My Best Wife

Chapter 2349: Complex international trade

Seeing Zhang Zhenguo’s anxious expression, Bi Luochun on the side was silent. He had already agreed with Zhang Zhenguo’s decision and wanted to endure this matter, but faced with Li Xiaoxiao’s persistent opposition at this moment, he also No idea again, Bi Luochun at this time also wanted to ask Zhiqiang's opinion.

After all, this matter is imminent. If we continue to postpone it like this, we don’t know when it will be resolved, and Bi Luochun also knows very well that if we continue to discuss with Li Xiaoxiao and Zhang Zhenguo, it will be difficult for a result to come out. .

However, Li Xiaoxiao insisted on not telling Fang Zhiqiang about this, which made Bi Luochun a little anxious, but he looked at Zhang Zhenguo's anxious appearance and could not make Li Xiaoxiao change his mind. Obviously, he knew that even though If you speak at this moment, there will be no results.

Therefore, in the end, Bi Luochun, who was helpless, still did not choose to speak. After Li Xiaoxiao hung up the phone, Zhang Zhenguo said to Li Xiaoxiao anxiously: "Director Li, since we can’t help but why If you don't tell Mr. Fang about this, let him make up his mind?"

"President Fang? Where is President Fang? Is there still President Fang in Mingda?" Li Xiaoxiao said with a disapproving expression.

"Director Li, I understand that you feel sorry for Mr. Fang and do not want him to continue to work, but you should also understand that Mr. Fang gave Mingda to us not to see Mingda degenerate day by day. If he comes back and sees Mingda now Like this, guess what he thinks in his heart?" Zhang Zhenguo looked at Li Xiaoxiao helplessly and said.

Hearing this, Li Xiaoxiao’s eyes gradually drooped. She naturally knew this, but she didn’t know why. Perhaps it was because of the unwillingness to admit defeat in her heart, or it might be like what Zhang Zhenguo said, just not wanting to disturb the current Fang Zhiqiang. I just want to carry everything on my own.

"No need to discuss, this matter will be handled as I said, Mr. Zhang, please believe me, and please give me a chance. If I fail this time, I will never interfere with your decision. !" Li Xiaoxiao looked up at Zhang Zhenguo at this moment with a firm face, and said in an unquestionable tone.

But when Li Xiaoxiao's voice fell, Zhang Zhenguo said helplessly again: "If it fails this time, Mingda will have no future. Director Li, don't you understand this truth?"

"Of course I understand, so I won't let myself do it, even if it's not for you, I will fight for myself!" Li Xiaoxiao said firmly again.

Seeing Li Xiaoxiao's affirmative expression, Zhang Zhenguo and Bi Luochun became silent. Both of them knew very well that at this moment, Li Xiaoxiao, no matter who came to persuade him, it didn't work.

"Director Li, I know that you are a very high-spirited woman. This is not a bad thing, but if you bet the entire Mingda because of this, it would be irresponsible to all Mingda employees and also to me. And the irresponsibility to President Bi, what do you think?"

Even if Zhang Zhenguo knows how to persuade him, he may not have any effect, but he is still unwilling to compromise like this. After all, his idea has been formed. It is very difficult for Li Xiaoxiao to change his mind, but let Zhang Zhenguo change his mind. What?

But listening to Zhang Zhenguo's words at this moment, Li Xiaoxiao did not speak again, but looked at Zhang Zhenguo silently, pondering for a long time without saying a word.

Seeing Li Xiaoxiao's strange appearance, Zhang Zhenguo also frowned unnaturally, and then said again: "Director Li...why are you looking at me like this?"

Li Xiaoxiao still did not speak, but Bi Luochun on the side already understood what Li Xiaoxiao meant. At this moment, he finally said, "Forget it, just do what Xiaoxiao said."

"Mr. Bi, why are you..." Zhang Zhenguo suddenly panicked. Originally, Bi Luochun had been on the united front with him. At least the two of them had the same idea, but now, even Bi Luochun doesn't know what Bi Luochun thinks. When did it change? Even if Zhang Zhenguo knew that Bi Luochun might not be a very assertive person, he couldn't accommodate others without a bottom line!

"Mr. Zhang, I understand what you want to say. It's not that my thoughts have changed, but that we can't change Xiaoxiao's thoughts. In this case, we can only follow Xiaoxiao's method, otherwise, this matter will continue. In the end, it is Mingda who suffers. You should understand this."

Bi Luochun also said this to Zhang Zhenguo in a helpless tone at this moment.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhenguo had to sigh helplessly. In the end, he still didn't think Li Xiaoxiao's solution was feasible, but he had no choice but to accept it.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Bi, don’t worry, I will do my best to fight with them to the end. Those who want to get away from the intellect, I will try to recover, if it’s not possible, I hope you don’t blame me, at least You should know that I have worked hard to understand the future, and I will be responsible for the decisions I make." Li Xiaoxiao looked at both of them and sighed helplessly, and immediately promised.

But in the face of Li Xiaoxiao's guarantee, Zhang Zhenguo is still full of reluctance. At this time, Mingda needs not such a pale and weak guarantee, but the hope and motivation to live!

But if Li Xiaoxiao did this, it would only make all the employees of Mingda more flustered. They would not think so thoughtfully like themselves, they can only see what is in front of them.

Those companies leaving Mingda will only increase their inner fear and panic, but they will not think of Mingda's future.

In the face of such a group of people, no matter what they say to them, they will not completely change themselves. No matter what time they can see, they are still only in front of them.

Perhaps they will hate Lin Guozheng in their hearts, but they know that even if Lin Guozheng is punished, Mingda’s loss will still not be restored. On the contrary, if he is let go, it will have no effect on Mingdafei, but it can stop those who want Isn't this a good thing to break away from Mingda?

Just when Zhang Zhenguo and Bi Luochun turned around and looked helpless to leave, Li Xiaoxiao suddenly spoke again and said: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Bi, if Lin Guozheng is released, he will not let us go, I I want you to know that the only way we can go now is to fight to the end. Since Lin Guozheng stepped into our Mingda, we have no retreat!"

Both Zhang Zhenguo and Bi Luochun stopped at the door. Li Xiaoxiao's remarks finally awakened Zhang Zhenguo. He had considered this before. The reason why he was not worried was not that Lin Guozheng would be someone who understands. Those who are grateful, but Lin Guozheng will definitely hurt his vitality after this incident. If he was still a smart person and had a little sense of reason, he wouldn't do anything to Mingda on the cusp of this storm.

However, as the days to come will be so long, Lin Guozheng may be troubled by Mingda again at any time. After suffering this loss, Lin Guozheng will be more prepared when he acts again next time. This time Mingda relies on the bald head and the Bi. The stubborn resistance of Luo Chun and others finally defeated Lin Guozheng, but next time, maybe there will be no such good luck.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhenguo suddenly turned around, nodded slightly to Li Xiaoxiao, and said word by word: "Director Li, I agree with your decision! No matter when, Mingda will never give up!"

Zhang Zhenguo still doesn't know that his words at the moment will soon become the corporate motto of the entire Mingda!

Yes, Mingda never retreats. Even if he once faced a behemoth like Juying, Mingda could survive strong, let alone this irrelevant layman now?

Isn’t it just a mere international trade group? Isn't it just a mere Lin Guozheng? Zhang Zhenguo also wanted to see how much energy he has!

China World Trade Group is a family business, with Lin Guozheng as the founder. Nearly half of the executives in the entire company have intimate relationships with him.

Of course, this shows that Lin Guo is a very nostalgic person, and put all his nephews in China World Trade Center.

However, only his own son is the only one who is reluctant to join. This is a thorn in Lin Guozheng's heart. For so many years, he has been angry because of this.

But there is no way. Now that I am old, not to mention whether I want children sooner or later, even if I want it, it has become a permanent regret due to my age and energy.

This has formed a phenomenon. Originally, those nephews of Lin Guozheng, being able to join China World Trade Center and become an executive is already something that they will show off for a lifetime.

But because Lin Guozheng's son was unwilling to join the International Trade, some crazy ideas sprouted in their hearts. They all took Lin Guozheng as an example, hoping that they could become like Lin Guozheng in the future.

This makes them feel subtly that they have to sit in the position of Lin Guozheng to be able to be just like Lin Guozheng, majestic!

However, when Lin Guozheng, no one dared to show this. They just performed very well in front of Lin Guozheng. I hope that he can get Lin Guozheng's attention. If this continues, as long as Lin Guozheng can one day see It is clear that China World Trade Group will not be able to hand over to his own son in the future, so he might notice his nephew.

Among these nephews, there is one person named Lin Yaochen. In recent years, Lin Guozheng has admired him, and even Lin Guozheng once thought that if he was his own son, it would be fine.

This time, the threat of Mingda's letting go of Lin Guozheng with the company's separation from Mingda was organized by Lin Yaochen.

Speaking of Lin Yaochen, who is only twenty-seven years old, he has achieved the position of director of the International Trade Corporation's marketing department. It is not groundless. When Lin Yaochen first joined the International Trade Corporation, he also started as a small salesperson. He can indeed bear hardships and stand hard work. , The ability is also extremely outstanding, just entering the International Trade Center for half a year, can not help but walk into the eyes of Lin Guozheng.

Seeing such an excellent nephew of himself, Lin Guozheng naturally carried out some training without hesitation, and finally, after three years, let him sit on the position of minister.

This position is important for retail companies like China World Trade Group, and it can be said to be the lifeblood of China World Trade Group!

However, Lin Yaochen has never let Lin Guozheng disappointed in these years. He has never been greedy for anything, nor has he used publicity for personal gain. The reputation and prestige he has built in the group over the years can be said to be handicapped by the entire group. Countable.

Finally, Lin Yaochen's excellence caused Lin Guozheng's jealousy.

He gradually discovered that Lin Yaochen seemed to have no desires and desires, and now he has taken the position of minister, but he still works hard and never wanted to ask for anything by himself. Originally, Lin Guozheng was quite happy and thought Lin Yaochen was a very sensible person. Son's nephew.

However, he gradually discovered that although Lin Yaochen didn't want anything, he still had everything. He gained popularity, prestige, and reputation. Even the entire marketing department looked at him as his head, and he seemed to be gone. He is the president.

This made Lin Guozheng aware of the crisis. Although he admired his nephew, if he was asked to hand over the China World Trade Group to him, Lin Guozheng would obviously still be unwilling. After all, he has his own son.

However, when he wanted to remove Lin Yaochen from that position, he realized that he had more than enough energy and was insufficient. Once he was removed, the entire marketing department would be implicated. You know, this is the lifeblood of China World Trade Center! If there is any trouble in the marketing department, the whole China World Trade Center will have to tremble with it!

It is precisely because of this that Lin Guozheng pays more attention to his son. Even if his son is unwilling to join China World Trade Center now, Lin Guozheng is still waiting patiently, waiting for him to turn around one day, and before he does, he must Ensure his health and a clean resume.

However, because of the incident with Li Xiaoxiao in the bar last time, his son, who had a fairly clean resume, was finally drawn with a black bar.

Therefore, he hates Li Xiaoxiao and Mingda!

Of course, Lin Yaochen had a panoramic view of all this.

Before Lin Guozheng's accident, Lin Yaochen had always adhered to his duty, never asking questions that had nothing to do with work, because he knew that his opportunity had not really come.

Finally, Huang Tian lived up to his heart, Lin Yaochen's waiting was not in vain, as Lin Guo is being arrested, he finally started, ready to move!

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