My Best Wife

Chapter 2753: Dilemma

Of course, Li Xiaoxiao also thought about allowing herself to come back to him, just as it was before, everything is still the same as before, but she also knows that this is just her own wishful thinking, and reunion with a broken mirror is no longer what it was before. A mirror, the damage that has been caused, even if you try your best to make up for it, it is just wishful thinking.

In this regard, Li Xiaoxiao naturally has a deep understanding. His parents have told him so much about how they owed themselves when they were young, and now no matter how they try to make up for themselves, but everything can’t go back, they treat themselves The damage caused cannot be withdrawn. For themselves, even the heart knows that they want to make themselves happy, they want to make their lives better, and they even use all means to try to make up for what they have done to them. I owe it, but for myself, the loneliness and longing I endured in my youth have long been deeply imprinted in my heart. Now I can ignore these things with my parents, and I can treat them wholeheartedly, but I will never be like it again. I used to talk about everything in front of my parents as I was when I was a teenager, because I will grow up, and I will be mature. The things that I could not afford before are now completely affordable and seem to be no longer needed. Parents shelter themselves from wind and rain.

But even so, Li Xiaoxiao still did not give up this idea of ​​her own, especially after listening to what Wang Yaxin said today, even though the relationship between Fang Zhiqiang and Wang Yaxin has gone through so many ups and downs, but now Wang Yaxin is also She still didn't give up her pursuit, no matter what the end result will be with Fang Zhiqiang, for Wang Yaxin, she only needs to do what she wants to do, not forcing the result, just asking for no regrets in her heart. Since even Wang Yaxin can do this, why can't he? Should I take that worthless face seriously? In the relationship, if you blindly care about face, what qualifications do you have for true love?

In fact, the death of Li Yonggui made the relationship between the three people more entangled. Not only was Li Xiaoxiao so entangled now, even Fang Zhiqiang didn’t know what he should do. Before Li Yonggui died Fang Zhiqiang clearly remembered what he said, but for Fang Zhiqiang now, he did feel that he and Wang Yaxin seemed to be more suitable, or in other words, in his current state, if he continues to be with Li Xiaoxiao If they are together, the lives of the two will not be easy, but Wang Yaxin is different. She and Li Xiaoxiao are completely different women.

Fang Zhiqiang nowadays also doesn’t care what kind of person he is in the eyes of others. Whether it’s a scumbag or a good person, it doesn’t matter, because Fang Zhiqiang knows very well that his life is his own. In life, only oneself knows whether the heart is happy or happy, or sad and painful. Instead of working hard to live like a good person in the eyes of others, but wronged oneself, it is better to do what you want to do, no matter what others think. It doesn't matter how you look at it, as long as you are happy and happy, you don't have to worry about everything else.

Therefore, during that time, Fang Zhiqiang thought that his heart was firm enough, especially after seeing Wang Yaxin’s return, Fang Zhiqiang was even more determined. He owed so much debt to Wang Yaxin before, and now he finally has a chance to make up for it. Although Fang Zhiqiang himself knew that no matter how he made up, he would not be able to erase everything that Wang Yaxin had endured before, but at least it was better than doing nothing by himself. At least it would make Wang Yaxin's life a little better afterwards and could do a little bit. Count it down, now I can only do so much.

However, Li Yonggui suddenly became seriously ill. This man who had a great influence on him was about to let go. This was not only a blow to Li Xiaoxiao, but also an extremely bad thing for Fang Zhiqiang. For the time being, let’s not talk about the feelings between the two people. After living together for so long before, he took care of himself and maintained the feelings between himself and Li Xiaoxiao. These Fang Zhiqiang all looked at In the eyes of an old man, it is really not easy to be able to do this.

However, what Fang Zhiqiang did not expect was that Li Yonggui’s blow to him was not only this. The last request he made to him was the beginning of his complete mess. What he wanted to choose in his heart was obviously another. A woman, but Li Yonggui made such a request, which is naturally an embarrassing thing for Fang Zhiqiang.

Fang Zhiqiang has tried countless times to convince himself, anyway, it’s just getting married and living with any kind of woman. It’s just as simple as living with any kind of woman. Besides, he has been walking with Li Xiaoxiao for so long before, and they can be regarded as each other. Very familiar, even the running-in is almost the same, anyway, at least there is no need to re-understand and understand and operate, from this point, it can be considered a more worry-free thing.

But the other voice in Fang Zhiqiang's heart is also very clear. This is marriage after all. Marriage is obviously not a trivial matter. You must be absolutely focused and cautious. If you take a wrong step, you will suffer for a lifetime. Looking back on your relationship history, Fang Zhiqiang I can’t help but feel a little astonished. I’m only thirty-one this year, but I already have two marriages, and each of them ended in failure. The first part, Wang Yaxin, has nothing to say, this is a very good one. Fang Zhiqiang would not forget the help that Wang Yaxin had to him when he was just starting out. The second Li Xiaoxiao, although a little willful and simple, but his feelings for him were spotless. , Perhaps for herself, she is a wayward girl, but for herself, she gave everything to herself. However, this girl who pursued such a pure and hot pursuit of love still failed in the end. Get an eternal belonging here.

Fang Zhiqiang even began to wonder about himself. In his two failed marriages, was it their problem or his own cause? If it was their problem, why did I miss two such beautiful girls? Why didn't I have enough experience in both marriages? If this is the case, it is naturally your own problem, but where is the problem?

Fang Zhiqiang once thought, is it because the contact between himself and Wang Yaxin keeps going, and the life with Li Xiaoxiao cannot continue steadily and happily? In the marriage with Wang Yaxin, it was because of his father’s opposition that the two people separated. Fang Zhiqiang felt that there was nothing to say about this. At that time, the two people were not together for long, and they separated because of this objective factor. . But the later marriage with Li Xiaoxiao was completely different. With the blessings of both parents, the two had already lived happily together. However, it didn’t take long for the two to begin to have differences. At that time, I even thought about all kinds of problems, big and small, because Li Xiaoxiao had nothing to do at home all day, so these various problems appeared. However, afterwards, Li Xiaoxiao, because of this, She also started to take the initiative to go out to work to keep her busy, but the situation still didn’t seem to have changed much. The problems between herself and her still existed, and even worsened than before. Until the end, this was the result, Fang Zhi Qiang thought of this for countless times, and felt sorry, and even felt that he was too impulsive when he was in the hospital corridor. If he had said two good things to her at that time, perhaps the result would be completely different?

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