My Best Wife

Chapter 2479: Looking forward to your return

"How is it? Very uncomfortable, right?" Wang Xia asked with a smile looking at Li Xiaoxiao's chuckle.

"It's a bit, if it wasn't for you to remind me just now, I wouldn't be able to react!" Li Xiaoxiao continued smiling.

"So, always remember that you are no longer the one who can pay and never look at the bills before. You must plan every expenditure of your own, or else, like today. I don’t know how much you have to pay!" Wang Xia said in a joking tone.

"Sister, do you look down on me too much? Anyway, I've run away from home for a while and have experience of self-reliance. This is just a bit of discomfort for a while. After a while, I will naturally get better. "Li Xiaoxiao said proudly.

"Why? It's quite proud to see you running away from home?" Wang Xia glanced at Li Xiaoxiao and said.

"It can't be said to be proud, at least, it is a precious life experience!" Li Xiaoxiao said with a serious face.

Wang Xia sighed slightly. Indeed, that experience must have been a great challenge for Li Xiaoxiao. Until now, Wang Xia did not know how Li Xiaoxiao came out during that period of time, let alone. I have never experienced that kind of experience before. Although I seem to have many legendary stories in my life, for Wang Xia herself, she has long been used to and adapted to all this, no matter what kind of story happens to her, It doesn't seem to be surprising, because the current self is enough to accept everything that may happen.

"Anyway, you still have to be mentally prepared. At that time, you were just yourself. But now you still have your own children. Without sufficient financial support, your life will be very difficult. You really want to Are you okay?" Wang Xia asked Li Xiaoxiao with a serious look.

Li Xiaoxiao lowered her head and pondered for a moment. In fact, she also thought about this question carefully. During the period before separating from Fang Zhiqiang, Li Xiaoxiao was always at a loss. Although she kept comforting herself in her heart, she still didn’t know after separation. How should I live my life?

But now, especially after walking around with Wang Xia today, Li Xiaoxiao seemed to suddenly realize.

"Sister, can you tell me why you live?"

Li Xiaoxiao suddenly turned his head, staring at Wang Xia deeply, and suddenly asked such a question, but Wang Xia looked a little confused.

"Why... suddenly asking such a strange question?" Wang Xia frowned with some confusion.

"What's so strange about this? Shouldn't everyone know why they live?" Li Xiaoxiao said sincerely.

Wang Xia smiled helplessly. She did not think about this issue carefully before, because she did not have the time and opportunity to think about these ‘meaningless’ issues.

"Why live...For me, it may be to make myself better today than yesterday!" Wang Xia finally gave such an answer after pondering for a while.

Li Xiaoxiao could hear that Wang Xia answered very seriously. From her serious tone, Li Xiaoxiao felt a trace of sincerity and a trace of helplessness.

In her heart, there is really nothing to do, is it to support her to live more wonderfully?

"What about you?" After Wang Xia finished speaking, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she sighed for a long time. Then she looked at Li Xiaoxiao again, a smile on her face was restored, she watched Li Xiaoxiao ask in a relaxed tone Tao.

"My idea is very simple. It is to keep myself happy. I live for the sake of happiness!" Li Xiaoxiao's frowning brows slowly unfolded, although the answer by Wang Xia just now made Li Xiaoxiao a little puzzled. When it comes to the topic of why he lives, Li Xiaoxiao suddenly got a lot of energy.

"Well! It sounds like a good life goal!" Wang Xia smiled and nodded.

"Sister, don't think it's very simple. In fact, it is very difficult to be born and want to be happy at all times." Li Xiaoxiao's face returned to seriousness again, looking at Wang Xia, her tone of voice did not slow down. Said anxiously.

"How do you say?" Wang Xia looked sideways at Li Xiaoxiao and asked with interest.

"In fact, there are many factors for happiness. The difficult thing is whether we can grasp those factors. For example, letting our parents live a long and healthy life can make us happy, but we all know that this is impossible. For another example, life goes well. A successful career can also make us happy, but it is not so easy to achieve these conditions."

Li Xiaoxiao looked at Wang Xia very seriously, slowly speaking about her understanding of happiness in her heart, and after listening to Wang Xia, she also made a contemplative appearance.

Li Xiaoxiao’s interpretation of happiness did not allow Wang Xia to expect that from such a peculiar angle, he could indeed find different happiness, and also better understand the words Li Xiaoxiao said: “I’m alive. For happiness!"

At this moment, when Wang Xia reinterpreted this sentence, she had a different experience.

Sometimes people live for more than just their own happiness. If you want to make yourself happy, you must first make others happy.

Only when the family is in harmony, can you truly maintain a happy mood, and only when everything around you is fine can you be happy.

"Xiaoxiao, this is a great goal. I hope you will not forget your original intentions and stick to your original intentions!" Wang Xia thought for a long time, stretched out her palm, and patted Li Xiaoxiao's shoulder.

"Sister, then I can ask you, why do you want to make yourself better today than yesterday?" In fact, Li Xiaoxiao still did not understand the meaning of the goal that Wang Xia just said, so she asked again.


Wang Xia raised her head and sighed. She didn't know how to answer this question. She didn't even know why she just said this. In her own heart, there is no clear definition of what is good.

In the past, I thought that as long as I had enough wealth and enough social status, even if I was a successful woman, I would naturally become an excellent woman in the eyes of others.

But then, after all, she is just a good woman in the eyes of others, but in your own eyes, what kind of person is you?

Now Wang Xia doesn’t care about those fame and fortune anymore. In her heart, a good person can afford to let go, see through many common things in this world, and keep herself calm and calm. No matter how intrusive the outside world is, he can be as calm as water. This is what Wang Xia thinks is excellent.

"Xiaoxiao, how do you understand good?" Wang Xia raised her head again, looking at Li Xiaoxiao's expectant expression, and asked.

Wang Xia knew that if she didn't give her an answer, she would not let it go, but the thought in her heart was difficult to describe in words, so she could only say that.

"Well... everyone's understanding of excellence should be different. For me, if you can maintain a positive and optimistic attitude all the time, it is even a kind of excellence!" Li Xiaoxiao thought seriously. For a moment, this answer was given.

Wang Xia was very satisfied with this answer. She couldn't help but nodded. Although it was slightly different from her own, it was almost the same.

"Xiaoxiao, my thoughts are similar to yours. I believe that we will all go farther and farther on the road that we adhere to. I hope that when we meet at the end of the road, we will still be the original appearance!" Wang Xia paused and slowed down. Turning around slowly, he looked at Li Xiaoxiao earnestly.

"Haha, at that time, maybe Xiao Ai Li was as tall as both of us!"

Li Xiaoxiao took over Xiao Ai Li in Wang Xia's arms without rush and joked.

Wang Xia smiled and did not speak.

Li Xiaoxiao did not respond positively to her words, Wang Xia knew why.

The world is changing too fast, and the people around me are changing too fast.

Looking back on the past, just a few years ago, it has become a duplicity.

Those who were ignorant, young, innocent, and ignorant at the beginning, now they can’t find a trace anymore, no matter whether it’s me or Li Xiaoxiao, although the appearance is not much different from what it used to be, in fact it is no longer The same person.

There is a trace of vicissitudes of experience in their bodies, and a little ignorance and ignorance disappeared.

Everyone's changes are silent, and many times they are not even aware of it. When I realized that I had been unknowingly lost, I suddenly looked back, that young man was still in place.

Does it leave it unfeelingly, or is it stubbornly standing still unable to keep up with the changes in this society?

After smiling, Wang Xia glanced at Xiao Ai Li's face.

"Xiaoxiao, do you plan to take him out with you?" Wang Xia raised her steps again and asked as she walked.

"I haven't figured it out yet, maybe I will bring him by my side, otherwise, I can't bear the feeling of missing." Li Xiaoxiao looked at Xiao Ai Li with a fond look, and said softly.

"Then, can you bear the feeling of missing others?" Wang Xia suddenly looked at her and said in a questioning tone.


Li Xiaoxiao was taken aback for a moment, and she didn't know what Wang Xia said for a while.

"For example, uncle and aunt, like me, like..." Wang Xia stopped suddenly when she said this.

She didn't want to mention that man's name at the moment.

In fact, Wang Xia knew very well in her heart that the purpose of what she said to Li Xiaoxiao today is to hope that she can appear in this circle, accept her new self, and start a new life.

Therefore, if you mention that man's name again at this time, it will obviously become a burden to her and even affect some of her decisions.

But this is also impossible to change. Even if he doesn't mention a word, Li Xiaoxiao will still think of the existence of that person. The connection between them cannot be completely cut off. There have been too many things before. , If you suddenly let them sever all contact now, it is obviously impossible.

Sure enough, hearing Wang Xia's words suddenly stopped, Li Xiaoxiao's expression also changed subtlely. At least so far, the man is still a thorn in his heart. Whenever he is mentioned, his heart still knows Pain, at this point, I can't deceive myself, nor can I deceive my sister.

"Of course I will miss you guys, but there is no way. I want to start my new life. I want to find a new self. May I go through a thousand sails and return as a teenager!

Li Xiaoxiao said relieved.

It seemed relieved, but in fact, she said these words only to comfort Wang Xia, but also to comfort herself.

My marriage with Fang Zhiqiang has ended. The book says that destruction is a new beginning.

Li Xiaoxiao doesn’t know whether her marriage with Fang Zhiqiang can be re-emerged, but she will definitely be able to re-emerge, live again, and find her true self. Since then, no matter how the world changes, she will always stick to her Li Xiaoxiao's original intention, to be the most real and invulnerable, Li Xiaoxiao!

"Well, I am looking forward to your return!"

Wang Xia paused, looking at Li Xiaoxiao seriously, what she said was mixed with a trace of sadness, but more, it was expectation.

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