My Best Wife

Chapter 2464: Lingering

When leaving from Li Yonggui’s home, Fang Zhiqiang saw Li Xiaoxiao again in the living room, but at this time Li Xiaoxiao was no longer so embarrassed, with a natural smile on her face, the conversation with Wang Xia just now made her aware Then, everything that happened in my life should and must happen. When it happens, there is no need to entangle, let alone worry, because better ones are always waiting for me later.

With a simple greeting, Fang Zhiqiang left like this, while Li Yonggui set his sights on Li Xiaoxiao and talked so much with Fang Zhiqiang, but none of those words could be said to Li Xiaoxiao. Looking at his biological daughter, Li Yonggui felt a little dazed. He actually talked so much with a child who was completely unrelated to him, but when faced with his biological daughter, he couldn't say much.

After going downstairs, Fang Zhiqiang kept thinking about what Li Yonggui just said to himself. The current relationship between himself and Wang Yaxin also made Fang Zhiqiang feel a headache. After he calmed down, he felt that this was unfair to both Li Xiaoxiao and Wang Yaxin. Therefore, he had almost decided to give up the impulsive decision he had just started.

However, what Li Yonggui said today made Fang Zhiqiang realize again that what he insisted on at the beginning is not necessarily wrong. The rest of his life is so long, who knows what will happen in the future? Does anyone know whether his current decision is right or wrong?

Thinking of this, Fang Zhiqiang took out his cell phone without hesitation and dialed Wang Yaxin's number.

Hearing the phone ringing, Wang Yaxin's blurred eyes flickered. He looked down and found that it was Fang Zhiqiang who was calling. Wang Yaxin's mood immediately became responsible.

When she just hung up Fang Zhiqiang's call, she had been waiting for Fang Zhiqiang to call, because she knew that Fang Zhiqiang would definitely call.

It's just that she didn't expect that she had waited so long.

Although after thinking about it for so long, after Fang Zhiqiang called, how should I explain the sudden hanging up, but up to now, Wang Yaxin still doesn't have a suitable excuse in his mind. Anything can make Wang Yaxin panic and at a loss.

"Hey..." Wang Yaxin answered the call, her voice trembling a little, she frowned, still thinking about how she should explain.

But at this moment, Fang Zhiqiang suddenly said a sentence, but Wang Yaxin was stunned: "Is there time? Let's meet together?"

Wang Yaxin stayed for a long while and couldn't react. She originally thought Fang Zhiqiang would ask herself why she suddenly hung up, but she didn't expect that he would say what he originally wanted to say. However, in the face of Fang Zhiqiang's sudden invitation, Wang Yaxin became more confused and uneasy. What did he want to say to himself? And must meet to say?

The confused Wang Yaxin finally nodded and said, "Yes."

In Mocha Cafe, Fang Zhiqiang and Wang Yaxin sat face to face in front of the French windows, and a cup of steaming coffee was placed on the table in front of each other.

The silent atmosphere, coupled with the cozy light music in the cafe, seemed extremely harmonious, and neither of them spoke.

Fang Zhiqiang wanted to say a lot, but after meeting, he suddenly couldn't speak.

"Call me over, don't you have something to tell me?" Wang Yaxin couldn't help it. She was constantly stirring the coffee and said this to Fang Zhiqiang without daring to raise her head.

Fang Zhiqiang let out an ‘ah’, and after a moment of indulging, he finally sighed and said: "Ya Xin, I thought about it, I think I treat you..."

Of course Fang Zhiqiang knows how deep Wang Yaxin's obsession is. If you want her to agree to be with herself, the premise must be because she still loves her.

Recalling what Li Yonggui said to him, what Fang Zhiqiang wanted to do now was to get Wang Yaxin to agree to be with him, so he just wanted to tell Wang Yaxin that he still had the same love for her.

"Actually, you don't need to make yourself so embarrassing." Wang Yaxin looked at Fang Zhiqiang who hadn't said anything for a long time, and suddenly said such a sentence. Fang Zhiqiang's emotions were brewing for a long time, and the moment disappeared.

After all, no matter how hard I tried, Wang Yaxin could see through it.

"Hardson, I know what you want to say. In fact, you don’t have this need. Many things can be forced, but this matter alone, no matter how you force it, will have no effect. You and I know this very well. Isn't it?" Wang Yaxin continued.

"Actually, I did this, not embarrassing myself, maybe now, I really dare not tell you that I still love you, nor dare to say that marrying you is because of love, but I believe that one day in the future, I will Being able to fall in love with you again, a woman like you, no matter who is with you for a long time, will fall in love with you. "Since Wang Yaxin has seen through his heart, Fang Zhiqiang no longer hides anything and says Wang Yaxin couldn't help but froze.

Listening to Fang Zhiqiang’s heart-wrenching words, Wang Yaxin didn’t know how she should answer. She didn’t know whether she should be happy or sad. She had expected it for so long because of this moment and for the person she loves. Stay together, but now, all this is in front of you, why is there no joy at all?

"Qiangzi, I can ask you, why do you have to continue with me? Is it just to resolve the emptiness and frustration in your heart?" This is a question that Wang Yaxin has been struggling with for a long time, when he is with Li Xiaoxiao Fang Zhiqiang did not show any love to himself, let alone caress, but now he just divorced Li Xiaoxiao, he kept proposing to himself, this kind of Fang Zhiqiang made Wang Yaxin feel unfamiliar and made her feel unfamiliar. Measure, if you agree, wouldn't you be reduced to Li Xiaoxiao's substitute? Even if he wanted Fang Zhiqiang so much, Wang Yaxin was not reconciled to get such an ending in the end.

But if you don't agree, as Lin Shan said, when Fang Zhiqiang never looks back, doesn't it mean it's too late when he regrets it again?

"Do you think, I want you to propose, because I want you to replace Xiaoxiao?" Fang Zhiqiang naturally heard what Wang Yaxin meant. He was a little surprised. Fortunately, he heard that Wang Yaxin told him in person today. If not, Fang Zhiqiang I felt that I would never have thought that Wang Yaxin had such an idea.

Fang Zhiqiang lowered his head and laughed helplessly. After a while, he looked up again, staring at Wang Yaxin intently, and said: "Xiaoxiao is irreplaceable for any woman in my mind."

In a word, Wang Yaxin's eyes full of expectation dimmed in an instant. She regretted why she said that word just now. Isn't this asking for hardship and humiliation?

"Just like you."

But when Wang Yaxin's heart was overwhelmed, Fang Zhiqiang continued to say something, but she was taken aback again.

"Just like me? What do you mean?" Wang Yaxin couldn't help but ask.

"Like you, there is no substitute in my heart. In this life, Li Xiaoxiao will always be Li Xiaoxiao, and Wang Yaxin will always be Wang Yaxin."

"Didn’t you ask me, why do I have to choose to be with you? I tell you now, perhaps to make up for my regrets back then, or maybe, from now on, I don’t want you to bear the sorrows and pains and want to give For the rest of your happy life, this is what I really think in my heart. I can't say that it is love, but at least, I never thought of you as a substitute for Xiaoxiao."

After Fang Zhiqiang finished speaking, Wang Yaxin's eyes kept dodge. She didn't know what she was dodge or what was thinking in her mind.

"Actually, after the incident of Xiaoxiao, I discovered that many words seem to be easy at the moment they are spoken, but when they can be fulfilled, they are far more difficult than we thought. Therefore, I can't give you anything right now. Promise, I can only tell you that I will work hard to make you happy."

The marriage with Li Xiaoxiao has come to this point, and Fang Zhiqiang has learned too much. He once naively thought that as long as he worked hard enough, as long as he loved Li Xiaoxiao enough, she would be happy, but the facts are heavy. After slapped himself in the face, he realized that the thoughts in his heart were just his own wishful thinking.

Therefore, when facing Wang Yaxin at this moment, Fang Zhiqiang did not dare to give such a promise. After all, when they started this time, it was not because of love. If Wang Yaxin thought that he did not love her enough in the future life, no matter what he did. Being nice to her, she just isn't satisfied, so wouldn't she break her promise again?

Wang Yaxin still didn’t react for a long time. What she didn’t expect most was that Li Xiaoxiao’s position in Fang Zhiqiang’s heart is still so high, as he just said, in his heart, Li Xiaoxiao’s life is nothing. Alternatively, although Wang Yaxin didn't know what Fang Zhiqiang was referring to, she was able to realize that Li Xiaoxiao had carved a trace in Fang Zhiqiang's heart, and it would never fade away.

After listening to Lin Shan’s persuasion, Wang Yaxin was a little shaken. Adding to the words that Shang Zhiqiang said at this moment, Wang Yaxin felt that he had already given himself an answer in his heart. If he wanted to agree to him, then at this moment, continue to wait. , Will only cause more harm to himself and him. What's more, he is not alone now. Whether it is Wang Jingyu or Wang Xinsheng, they all need a dad, and Fang Zhiqiang is obviously the best candidate.


Wang Yaxin spoke, but Fang Zhiqiang's cell phone rang untimely when she just said a word.

Originally, Fang Zhiqiang didn't want to answer the call at this critical moment, but seeing Wang Yaxin also stopped at this time, he had to take out his mobile phone.

"Qiangzi, those people from Juying, why did they act on Yueting Media?"

On the other side of the phone, Bi Luochun's suspicious voice rang, causing Fang Zhiqiang's brows to frown.

Especially when he heard the words "Yueting Media", Fang Zhiqiang's heart suddenly aroused.

"What's the matter?" Fang Zhiqiang asked.

"I don't know. Mr. Zhang called me just now and asked me to inform you. Now the people in Juying are listening to the media's troubles, saying that they are for you to come over and watch." Bi Luochun continued.

"Okay, I'll go over right away!" Fang Zhiqiang stood up before he finished speaking.

Fang Zhiqiang didn’t want to let Juying’s people give the team a chance to hide the scientific research team after all!

"I'm on the road now, and I've just called with the bald head." Bi Luochun said while honking his horn frantically. It was obvious that he was also very anxious, although he still doesn't know, Yuet Media Inside, what is hidden.

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