is a bit strange, but it's not particularly pungent. After Fang Zhiqiang turned back and forth, he couldn't help but nodded, then looked at Xiaoyu and asked, "Xiaoyu, what do you think?"

"Yeah! Very good." Xiaoyu expressionlessly, just nodded faintly, then took off his schoolbag and put it on a chair, and went to the bathroom.

"Okay, the procedures have been completed? The beds have been arranged here. Wang Jingyu is the No. 4 bed. Because the previous space is full, we can only arrange an upper bunk, right?" The aunt was very attentive. While explaining to Fang Zhiqiang, she pressed her palm on the bed ladder. After nothing was wrong, she looked at Fang Zhiqiang again and asked.

Fang Zhiqiang also nodded, and then said, "Boy, there is nothing wrong with it!"

"Well, wait a minute, I will take him directly to the classroom. In another twenty minutes, it will be the third class. Then I will ask Xiaoyu to report in the classroom and get to know the classmates by the way."

After the aunt finished speaking, she walked to the door of the bathroom and saw Xiaoyu washing her hands. She said, "Wang Jingyu, have you brought all the textbooks before?"

While washing her hands, Xiaoyu answered her aunt’s questions. After washing her hands, she took out the textbooks from her schoolbag and showed the auntie, then she said, “Go to the classroom now. I also want to get familiar with the campus environment by the way."

"Okay!" The aunt readily agreed, then turned her head and glanced at Fang Zhiqiang again, and said: "Parents can leave school. Let's arrange the next thing. Don't worry."

At this time, Xiaoyu didn't even turn his head, just carried the schoolbag on his body, and walked out of the door.

Fang Zhiqiang was also slightly stunned when he heard the words. After a while, he said, "I'll wait for him to enter the classroom before leaving. I am not in a hurry."

After hearing this, the aunt naturally did not refuse, but smiled and nodded, and then left the dormitory with Fang Zhiqiang and Xiaoyu.

Today’s school facilities are really getting better and better. It’s just a primary school, but it’s well-built and covers a large area. Recalling the dilapidated environment when he was in primary school, Fang Zhiqiang couldn’t help but sigh. , The development of society is really fast.

After being around the campus for a long time, Xiaoyu has been asking the aunt about some questions about the school, while Fang Zhiqiang has always followed behind, and there is no opportunity or time to interrupt. Only the aunt can realize Fang Zhi Qiang might be a little embarrassed at the moment, so he turned his head from time to time and said a word or two to Fang Zhiqiang.

After turning around for a while, Xiaoyu seemed to see almost the same, and immediately said to the aunt, "Which direction is the classroom?"

The auntie immediately pointed in one direction and replied: "Over there, let's go now. It just so happens that it's almost time for class."

Soon after arriving in the classroom, Fang Zhiqiang and his aunt stood outside and watched Xiaoyu step onto the podium. The teacher next to him asked Xiaoyu to introduce herself. Xiaoyu also introduced her name very fluently. Seeing this In one scene, Fang Zhiqiang couldn’t help showing a gratified smile. Today’s Xiaoyu has indeed changed a lot. He used to be so taciturn, but now he can handle these public speeches very appropriately. For Xiaoyu, it is obviously a big improvement.

At this time, the aunt turned her head to look at Fang Zhiqiang and said, "Your child is really excellent. Among my peers, I rarely see anyone as sensible as him!"

"Thank you for the compliment." Fang Zhiqiang didn't say so much. At this time, he was admiring Xiaoyu's words and deeds wholeheartedly, because Fang Zhiqiang knew that in the future, it would be difficult for him to have such close contact with Xiaoyu. Woo.

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