My Best Wife

Chapter 2783: Li Xiaoxiao's "Fight" (3)

Seeing Li Xiaoxiao lowered his head, Fang Zhiqiang fell silent again. At this time, he really had nothing to do. Because of the various problems in his relationship with Li Xiaoxiao before, Fang Zhiqiang was very concerned now. This point, in front of Li Xiaoxiao, I have always maintained a candid attitude towards each other. No matter what I think, I will speak directly to Li Xiaoxiao. Maybe some things don’t sound so pleasant, but they are definitely It is the words from the bottom of my heart.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with Fang Zhiqiang thinking like this, but Li Xiaoxiao is a woman, a woman of flesh and blood. She also needs to hear those sweet words, and she also needs men to cheat at the right time. However, all of this, she does not Did not get it from Fang Zhiqiang.

Time passed by, and both of them continued to remain silent. When Li Xiaoxiao raised his head again, the eyes of the two were intertwined again. Fang Zhiqiang looked from Li Xiaoxiao’s eyes. There was a ray of tears, and under the reflection of the light, the tears flickered, but Li Xiaoxiao’s face quickly showed a smile, and then she casually said to Fang Zhiqiang: "This juice is delicious. You have a taste, or it’s wasted."

But at this time, where is Fang Zhiqiang in the mood to drink juice? Seeing Li Xiaoxiao's heartbroken but still holding on, Fang Zhiqiang's heart suddenly felt extremely guilty.

Fang Zhiqiang also knew that if he said something nice at this time, Li Xiaoxiao might be happy, and she and she would have a good result, but the negative effect of doing that was that from now on, she might have to I have been coaxing her with those hypocritical words, even if Li Xiaoxiao is mature enough now, in fact, it is very difficult for a person to change in his bones. In addition, today, it seems from Li Xiaoxiao’s various reactions , She is still the same Li Xiaoxiao from before, if there is any change compared to before, maybe it's just that she now knows more about hiding the true emotions in her heart.

"Xiaoxiao, please believe me, I really don’t mean anything else. I also hope that we can have a good result, and I also hope that I can continue to take care of you, and hope that you can give me such an opportunity. Everything, we don’t think about it anymore, don’t worry about it anymore, as long as we live a good life in the future, that’s what I think in my heart. If you have any doubts or doubts, you can tell me. But I don’t want you to be the way you are now. It’s not a good thing for you or me. I believe that it’s not just that I don’t want to see things like this in the end, you don’t want it either. Right?"

Fang Zhiqiang once again used pious remarks to try to calm Li Xiaoxiao’s emotions, and also tried to calm Li Xiaoxiao again. He knew that if Li Xiaoxiao was really calm enough, he would definitely not say the words just now. , And for Li Xiaoxiao at this time, it is indeed a difficult thing to calm down. This kind of thing has just happened at home, and the feelings are so messy. For Li Xiaoxiao, she is indeed enough. It is difficult. Even so, she still took the time today and chose to discuss this matter with Fang Zhiqiang, which is already very rare.

In fact, what Li Xiaoxiao said was not wrong. Before coming, she had indeed thought that if Fang Zhiqiang really showed an unwilling attitude, she would naturally not force him, although what she wanted in her heart was The two of them can continue walking, but Li Xiaoxiao also knows that after losing some things, it will be difficult to find them again.

"I understand Qiangzi. In fact, what I said just now was not completely angry. I know what you think. I understand the relationship between the two of us now. In fact, you can think about my words. My dad was like that. Even if you change someone, you will still agree, but after all people are no longer there. If you don’t want that in your heart, you really don’t have to embarrass yourself, even if the two of us really continue to be together If you are not happy in your heart, it actually doesn’t make much sense. As for my dad, I think he can understand you, no matter what decision you make."

Li Xiaoxiao's attitude became serious again. Hearing Fang Zhiqiang's pious tone just now really calmed her down. After all, she is now different from before. Not only can she better hide her emotions. , And at the same time calm yourself down faster. After all, people are constantly improving.

Fang Zhiqiang was stunned. He only felt his brain was in a mess. He didn't know what he was thinking, but his palm was placed on the juice glass. After holding up the glass, Fang Zhiqiang reacted and looked down. , And then put the cup down again, then looked at Li Xiaoxiao again, and said: "Xiaoxiao, I just said that, I actually want to..."

Just now, Fang Zhiqiang’s cell phone rang again. Li Xiaoxiao originally stared at Fang Zhiqiang seriously, and even had a look of expectation on his face. If Fang Zhiqiang gave himself a step up next, Li Xiaoxiao will undoubtedly walk down without hesitation. It’s a pity that at this moment, the mobile phone that rang suddenly interrupted the two people’s thoughts. Li Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but look down, staring into Fang Zhiqiang’s pocket and said: “Hurry up, just pick it up in case it’s more important What about things?"

Fang Zhiqiang reluctantly picked up the phone. When he saw the word'Yaxin', he subconsciously glanced at Li Xiaoxiao. It is precisely because of Fang Zhiqiang's glance that Li Xiaoxiao's face again appeared indifferent. The expression, in fact, before Fang Zhiqiang took out the phone, Li Xiaoxiao’s heartbeat had already started to speed up, she even began to imagine who the caller would be in her mind, and seeing Fang Zhiqiang’s reaction at this moment, Li Xiaoxiao Already has his own answer in his heart.

Coincidentally, it was at this moment that Fang Zhiqiang suddenly stood up and walked to the side until he reached a place where Li Xiaoxiao could not hear him. He then stopped and answered the call.

"Yaxin, what's the matter?" Fang Zhiqiang lowered his voice. Although he has a relationship with Li Xiaoxiao, it doesn't matter who is calling him, but Fang Zhiqiang still doesn't want Li Xiaoxiao to hear it. Because he knew very well that if Li Xiaoxiao knew that Wang Yaxin was calling herself, she would be unhappy in her heart, even if she didn't show it.

"Qianzi, are you still in the company?" Wang Yaxin asked eagerly.

"No, what's the matter?" Fang Zhiqiang frowned, listening to Wang Yaxin's tone, seemingly anxious.

"Oh, forget it, I'll go back by myself." Wang Yaxin said with some loss. If it's not too far away, she won't be able to call Fang Zhiqiang, but the school is more than ten kilometers away from the company. Although the driving is not far, the urban area is very congested, and going back and forth by yourself will delay a lot of time.

"What's the matter? I'm not far from the company, just tell me." Fang Zhiqiang could naturally hear Wang Yaxin's anxiety, so he continued to ask.

"I have to go through the enrollment procedures when I arrived at the school, only to find that I forgot to bring my ID card. The school must have the original ID card, but since you are not in the company, I should go back and get it by myself." She stopped asking what Fang Zhiqiang was doing.

"Where is the ID card?" Fang Zhiqiang asked without hesitation. Now Wang Yaxin must be bringing Xiaoyu back to school. If she is asked to take Xiaoyu back at this time, let’s not trouble you. , And a lot of time was wasted. Wang Yaxin had been busy during the recent period, and because of these things, she had caused so much trouble, Fang Zhiqiang was also upset.

"Since you are not in the company, you should also have your own business to be busy? I'll go back by myself, and it will be fine soon." Wang Yaxin continued to insist.

"Just tell me, where is the ID card, I'll be there soon." Fang Zhiqiang said as he turned his head to the dining table.

Hearing Fang Zhiqiang's insistence, Wang Yaxin had no choice but to sigh, and then said: "It's in a portfolio in the drawer of my desk."

"Okay, I'll get it right away. You are waiting for me at school, and you will send me a position later." When this sentence was said, Fang Zhiqiang's figure had already reached the table, and Li Xiaoxiao was here. He heard very clearly, and seeing Fang Zhiqiang's a little anxious look, Li Xiaoxiao also stood up. After seeing Fang Zhiqiang hung up, Li Xiaoxiao immediately laughed and said, "Since you have something to do, let's get here today. I happen to be back to cook."

Fang Zhiqiang raised his head and glanced at Li Xiaoxiao. Although he felt embarrassed, he didn't have time to explain so much. He just nodded, and then said: "We have time someday, let's make an appointment."

Li Xiaoxiao didn't say that much, but just nodded, and then watched Fang Zhiqiang turn around and leave, but he just sighed for a long time, although today I really wanted to talk to Fang Zhiqiang. , But since the final result is so unlucky, there really is no need to be so entangled.

In the future, no one will take care of yourself, so take care of yourself. People! After all, they all want to grow up, right?

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