My Best Wife

Chapter 2788: Admission

"Well, you are really busy these days. Since I came to the present, I haven't seen you free." Zhang Ling took Xin Sheng from Fang Zhiqiang's arms, and said, Amused by Xinsheng, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene. Although the woman in front of him only met once, she felt extremely reliable. Just her responsible attitude towards Wang Yaxin was enough to see. It can be concluded that she must also be extremely responsible to Xin Sheng.

After all, it was only the first time that she and herself met. She talked to herself about her and Yaxin. It could be seen that she was also very concerned about Wang Yaxin's situation. As a friend, it was enough to be able to do this. It feels reliable.

"Then let's go now, I'll drive you." Fang Zhiqiang said, while turning his eyes to Xiaoyu beside Wang Yaxin. Xiaoyu also stared at Fang Zhiqiang intently at this time, but from Xiaoyu's vision. Among them, Fang Zhiqiang could not see anything. Although he was only a twelve-year-old child, his eyes were as unfathomable as a deep pool.

And Wang Yaxin smiled slightly at this time, and said to Fang Zhiqiang: “It’s okay. I drove a car when I came over, and I’m going to send Lingling and the children back first. If there’s nothing wrong with you, then go first. The law firm, after I have dealt with these matters, I will go back and tell you something about Juying."

Fang Zhiqiang nodded when he heard the words, then glanced at Zhang Ling and said: "Then, there will be some time later." Fang Zhiqiang's words are naturally very meaningful, only from today's side, Fang Zhiqiang can It can be seen that, in fact, there should be a lot of things to say between myself and Zhang Ling. Those words are those that Wang Yaxin can't say to herself, and they can't say to Wang Yaxin. But after Zhang Ling is a middleman , I can use her to say what I want to say to Wang Yaxin, and she can also convey what Wang Yaxin said to herself. This is of course a good thing for Fang Zhiqiang, but Li Xiaoxiao’s side Obviously, it must be done. Therefore, no matter how much I talk about with Wang Yaxin, it will not actually play a decisive role. It is nothing more than making the two people more aware of each other, but if Saying that they want to come together again, at least for the moment, seems to be an impossible thing.

It is precisely because of this that the current Fang Zhiqiang is extremely entangled. On the one hand, it is Li Xiaoxiao’s promise, on the other hand, it’s the inner words between himself and Wang Yaxin that have never been uttered. Both sides have now developed to In this step, Fang Zhiqiang was caught in the middle, and he became the most difficult person to make a decision.

Zhang Ling can be regarded as a sensible person. After hearing Fang Zhiqiang's words and looking at Fang Zhiqiang's expression, she instantly understood Fang Zhiqiang's meaning, and then waved her hand without hesitation: "Goodbye!"

Seeing Fang Zhiqiang's figure gradually turning away, Wang Yaxin looked at Zhang Ling again and said: "Lingling, you have to wait a while, I have to arrange Xiaoyu's affairs."

Hearing this, Zhang Ling naturally nodded without hesitation. She knew what her task was today, and seeing Wang Yaxin's busy schedule, Zhang Ling wanted to help, but she couldn't help herself. With a child as young as Xin Sheng, he couldn't walk away, so he could only wait obediently.

At this time, Fang Zhiqiang happened to hear Wang Yaxin’s words just now, and he turned his head and looked at Xiaoyu and Wang Yaxin and said, “Or, let me arrange things about Xiaoyu. Do they go back to rest? You should go back first."

Wang Yaxin pondered for a moment, then looked down at Xiaoyu. At this moment, Xiaoyu also looked up at Wang Yaxin. He seemed to understand what Wang Yaxin meant. Then he nodded slightly and saw Xiaoyu nodding. Wang Yaxin’s A smile finally appeared on his face, and then he looked up at Fang Zhiqiang and said, "Then I will trouble you."

"Between us..."

Before Fang Zhiqiang's words were finished, Wang Yaxin bowed slightly, looked at Xiaoyu, and said, "Xiaoyu, now going back to school here, everything has to start again, is there any pressure in your heart?"

Xiaoyu shook his head without hesitation, and said, "Don't worry, Mom, I was here before, so I'm quite familiar with it, so there won't be any problems."

"Yeah! Xiaoyu is awesome!" Wang Yaxin smiled with relief, and while talking, he touched Xiaoyu's head, and then looked at Fang Zhiqiang again: "Then you take Xiaoyu first. Go in, I will send Lingling and the others back first."

Fang Zhiqiang walked towards Xiaoyu slowly, looking at Xiaoyu's current height, he stood up only one head lower than himself. At the age of twelve, he was so tall. Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but put up a thumbs up: "Xiaoyu, you can consider becoming a basketball star in the future!"

"Ah? Why?" Xiaoyu turned around and followed Fang Zhiqiang to the school, and asked with a puzzled face. Obviously, he still doesn't understand the meaning of Fang Zhiqiang's words. Maybe Xiaoyu has never He has never paid attention to his height. For him, there are too many things in his mind. When he was going to school there before, there were all kinds of things in the school, but now, seeing that he has to transfer again, For Xiaoyu, this is a new challenge. In fact, what Xiaoyu said to Wang Yaxin just now was just to reassure Wang Yaxin. When Xiaoyu was in school here, he encountered many problems. At that time, it was not all Xiaoyu himself. Did you carry it?

As a mother, Wang Yaxin didn’t actually care much, so in this respect, Xiaoyu didn’t ask her mother too much, and even had no desire at all. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the current little Yucai became so precocious. Compared with his peers, he was a lot less happy and carefree, and a little more seemingly calm, but in fact it was just because he couldn't be happy.

After entering the campus, Fang Zhiqiang looked at the schools coming and going and couldn't help but set his sights on Xiaoyu again, and asked: "Xiaoyu, do you have your own little brother in school?"

"Little brother? What do you mean?" Xiaoyu is not particularly familiar with the concept of "little brother". Even when he was here, he was always in some noble schools. In such schools, management was very strict. Xiaoyu’s knowledge of'little brother' was inaccessible at all. After arriving there with Wang Yaxin, he had never understood this concept, so Fang Zhiqiang suddenly brought up this point, which made Xiaoyu suddenly He couldn't help but frown, he really didn't understand what Fang Zhiqiang was talking about.

"That is to say, are you the eldest brother at school, or are you messing with others?" Fang Zhiqiang pondered for a moment and asked again.

"You want to ask me, did anyone bully me at school?" After thinking for a while, Xiaoyu seemed to understand the meaning of Fang Zhiqiang's words, and said this sentence immediately. Fang Zhiqiang stopped, and after a long period of indulgence, Fang Zhiqiang still couldn't react, so he had to scratch his head in embarrassment.

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